Mass Times

SUNDAY:    PARISH MASS at 10.00am (live-streamed on parish website)
                           Monthly Mass with the LBGTQ+ community and friends at 3.00pm (all welcome)

MONDAY:     No Liturgy

 TUESDAY: Feast of St Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles
                           Adoration at 6.00pm         Mass at 6.30pm

WEDNESDAY:   Feast of St Charbel Maklouf, Maronite Monk and Priest (1828-1898)
                                    Adoration at 6.00pm     Mass at 6.30pm

THURSDAY:      Feast of St James, First Martyr among the Apostles
                                   Adoration at 11.30am     Mass at 12noon

FRIDAY:       Feast of Ss Joachim and Anne, Parents of Mary, Mother of the Lord
                          Adoration at 8.30am     Mass at 9.00am

SATURDAY:     Adoration at 11.30am Mass at 12.00 noon
                                             Sacrament of Reconciliation: After Mass and 4.00-4.30pm

TODAY [1]  On the Sixteenth Sunday of Year B we celebrate Jesus the Good Shepherd who puts aside his and the Apostles need for space to rest and ‘de-brief’ after their first experience of mission. Always the needs of broken humanity, wounded, defeated people come before His own need. He serves and shepherds with a generous heart that knows no limits. Our world of today needs us to touch the wounds and serve with the same heart overflowing with the love of the Good Shepherd. Will we be His Heart, His compassion?
[2] Jenny Sowah (our new GiftAid co-ordinator) and Joel Etounde are speaking at the end of Mass about how you can support the parish by simply making a standing order and signing a GiftAid form so that the parish can receive in addition to the  money you give, the income tax you will be paying on that sum. In that way your gift of eg £4 becomes £5!
[3] We gather with the LGBTQ+ community, families and friends for their monthly Mass at 3.00pm. As ever all are welcome – why not come and share and encourage them.

NEXT SUNDAY [1]    With the Seventeenth Sunday of Year B we celebrate Jesus Bread of Life who responds to physical hunger and deprivation as well as spiritual hunger for meaning and hope. We interrupt the series of readings form Mark’s Gospel to proclaim and explore John’s great teaching o the Word and Eucharist which we find in his Sixth Chapter. We hear how he embraces the gift of a child and then feeds over 5000 people! Was it multiplying loaves and fishes or was it changing people’s hearts to sharing the little they has do that all are fed? Like Jesus we need to feed a world of hunger and famine as well as feeding the inner search for hope and freedom in God.
[2] It is also SEA SUNDAY and we are praying for and taking a Retiring Collection in support of the Church’s mission among those serving on the seas. Seafarers and fishers can lead hard and dangerous lives. Your gifts and prayers will help them get the support they need. The Church’s Mission to seafarers is a vital life-line for so many, helping to protect them from exploitation and working conditions very like modern forms of slavery. Do please support Sea Sunday as generously as you can

DIOCESAN PRAYER    The Diocese prays today for Parish in Communion for Mission of St Bonaventure, Bristol, served by Mgr Canon Bernard Massey, Deacons Andrew Bent, Bartek Kowalewski, Parish Administrator Joanna Adamek, and all their community.

PRAY FOR THIS WEEK’S PARISH MINISTRY OR MISSION    We pray for our Ministry of Church Cleaning. Our church building is a sacred space where the awesome act of Eucharist is celebrated and the People of God gather to worship and build together community for mission. Every week the church needs cleaning so that we can worthily offer worship to God. We really need more volunteers to share the ministry and work. There can be some flexibility about day and time for the cleaning – please contact Richard to join the team.