Jesus is Risen! May all God’s People shout to the world from the housetops that He is alive among us … may Pope Francis and Bishop Declan give powerful witness to the Resurrection and may our transformed lives speak louder than our words
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Jesus is Risen! May the Earth know the Power of Resurrection by nations living in peace, respecting human dignity and the rights of all women and men; banishing hunger and exploitation from the earth; protecting our fragile environment: we pray for peace, freedom and justice for peoples everywhere and especially for the Peoples of the entire Middle East and in Sudan and central Africa
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Jesus is Risen! As we recognise in the Breaking of the Bread the Crucified One alive among us, may we renew our commitment to our Risen Brother, Jesus Christ; our dedication to loving service of one another; and, as missionary disciples, to witness to his fearless love and transform our city, our society and our world
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Jesus is Risen! May the Christian Churches of the Inner City grow closer in trust and genuine partnership, to bring the Joy of the Gospel and the Living Hope of the Risen Christ to our streets and communities
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Jesus is Risen! We bring to the Lord our brothers and sisters immersed in Easter Sacraments, and our children baptised this Easter day: may they each grow always in the love of our Risen Lord: may all parents find joy in sharing faith with their children; may and may our parish family grow in deeper love for each other and profound openness to the Spirit of the Risen One
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Jesus is Risen! May His Passover from death to life be healing for the sick of body and mind: we pray especially for all the housebound who have not been able to join us around the Table of the Risen Lord, and for the hundreds injured in the attacks in Sri Lanka; in particular we pray for ….
May He share His Resurrection with all who have died recently: … and all killed in the attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka and in the horror of war and terror, especially in the Middle East;
and we seek Risen Peace for all of our community who have died since our last celebration of Easter Life, and all whose anniversaries occur at this time:
[reader] LORD JESUS…
Mary, destined to share most fully the Resurrection of Your Son, pray for us that we may live in His love…
We pray for others needs in a moment of silence…