‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them’ – may the Church always ‘fling wide open the gates of God’s Mercy’ and be a sign of God’s prodigious forgiveness in our broken world – may many who have experienced the Church’s rejection come home and find themselves again

[Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …
[People]                Teach us to forgive.

‘Rejoice with me … I have found the sheep that was lost’ – for those who have lost themselves in drug and alcohol addiction that they will find the joy of freedom, wholeness and new life: that the Church will seek always to be the Good Shepherd searching for the alienated, the Elder brother who brings home the lost to the Father’s love

[Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …

St Paul writes, ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save…’ – may all discover the freedom there is in forgiving one another, and political leaders everywhere embrace a new Politics of Forgiveness and so bring peace to our war-torn world, especially in Syria and Yemen

[Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …

‘Christ Jesus has judged me faithful enough to call me into his service’ – for the many young people of the Church who offer their time, energy and skills to bring Gospel hope and life to impoverished communities across the world: that Pope Francis’s call for a simpler and poorer Church inspire our young people to answer the call of Christ and serve the poor

[Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …

‘I shall leave this place and return to my father’ – for a renewal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our lives and our communities, that we shall find again the joy and life that comes from celebrating this Sacrament of Mercy and Forgiveness

                                           [Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …

For the healing and comforting of the sick, for those disturbed of mind that they might find peace, for those who have ruined their mental or physical health through addiction: and we pray especially for ….
We pray eternal life for those who have died recently, in particular … and all who have perished in war and conflict, especially in Syria
And for those whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular the victims of 9/11 and the wars and terror that has flowed from that atrocity

[Reader]               LORD WE PRAY …

Let us ask Mary to guide the Church to welcome home those who have lost their way
                                                                             HAIL MARY….

We now pray in a moment of silence for other needs

23rd Sunday of the Year C

For Christians everywhere, that all might hear the call to deeper discipleship, model their lives upon the life and love of Jesus Christ, and choose each day to shoulder with Christ the Cross of humanity’s suffering and walk His Way of Love

[READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

For a world where slavery still exists: for all the victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, for all children deprived of their childhood by the rigours and harsh employment or forced in war as child soldiers or sexually exploited

[READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For this Parish of St Nicholas of Tolentino as we celebrate today 171 years of witnessing to the Gospel and serving the Kingdom: may we embrace every new challenge and always  be a missionary community of healing, peace and justice  

[READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For the wisdom of the Spirit to guide our parish communities as Pope Francis leads the Church in reform and renewal, that we will not cling to the past, but embrace a new future of mission and witness to the Living Christ who calls, heals and saves

[READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For our children as they return to school to begin a new school year, for those who begin in new schools or at University, for our teachers and staff – above all may they and we learn to follow Christ with love and build a world of justice and of peace
                                                [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For the healing and peace of our sick and housebound brothers and sisters, for all injured by natural disasters of by war and conflict and for those who care for them;
for those who have died recently, especially all killed by the Hurricane in the Bahamas and those killed violently in South Africa in recent days
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time in particular… 

[READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, seat of wisdom and first and greatest disciple, pray with us…


Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Feast of St Nicholas of Tolentino

For 171 years, the Eucharist has been the centre of our parish’s life, community and mission: may this celebration of the Breaking of the Bread heal our brokeness, deepen our love for Christ Jesus, bind us together in life-giving community and empower our mission to be Good News to the Poor

[Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas broke the Bread of the Eucharist at the Table of the Lord; and broke bread with poor of his society: may we and the whole Church rededicate ourselves to translating our love for the Christ we meet in the Eucharist into as deep a love for the Christ we meet in the Poor 


St Nicholas preached the Gospel and broke the Bread of the Word for the people of Tolentino, drawing many to Christ: having received the Gospel from generations past may we find new ways of passing on the Gift of the Living Word of God to our young people so that they will shape the church moving into the future


Throughout these past 171 years our parish has welcomed migrants who have come to our shores and our city: may the whole Church be truly ‘Catholic’ where ‘all are welcome’ – a home to peoples of every race, language and culture, a world-wide community building bridges between peoples, struggling for justice and equality for the most marginalised and ridding the world of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery


Giving thanks for our 171 years of mission and looking forward with hope to the years to come, we pray for a renewed vision of mission and healing, growing as a ‘communion for mission’; may we continue to build healing bridges uniting many cultures, races, identities and faiths, caring together for the poor, the marginalised and the excluded of the inner city more effectively 


That our children and young people will grow up to care for the poorest, respecting people of all races, cultures and sexual orientation and valuing our multi-racial society; that opposing all racial violence and every form of prejudice, our schools and colleges will rejoice in the diversity of our one Human Race


St Nicholas was used so extensively by God to bring healing to the sick and the poor: for all who have been wounded in mind and heart by abuse, injustice and poverty; we pray especially for ….
St Nicholas prayed deeply for the dead: we pray for those violently killed in South Africa, for all who perished in the Bahamas;
we pray also for all the faithful departed of our parish in its 171 years history and for … whose anniversaries are at this time  


 Mary, Mother of all the abandoned ones, help us to recognise Jesus in every person….                                                             HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for God’s empowerment of our parish family in service and mission…


That the Church will heed Pope Francis and walk a humble path of holiness and service in our contemporary world, making a home for the broken, dispossessed, excluded and victimised of the world and so bring the Light and Justice of the Gospel to our people

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…
[PEOPLE]                 RAISE UP THE POOR

For our world which honours wealth and power while ignoring the poor and lame – that one day humanity will win and we will raise up the downtrodden from the prisons of poverty: we pray in particular for our One World Schools in Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Cameroon and for the 67 million refugees and asylum seekers world-wide

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…

For our children and young people as they return to school and college soon; for our teachers and all who work in our schools, especially St Nick’s, St Bede’s, St Bernadette’s and St Brendan’s; for our young people soon to begin a new life at University o rinthe world of work  

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…

For all who feel excluded from the Table of the Lord by the Church, that they might forgive us and we might change to be a community that welcomes and includes all without conditions: we pray in particular for our LGBTI sisters and brothers who suffer grievously form authoritarian governments and judgemental churches

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…

We pray God’s blessing for the work of our ‘Borderlands Charity’ that it might gather the resources we need to be always Good News to the Poor, joyful bearers of God’s Mercy and Healing in the world of the marginalised and the excluded

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…

We pray we might always welcome through our prayer the lame and blind, those crippled in mind or body; we pray especially for those suffering because of war in the Middle East, and Ebola in Central Africa and for the medical staff who care for them;  we pray also for ….
for those who have died recently, especially the victims of knife crime;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                           [Reader]                    LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, the poor One of Nazareth, pray with us for our nation in political turmoil and for the people of Hong Kong struggling against authoritarianism

                                                                                  HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

21st Sunday Year C

That the People of God will walk with Christ through the ‘Narrow Door’ of God’s radical and universal love and so guide the Nations along the Way that leads to Life and Freedom:

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                                        [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For our world wounded by terrorism and divided by war and ethnic conflicts; for reconciliation between the people’s of East and West, North and South; for global disarmament that the vast sums spent on weapons of destruction will instead feed the hungry and heal the sick of our one earth: we pray especially for the peoples of the Middle East and Central Africa

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

May all who worship the God of many names learn to live in communion with the Earth and all its creatures, combat global warming, and challenge the culture of profit and wealth that is destroying our environment; for the protection of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region and their great forests that are the Earth’s lungs

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

That all human hearts will be converted to compassion and love in the face of humanity’s struggles; for the millions of refugees and displaced people around the world, seeking safety, freedom and hope and in particular for the countless number of unaccompanied child refugees 

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

For a deeper commitment to Inter-Faith Dialogue, especially between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, in the pursuit of the Glory of God and the peace of the world … that our parish will play its part in building bridges of understanding between different Faith traditions here in the Inner City 

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

For all young people who have received their exam results … that they may use their gifts in the service of a Better World, and never value themselves or others by their successes or failures

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

We pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially the victims of Ebola in the Congo and war in the Middle East
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                          [READER]                LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…

Mary, whose life points us to the Narrow Door of a great love, pray with us for Sarai baptised today and her family…

                                                                              HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

20th Sunday of the Year – C

Jesus says, ‘I have come to bring fire to the earth’ … may the Church be on fire with the Holy Spirit, proclaiming Good News to the Poor and with the courage of the prophets challenging our world with the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Justice, Love and Peace. 

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]                Burn in us with your love

Jesus warns us that faithfulness to him will cause division … we pray for the unity of all Christians in the service of the Kingdom of Light as we challenge the culture of death; in particular we pray for those areas of the world afflicted with division, conflict and violence, especially Syria and the Middle East, Central Africa and Cameroon, and the struggling people of Hong Kong 

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses … we pray for a deeper experience of the Communion of the Saints, knowing that they encourage us to be evermore faithful to Jesus, to keep our gaze upon him

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

‘Let us not lose sight of Jesus, but keep running steadily’ … we pray for our young people as they receive their exam results and prepare for the next phase of their development and education: may they never judge themselves or others by their success, but always value themselves for who they are; we pray especially for all young people tempted to suicide

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

‘The household will be divided…’ Wounded by the verbal attacks on the LGBT+ community from leading bishops in America, Poland, and parts of Africa, we pray encouragement for all our prophetic LGBT+ sisters and brothers who remain part of our Community of Faith despite so much condemnation 

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

For all who are on pilgrimage or holiday at this time, that they will return home safe and refreshed; for all families that holiday time will not be a struggle with stress and poverty but an opportunity to enjoy quality time with one another

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

We pray with faith and trust for the sick, in particular those suffering form Ebola and those caring for them; for the housebound and the depressed:  especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially the murdered PC Andrew Harper, the victims of Ebola in Central Africa and all victims of war and poverty ;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                                             [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…

   Mary, assumed into Heaven, teach us how to be prophets of the Kingdom as you are…
                                                                                     HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

19th Sunday Year C

Like Abraham of old, our Father in Faith, may the Church never fear to listen to the voice of God and venture in new ways to proclaim both confidently and humbly the Promise of God to the men and women of the world of today 

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…
                                      [Response]            Lead us to the Father

For our contemporary world which too often puts its heart where its treasure is – in possessions, power and pleasure … may we instead treasure people, peace and spiritual realities

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

Jesus asks us to be ready for action – to be ready to welcome Him in the many hidden ways He comes to us: for that hospitality of heart that is always ready to welcome the Divine in each person, rejoice in their gifts and value their humanity

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

For God’s blessing and guidance for our Borderlands Charity at this time as a new staff team comes together … may we all be faithful to the vision of being Good News to the Poor and Marginalised; we pray too for all who turn to our community for help from our Caritas Fund and Foodbank – may we rid our society of such unjust inequality

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

Challenged as a Parish to be alert to the ‘signs of the times’, may we seek the wise guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek always to be ready to risk all for the Gospel; the world is challenged also to ‘read the signs of the times‘ in the extremes of terror, war, ideology resulting in over 67 million refugees world-wide – may we awaken to the goodness of humanity

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

For all who are on holiday at this time, that they will return home safe and refreshed; for our young people awaiting examination results that they will know peace in their hearts and value themselves more than their results; for all families that holiday time will not be a struggle with stress and poverty but an opportunity to enjoy quality time with one another 

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

We pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed:  we pray for those injured in body or mind by war and violence and for those suffering from Ebola in the Congo Region, and for medical staff and families who care for them; and for …. 
for those who have died recently, especially ….  and those killed recently in war and the shootings in the United States;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …..

                                    [READER]              LORD WE BELIEVE…

Mary, Woman of Faith whose treasure was God’s Word made Flesh, help us to pray…
                                                                         HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…



That the Church will resist the temptation to the vanity of power, but seek rather to journey alongside the broken and powerless in imitation of Jesus: we pray for Pope Francis as he challenges the Church to walk humbly as a servant ‘Church  of the poor, a Church for the poor’ 

[READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]                      Lead us to live simply

For a world obsessed with the idolatry of power and wealth, where people are judged by what they have rather than who they are – that rich nations will have the courage to release the poorest nations from the strangle-hold of debt and poverty and build just trading structures: we pray also for the people of Idlib in Syria and in the Yemen – that peace might come!

[READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…

For our nation at this time of political change and turmoil; for our new government that it will listen to the cries of the poor and address urgent issues other than Brexit; for the people of the island of Ireland as they fear a hard border, damaging the peace accord; and for the community of Whaley Bridge threatened by the crumbling dam

[READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…

For all who share their homes and their hearts with children fostered and adopted; for the healing of children growing through wounded pasts; for our Diocesan Children’s Society as they seek to make new beginnings possible for children without love

                                            [READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…

For our young people anxiously awaiting examination results: for those who will be successful that they will use their learning wisely; for those who will be disappointed that they will not lose heart but know their value lies not in their knowledge but in their humanity  

[READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…

For those injured by war especially in Syria where hospitals are again being bombed; for  the sick, the housebound and the depressed, that we might be a community of healing and hope: we pray especially for ….
for those who have died recently: ….. and for the victims of war, violence and poverty, especially in Idlib in Syria and those who have died because of the Ebola virus;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time 

[READER]                         LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Queen of Peace and Prophet of Justice, that we might ‘live simply so that others might simply live’

                                                                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

17th Sunday Year C

‘Lord, teach us to pray …’ – that the People of God will grow in prayer and openness to God, and find in deep prayer the inspiration for Mission, Mercy and Evangelisation
                                                   [READER]             LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]          May Love be alive among us

‘Search and you will find…’ – for all those who do not yet believe, yet search with integrity for the Truth to live by, for those who seek meaning in their lives and their world: may their search lead them to the Christ we know and love

[READER]             LORD WE PRAY…

‘Ask and it shall be given to you…’ – that the places of conflict and war will turn from violence to peace; that oppression and injustice will give way to freedom and justice; for our 67 million refugees world-wide, that will be welcomed and supported with bridges of compassion rather than walls of hostility

[READER]             LORD WE PRAY…

‘How much more will your Heavenly Father give you the Holy Spirit…’ for the renewal of our diocese in this Year of Prayer as a People of Prayer, a People of Mission, a People of Hope, that like Jesus we may be truly Good News to the Poor; that our young people might experience the gift of the Holy Spirit energising and transforming their lives

[READER]             LORD WE PRAY…

‘Knock and the door will be opened…’ that many hearts and homes will be opened to Christ and his Spirit of Love here in our own parish and City; that our ‘Borderlands Charity’ and our parish SVP group will help resource our service of the poor; that the Wild Goose Café and the One25 organisation will continue to serve lovingly and wisely the marginalised of our city

[READER]             LORD WE PRAY…

‘The Lord knows our every need…’ we pray for all who care for the unborn child, the elderly and those tempted to suicide; for all victims of Ebola and those caring for them:  we pray also for …
for those who have died recently in particular … and those killed by the Ebola Virus;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, especially …. 

[READER]             LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Woman of Prayer and Mission, pray with us for the young people of the world…
                                                                                      HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…


‘Abraham ran to meet them and bowed to the ground’ … may our Church become a place of welcome for all peoples, reverencing all cultures, struggling against all racism and gender discrimination, while ever opening wide the Gates of God’s mercy to all who seek 

                                  [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]              Welcome us in your Love

‘Mary has chosen the better part’ says Jesus … may Christians know how to listen to God and to people, listening with a heart filled with Christ’s love … to every heart in its anguish and searching; we pray too for greater recognition of women and men’s equality in the Church and in society 

                                  [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…

Paul writes, ‘I am suffering now to make up what has still to be undergone for the Body of Christ’ … that the war, terrorism and oppression, that is such a part of our world today, may give way to true dialogue in search for peace and justice in the global village that is our modern world: we pray for the people of Central Africa and the Middle East regions

                                    [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…

‘Martha was busy with all the serving’ … for all who serve the Kingdom by their work at home, especially those caring for young, or disabled or elderly family members; for those working on the land, on the seas or in industry; for all in the caring and teaching professions; and for the growth of lay ministry in our parish and every parish; that we will all offer our gifts to build the servant church in our world

                                  [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…

For our parish community, that we might express the prayerfulness of Mary, the service of Martha, and the welcoming hospitality of Bethany for all the people of the Inner City – may our ‘Borderlands Charity’ be  blessed by God with the resources we need to express the welcome of God to the stranger, the homeless and the addicted; may  our LGBT+ Ministry help many who have known such rejection by the Church to experience that they are valued 

                                  [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…

We pray that the Church will a house of healing for the sick and depressed:  we pray especially for the victims of the Ebola Crisis in Central Africa, and ….
for those who have died recently, especially … and all who have died of Ebola or in the world’s conflicts
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:   

                                  [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Woman of Prayer and Handmaid of the Lord, pray with us for all hidden needs
                                                                        HAIL MARY…

Let us, like Mary of Bethany, pray in a moment of silence…