For the unity of the Church, the Vine of God bearing the fruit of love in the world: for Pope Francis, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, for the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Moscow, Free Church and Pentecostal leaders
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
That the world might bear the fruit of peace where there is war, harmony where there is hostility, justice where there is oppression and freedom where people are powerless: we pray for all the peoples of the Middle East, in particular Palestine/Israel, and for Sudan, Mali, Cameroon that their right to peace, security and freedom will be respected by all
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
That our Parish Family during this time of change will always stay close to Jesus and each other, as Branches on the Vine, and draw life, truth and love from the Spirit of Christ, and experience the excitement of living in the Holy Spirit, using their gifts to shape the Vine of Christ, in a ‘new Way of being Church’
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
We pray for the Spirit of Wisdom to guide us as we vote in Local Government Elections: may God raise up good leadership and may the voices of the poor and marginalised be heard and their needs addressed
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
In the light of the new Law allowing those seeking asylum in UK to be transported to Rwanda, we pray with a repentant heart for more humane and just immigration policies in our land; that our nation will listen with compassion to the cries of those fleeing war, oppression and poverty; that the Home Office will be reformed; and for an end to the denial of the right to work for those those seeking safe sanctuary among us
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
For the healing of the wounded branches of the Vine: we pray for all bearing the wounds of abuse, for greater equality of health-care and vaccination provision around the world, and for all our ageing parishioners; and in particular for …
for all who have died recently, especially … and those who have died because of war, terror and poverty;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[Response] Glorify Your Name…
Mary, Mother of the Church who bore the fruit that is Christ, pray with us for the unity and mission of our Church…
We pray in a moment of silence…