Thomas remained in doubt until he returned to the community of faith:  for the unity of all God’s Church,  that together we will offer to an unbelieving world a convincing sign of faith, proclaiming the Risen Lord of the Church

                              JESUS IS RISEN…
[response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Thomas saw and he believed:  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot see;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot hope;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot trust – that Christians everywhere and our Parish here will draw many to a renewed faith in the Risen Christ

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus’ wounds were healing for broken disciples:  may we have the courage to face our own brokenness,  walk with others in their brokenness with an unconditional love,  and allow miracles of healing to flow from our community

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus sent his disciples to touch the wounds of the world, forgiving and reconciling:  that the Church of God will challenge the madness of knife and gun crimes in our cities and towns; will challenge war and terrorism, creating peace and miracles of new beginnings, especially throughout the Middle East and central Africa; for all communities of Reconciliation – Corrymeela and Rostrevor in Northern Ireland;  Taizé in France;  Pax Christi throughout the world; may we all be living parables of reconciliation

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus speaks the Easter ‘Peace’:  may we always serve peace in our fractured world:  serve healing for every distressed heart and wounded mind especially those traumatised by refugee journeys; for peace in the streets and homes of the Inner City: we pray especially for all those baptised today and throughout this Easter period

                             JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus comes among them and heals:  for the sick of body and mind, and for all who are darkened by depression; we pray in particular for ….
May He share His Resurrection with all who have died recently, especially …. and all victims of terror and conflict  and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: Norah Hall and Alan Hope

                              JESUS IS RISEN…

Mary,  sharing most fully the Resurrection of Jesus, pray with us and for us…


We pray for others needs in a  moment of silence

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