Jesus says, ‘If you only knew what God is offering…’: that the People of God will always offer our world the living water of the Holy Spirit to heal the brokenness of war, melt the hardness of violence, cleanse the sinfulness of oppression and bring humanity to a new birth
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
The woman says, ‘Give me some of that water…’: as the people of the world thirst for peace and freedom, may conflict end and the people’s cries be heard, especially throughout the Middle East particularly Syria and Yemen, and in Kashmir and Central Africa; may all the world hear the cries of the women and children caught in war zones and famines of human making
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
Jesus says, ‘Ask and I will give you living water…’: may we drink deeply from the well of Christ’s love through our prayer, our liturgy, our communion with the poor of the earth – that this Lent will not pass us by, but we will stop and drink from the well of the Holy Spirit’s love and life: we pray especially for the communities and peoples of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe devastated by the Cyclone
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
The woman says, ‘Come and see the man…’: that we will have the courage and the love to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Good News of God’s Mercy, with friends and neighbours, share our love for Him in our streets and communities – we pray for all on our Journey of Faith and all the Catechumens of the Church preparing for Easter Sacraments: may they all know the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
Jesus says, ‘Give me a drink…’: for an end of Government enforced Destitution and homelessness among our sisters and brothers seeking safe asylum; that we will stop harming our fragile planet, reduce consumption of essential resources, end polluting our earth and its waters; that our nation will act decisively to provide enough homes for all our people and end the scourge of homelessness
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
Jesus says, ‘the water I shall give will turn into the spring of the Spirit inside you…’: for all parents preparing for the baptism of their children; for our children preparing to find Christ in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation; for all couples preparing for Christian marriage
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
The woman says, ‘He knew all about me!…’: for deep healing of the hurts of heart and body known only to Jesus; for all who suffer Leprosy and the Lepra Charity which serves them; for the sick and all who care for them in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes and in the community;
we pray for all who died recently especially the victims of the Cyclone in Southern Africa
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time:
[reader] LORD WE THIRST…
Mary, vessel of the Spirit & Mother of the Church, pray with us for the homeless & all afflicted by our bad weather conditions
Let us drink from the well of silent prayer for a moment…