That the Church will heed Pope Francis and walk a humble path of holiness and service in our contemporary world, making a home for the broken, dispossessed, excluded and victimised of the world and so bring the Light and Justice of the Gospel to our people
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
For our world which honours wealth and power while ignoring the poor and lame – that one day humanity will win and we will raise up the downtrodden from the prisons of poverty: we pray in particular for our One World Schools in Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Cameroon and for the 67 million refugees and asylum seekers world-wide
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
For our children and young people as they return to school and college soon; for our teachers and all who work in our schools, especially St Nick’s, St Bede’s, St Bernadette’s and St Brendan’s; for our young people soon to begin a new life at University o rinthe world of work
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
For all who feel excluded from the Table of the Lord by the Church, that they might forgive us and we might change to be a community that welcomes and includes all without conditions: we pray in particular for our LGBTI sisters and brothers who suffer grievously form authoritarian governments and judgemental churches
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
We pray God’s blessing for the work of our ‘Borderlands Charity’ that it might gather the resources we need to be always Good News to the Poor, joyful bearers of God’s Mercy and Healing in the world of the marginalised and the excluded
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
We pray we might always welcome through our prayer the lame and blind, those crippled in mind or body; we pray especially for those suffering because of war in the Middle East, and Ebola in Central Africa and for the medical staff who care for them; we pray also for ….
for those who have died recently, especially the victims of knife crime;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
Mary, the poor One of Nazareth, pray with us for our nation in political turmoil and for the people of Hong Kong struggling against authoritarianism
Let us pray in a moment of silence…