‘The Father ran to the boy and kissed him’ … may the Church continue to throw open the doors of God’s mercy and forgiveness and draw all people to experience God’s unconditional love for them; may Pope Francis be blessed with energy and courage as he lead us to a more humble and open, transparent and equal Church, renewed to be a more credible witness to the mercy and love of God
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
‘The younger son squandered his money on a life of debauchery’ … that our society which wastes money and energy on so much that dehumanises and destroys be converted to a new set of values and priorities: may our nation leave behind its coarseness of heart
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
‘I will leave this place and return to my Father’ … that we might all come to a renewed love for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Forgiveness; that many who have been far from Christ be reconciled with God this Lent; that our priests will minister this Sacrament with the gentleness and compassion of Christ
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
‘We are ambassadors for Christ, appealing: be reconciled’ … that by our witness we might bring many to new life in Christ; for miracles of peace and reconciliation in Syria and Yemen, that soon there will be a lasting peace built on freedom and justice; that Britain and all Europe will act with humanity and compassion towards the thousands fleeing war, poverty and conflict
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
‘From that year, the Israelites fed on the produce of the land’ … we pray for all who work to land to produce our food; we pray for all our rural communities and for the young people who grow in them; we pray that we will all come to a renewed reverence for the land and its creatures and cease wasting vast quantities of the world’s food
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
We pray for our mothers on this Mothering Sunday, thanking them for choosing to love us; we pray for mothers who know the sorrow of bereavement or separation, especially those mothers who are forcibly separated from their children because of having to seek safe refuge in a foreign land; for single mothers as they seek to give all the love needed by their children; and for children who do not experience a mother’s love; for all women whose yearnings for a child has not yet been fulfilled
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
‘For anyone in Christ there is a new creation’ … we pray healing for the sick and housebound, especially those who are terminally ill;
we pray eternal life for all victims of the Cyclone in Southern Africa;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time:
[reader] FORGIVING GOD …
May Mary, Mother of the Church, pray with us for all our mothers living and dead, and especially for all refugee mothers…
We pray in a moment of silence for the Spirit of God to guide the Church at this time…