‘Simon Peter, do you love me?’ … Jesus forgives and heals the failures of Peter and the first Apostles: may Pope Francis be strengthened to lead the Church as a community of forgiveness and mercy, of humility, honesty and renewal … that through our failures we may grow to love the Lord with such intensity that the world will be challenged to believe
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] Send us in the power of your love
The beloved disciple cried out, ‘It is the Lord’ … may all in our society who find it so hard to believe recognise the Lord in all his goodness, life-giving and healing in the midst of our contemporary world of joy and sorrow, hope and hurt
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
John saw in his vision all creation praising and worshipping our God … may our parish community grow deeper in its prayerfulness, welcome times of adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist, care for our planet and rejoice to praise the wonder of God in all creation
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘Obedience to God comes before obedience to men’ says Peter boldly … may we have love’s courage to obey God first, to build a world of equality and freedom, to challenge every injustice, racism and discrimination, safeguarding the dignity of all, especially the vulnerable and those seeking safe refuge and asylum among us and throughout Europe: we pray especially for our brother Azeem, detained this week pending removal to Pakistan where is life is threatened
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit’ … may we open wide our hearts to the power of the Spirit that will send us out as joyful witnesses to the Good News, prophets of peace and healers of our brothers and sisters; we pray that our young people will catch from us something of the fire of the Spirit – and we also from them
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
Jesus healed Peter and the others of their infidelities … may God bring healing and peace to all our hearts, empower us in the healing ministry of this parish, and bring wholeness to all for whom we pray ….
For the final healing of the Resurrection for all who died recently, especially those who are victims of famine, terror and conflict;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray with us, pray for us…
We pray in a moment of silent love…