The Church’s deepest call is to love without limit: we pray for the renewal of the Church and an end to the scourge of clericalism … we pray especially for our Chief Shepherd, Pope Francis, our own Bishop Declan and the whole College of Bishops: with humility and love may they guide us wisely, compassionately and courageously

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
[response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

The World’s call is to be human,  and to protect the life and well-being of every person:  that all races and nations will struggle for peace rather than struggle in war: for the peoples of the Middle East, Yemen and South Sudan and the world’s many theatres of conflict

                             LORD YOU CALL US…

Our Parish Community’s call is to embrace Jesus’ challenge to be the Shepherd for the people of the Inner City, a place of welcome for all without exception: may we gather the poor and broken into healing and hope, and the excluded into belonging; following the Shepherd may we reach out to all and inviting them to the Table of the Lord

                             LORD YOU CALL US…

Some are called to ordained ministry or the religious life:  for the students of our Diocese studying for the priesthood in seminaries, especially Henry as he journeys among us here at St Nicks; for those studying for the permanent diaconate in their own parishes;  for our young women and men that they might welcome God’s call to serve with their whole lives in ordained Ministry and Religious Life; for the Church that we might be open to new forms of ordained ministry as the Spirit calls and shapes in our age and for our world

                             LORD YOU CALL US…

All of us are equally called through Baptism and Confirmation to holiness and to ministry:  for our young people and children that they might grow in a sense of vocation, especially those preparing for First Eucharist; for those called to the single life or to Christian marriage may give themselves faithfully to their particular vocation: may we all answer the call to be shepherds one to another, serving the Kingdom and the Gospel, with love for one another and our world;

                             LORD YOU CALL US…

We are all called to life and wholeness:  for those afflicted with hunger and malnutrition, with mental turmoil and disability, for the housebound of our parish, and also for ….
for all who have died recently, especially …. and all who have died of famine or war;
for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

                              LORD YOU CALL US…

Let us ask Mary, who uttered her ‘Yes’ to God’s Call,  to pray that each will embrace our vocation more profoundly…

                              HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence for unknown needs…


‘Simon Peter, do you love me?’ … Jesus forgives and heals the failures of Peter and the first Apostles:  may Pope Francis be strengthened to lead the Church as a community of forgiveness and mercy, of humility, honesty and renewal … that through our failures we may  grow to love the Lord with such intensity that the world will be challenged to believe

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                                [response]         Send us in the power of your love

The beloved disciple cried out, ‘It is the Lord’ … may all in our society who find it so hard to believe recognise the Lord in all his goodness, life-giving and healing in the midst of our contemporary world of joy and sorrow, hope and hurt

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…

John saw in his vision all creation praising and worshipping our God … may our parish community grow deeper in its prayerfulness, welcome times of adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist, care for our planet and rejoice to praise the wonder of God in all creation 

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…

‘Obedience to God comes before obedience to men’ says Peter boldly … may we have love’s courage to obey God first, to build a world of equality and freedom, to challenge every injustice, racism and discrimination, safeguarding the dignity of all, especially the vulnerable and those seeking safe refuge and asylum among us and throughout Europe: we pray especially for our brother Azeem, detained this week pending removal to Pakistan where is life is threatened

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…

‘We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit’ … may we open wide our hearts to the power of the Spirit that will send us out as joyful witnesses to the Good News, prophets of peace and healers of our brothers and sisters; we pray that our young people will catch from us something of the fire of the Spirit – and we also from them

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus healed Peter and the others of their infidelities … may God bring healing and peace to all our hearts, empower us in the healing ministry of this parish, and bring wholeness to all for whom we pray ….
For the final healing of the Resurrection for all who died recently, especially those who are victims of famine, terror and conflict;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular

[reader]               LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray with us, pray for us…


We pray in a moment of silent love…


Thomas remained in doubt until he returned to the community of faith:  for the unity of all God’s Church,  that together we will offer to an unbelieving world a convincing sign of faith, proclaiming the Risen Lord of the Church

                              JESUS IS RISEN…
[response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Thomas saw and he believed:  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot see;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot hope;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot trust – that Christians everywhere and our Parish here will draw many to a renewed faith in the Risen Christ

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus’ wounds were healing for broken disciples:  may we have the courage to face our own brokenness,  walk with others in their brokenness with an unconditional love,  and allow miracles of healing to flow from our community

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus sent his disciples to touch the wounds of the world, forgiving and reconciling:  that the Church of God will challenge the madness of knife and gun crimes in our cities and towns; will challenge war and terrorism, creating peace and miracles of new beginnings, especially throughout the Middle East and central Africa; for all communities of Reconciliation – Corrymeela and Rostrevor in Northern Ireland;  Taizé in France;  Pax Christi throughout the world; may we all be living parables of reconciliation

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus speaks the Easter ‘Peace’:  may we always serve peace in our fractured world:  serve healing for every distressed heart and wounded mind especially those traumatised by refugee journeys; for peace in the streets and homes of the Inner City: we pray especially for all those baptised today and throughout this Easter period

                             JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus comes among them and heals:  for the sick of body and mind, and for all who are darkened by depression; we pray in particular for ….
May He share His Resurrection with all who have died recently, especially …. and all victims of terror and conflict  and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: Norah Hall and Alan Hope

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Mary,  sharing most fully the Resurrection of Jesus, pray with us and for us…


We pray for others needs in a  moment of silence

Easter Sunday Bidding Prayers

Jesus is Risen!  May all God’s People shout to the world from the housetops that He is alive among us … may Pope Francis and Bishop Declan give powerful witness to the Resurrection and may our transformed lives speak louder than our words

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  May the Earth know the Power of Resurrection by nations living in peace, respecting human dignity and the rights of all women and men;  banishing hunger and exploitation from the earth;  protecting  our fragile environment: we pray for peace, freedom and justice for peoples everywhere and especially for the Peoples of the entire Middle East and in Sudan and central Africa

              [reader]   LORD JESUS…

Jesus is Risen!  As we recognise in the Breaking of the Bread the Crucified One alive among us, may we renew our commitment to our Risen Brother, Jesus Christ; our dedication to loving service of one another;  and, as missionary disciples, to witness to his fearless love and transform our city,  our society and our world

               [reader]   LORD JESUS…

Jesus is Risen!  May the Christian Churches of the Inner City grow closer in trust and genuine partnership, to bring the Joy of the Gospel and the Living Hope of the Risen Christ to our streets and communities              

[reader]   LORD JESUS…

Jesus is Risen!  We bring to the Lord our brothers and sisters immersed in Easter Sacraments,  and our children baptised this Easter day: may they each grow always in the love of our Risen Lord: may all parents find joy in sharing faith with their children; may and may our parish family grow in deeper love for each other and profound openness to the Spirit of the Risen One

               [reader]   LORD JESUS…

Jesus is Risen!  May His Passover from death to life be healing for the sick of body and mind:   we pray especially for  all the housebound who have not been able to join us around the Table of the Risen Lord, and for the hundreds injured in the attacks in Sri Lanka; in particular we pray for ….
May He share His Resurrection with all who have died recently: … and all killed in the attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka and in the horror of war and terror, especially in the Middle East;
and we seek Risen Peace for all of our community who have died since our last celebration of Easter Life,  and all whose anniversaries occur at this time:

               [reader]   LORD JESUS…

Mary, destined to share most fully the Resurrection of Your Son,  pray for us that we may live in His love…

                                        HAIL MARY…

We pray for others needs in a moment of silence…

Palm/Passion Sunday

May the Church share the humility of our Servant-King, who comes to His world not with the force of power but with the power of love, and so serve the world in its struggles with a humble compassion: we pray both wisdom and courage for Pope Francis and all our bishops

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

For the unity of the whole Church gathered at the foot of the Cross this week:  that all Christians in our diverse traditions may move from arrogance to humility, from dogmatism to openness, from division to communion

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD

For all who hold authority and government in both Church and State, that they may serve the peace of the world, the dignity of every human person, the justice and protection of the innocent and vulnerable, especially refugees and those seeking safe asylum and all victims of human trafficking: we pray for the peace of the Holy Land and the whole Middle East region, with the building of a Fellowship of all believers in the service of a more stable and just world

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD

For all prisoners: that those held unjustly be released soon; that those rightfully convicted be held in conditions worthy of children of God; that our penal system be reformed to serve rehabilitation more than punishment: we pray for all prison chaplains at this time

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD

That this Holy Week may see us renew our commitment to Jesus Christ, to his mission of love and mercy in the world;  for the Church’s catechumens receiving Sacraments of Initiation and all those on the ‘Journey of Faith’; that those who have given up their faith may hear again the Good News and return to Christ;  that those who have never believed may find New Life in Christ’s Crucified Love

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD

That the wounds of Christ may be healing for those addicted to drugs and alcohol, and for the sick of body and mind:   especially for the sick and housebound ….
that the death of Christ will bring eternal life to all who have died recently, especially … and all killed in conflict and war;
for anniversaries at this time ….

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD

Let us stand with Mary, before the Cross of a suffering world, and pray in particular for a lasting peace in the Land we call ‘Holy’ …  

                            HAIL MARY…

Let us be still before our Crucified God…

5th Sunday Lent Year C

That with the leadership of Pope Francis, the Church will always seek to fling wide open the Gates of God’s Mercy for the world, proclaiming the Gospel of Forgiveness and compassion by actions as well as words  

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …
[response:]         MAKE US BEARERS OF YOUR MERCY …

For the healing of a world of broken relationships and infidelities, a world where sex is debased and not reverenced as sacred, where too many are abused and used

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …

For a peace born of a new mercy, where age-old conflicts are healed by mercy and compassion, where human beings become more important than traditions

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …

For all women and children who are abused and exploited, especially those abused by clergy and religious: that we might build a Church and a society that is safe and protects the dignity of all especially those with little power

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …

For those who have neglected their life of faith, that they will hear and answer the call of Jesus to return to closeness with God;  that this Holy Week we might see them come back to the Christ who has died for love of them; for all Catechumens and all children and their families preparing for Sacraments of Initiation this Easter

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …

For the healing and freedom of the sick and housebound, the depressed and those in mental turmoil, those wounded by war, torture and abuse, and for all who accompany them on the journey to wholeness
that the dead may be unbound for eternal glory, in particular  those who have died on the refugee journey to freedom and all victims of terrorism;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time

                    [READER]           LORD WE PRAY …

Mary Mother of Mercy, pray with us for many to return to your Son Jesus this Easter
                                                     HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


For our Universal Pastor, Pope Francis, that God will gift him with strength, wisdom and courage as he serves to unbind the Church from all dysfunction and disunity,  lead us along the paths of reform and renewal and inspire us for mission, that we might proclaim Life to a world seeking to discover how to live with renewed humanity: 

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]        SET US FREE!

For a world held bound by poverty, drugs, alcohol, injustice and exploitation; for a world imprisoned in cycles of war, violence and the lust for power that leads to aggression; for a world struggling to be free to live in harmony with creation and in peace with each other: that we may have the courage to be prophets of the Justice and Peace of Christ

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For all held captive and bound by depression and their wounded past, that they experience healing’s freedom; for all who care for or counsel the depressed and emotionally wounded, that wise and profound listening might set free from inner darkness; for the healing of all scarred by memories of terror in the countries from which they have fled

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For all bound up and entombed in poverty and unemployment, that they will know their dignity; that the leaders of nations and economies will bring justice and hope to the developing nations; for all suffering from famine, racism and class inequality,  and for those held in immigration detention centres

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For those who have neglected their life of faith, that they will hear and answer the call of Jesus to return to closeness with God;  that this Holy Week we might see them come back to the Christ who has died for love of them; for our Catechumens and our children and their families preparing for Sacraments of Initiation this Easter

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For the peoples of Syria and Yemen suffering barbaric war and oppression; for all young people drawn towards destructive radicalisation; for those nations torn apart by civil conflict in the Middle East and Africa; for our refugee brothers and sister looking to us in vain for safety and freedom 

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

That the sick be unbound from their suffering by the healing voice of Christ:
that the dead may be unbound for eternal glory, in particular … and all killed in the cycles of war, violence and famine around the world;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: 

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

Mary, Prophet of the Poor, pray with us to unbind the world of injustice    

HAIL MARY…        

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


‘The Father ran to the boy and kissed him’ … may the Church continue to throw open the doors of God’s mercy and forgiveness and draw all people to experience God’s unconditional love for them; may Pope Francis be blessed with energy and courage as he lead us to a more humble and open, transparent and equal Church, renewed to be a more credible witness to the mercy and love of God

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …
                                                       [people]            TEACH US HOW TO FORGIVE

‘The younger son squandered his money on a life of debauchery’ … that our society which wastes money and energy on so much that dehumanises and destroys be converted to a new set of values and priorities: may our nation leave behind its coarseness of heart

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

‘I will leave this place and return to my Father’ … that we might all come to a renewed love for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Forgiveness; that many who have been far from Christ be reconciled with God this Lent; that our priests will minister this Sacrament with the gentleness and compassion of Christ

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

‘We are ambassadors for Christ, appealing: be reconciled’ … that by our witness we might bring many to new life in Christ; for miracles of peace and reconciliation in Syria and Yemen, that soon there will be a lasting peace built on freedom and justice; that Britain and all Europe will act with humanity and compassion towards the thousands fleeing war, poverty and conflict

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

‘From that year, the Israelites fed on the produce of the land’ … we pray for all who work to land to produce our food; we pray for all our rural communities and for the young people who grow in them; we pray that we will all come to a renewed reverence for the land and its creatures and cease wasting vast quantities of the world’s food

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

We pray for our mothers on this Mothering Sunday, thanking them for choosing to love us; we pray for mothers who know the sorrow of bereavement or separation, especially those mothers who are forcibly separated from their children because of having to seek safe refuge in a foreign land;  for single mothers as they seek to give all the love needed by their children; and for children who do not experience a mother’s love; for all women whose yearnings for a child has not yet been fulfilled

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

‘For anyone in Christ there is a new creation’ … we pray healing for the sick and housebound, especially those who are terminally ill;
we pray eternal life for all victims of the Cyclone in Southern Africa;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time:

[reader]             FORGIVING GOD …

May Mary, Mother of the Church, pray with us for all our mothers living and dead, and especially for all refugee mothers…       


We pray in a moment of silence for the Spirit of God to guide the Church at this time…


That God’s People will reject every darkness and choose the Light of Christ, and free our world of injustice and poverty so that all can live together in joy, freedom and equality
                                                                [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

Before the harsh darkness of war and violence in Syria and Yemen, we stand with their afflicted peoples: before the harsh darkness of the millions in refugee camps yearning for freedom, peace and a place to belong: we pray the light of peace to come and never be extinguished;


We pray for all the Church’s catechumens as they journey towards the Light of Christ in Easter Sacraments; for our children journeying towards Jesus’ love in Baptism and Eucharist: may they each know God’s blessing and may the joy of following Christ touch their hearts


We pray for all who are suffering from the effects of Global Warming: rising oceans, more extreme weather conditions and pollution of the oceans – may we see the light and change our life-styles so as to heal our planet for future generations; we pray especially on this Mothers’ Day for all mothers who have to watch their children suffer or die of famine and preventable disease 


We pray for our mothers on this Mothering Sunday, thanking them for choosing to love us; we pray for mothers who know the sorrow of bereavement or separation, especially those mothers who are forcibly separated from their children because of having to seek safe refuge in a foreign land;  for single mothers as they seek to give all the love needed by their children; and for children who do not experience a mother’s love; for all  women whose yearnings for a child has not yet been fulfilled


For the young people of the Church that they will speak their voice, their hopes and dreams, and so build a Church where they can belong, a Church that will respond creatively to the yearnings and challenges of young Christians

For healing for all afflicted with blindness;  for light for all trapped in the darkness of depression; for the sick,  especially ….
For all who have died recently, especially those who perished in the Cyclone that hit southern Africa, and all who have died of famine and war
and all whose anniversaries are at this time


Mary,  bring the light of Christ’s love to all mothers and guide the families preparing for a child’s baptism this Easter…



Jesus says, ‘If you only knew what God is offering…’:   that the People of God will always offer our world the living water of the Holy Spirit to heal the brokenness of war,  melt the hardness of violence,  cleanse the sinfulness of oppression and bring humanity to a new birth 

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                                                 [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘Give me some of that water…’:  as the people of the world thirst for peace and freedom,  may conflict end and the people’s cries be heard, especially throughout the Middle East particularly Syria and Yemen, and in Kashmir and Central Africa; may all the world hear the cries of the women and children caught in war zones and famines of human making

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

Jesus says, ‘Ask and I will give you living water…’:  may we drink deeply from the well of Christ’s love through our prayer, our liturgy, our communion with the poor of the earth – that this Lent will not pass us by, but we will stop and drink from the well of the Holy Spirit’s love and life: we pray especially for the communities and peoples of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe devastated by the Cyclone

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

The woman says, ‘Come and see the man…’: that we will have the courage and the love to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Good News of God’s Mercy, with friends and neighbours, share our love for Him in our streets and communities – we pray for all on our Journey of Faith and all the Catechumens of the Church preparing for Easter Sacraments: may they all know the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

Jesus says, ‘Give me a drink…’:  for an end of Government enforced Destitution and homelessness among our sisters and brothers seeking safe asylum; that we will stop harming our fragile planet, reduce consumption of essential resources, end polluting our earth and its waters;  that our nation will act decisively to provide enough homes for all our people and end the scourge of homelessness

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

Jesus says, ‘the water I shall give will turn into the spring of the Spirit inside you…’: for all parents preparing for the baptism of their children; for our children preparing to find Christ in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation; for all couples preparing for Christian marriage

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

The woman says, ‘He knew all about me!…’:  for deep healing of the hurts of heart and body known only to Jesus;  for all who suffer Leprosy and the Lepra Charity which serves them; for the sick and all who care for them in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes and in the community;
we pray for all who died recently especially the victims of the Cyclone in Southern Africa
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                                 [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…

Mary, vessel of the Spirit & Mother of the Church, pray with us for the homeless & all afflicted by our bad weather conditions

                                                                            HAIL MARY… 

Let us drink from the well of silent prayer for a moment…