‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them’ – may the Church always ‘fling wide open the gates of God’s Mercy’ and be a sign of God’s prodigious forgiveness in our broken world – may many who have experienced the Church’s rejection come home and find themselves again
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
[People] Teach us to forgive.
‘Rejoice with me … I have found the sheep that was lost’ – for those who have lost themselves in drug and alcohol addiction that they will find the joy of freedom, wholeness and new life: that the Church will seek always to be the Good Shepherd searching for the alienated, the Elder brother who brings home the lost to the Father’s love
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
St Paul writes, ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save…’ – may all discover the freedom there is in forgiving one another, and political leaders everywhere embrace a new Politics of Forgiveness and so bring peace to our war-torn world, especially in Syria and Yemen
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
‘Christ Jesus has judged me faithful enough to call me into his service’ – for the many young people of the Church who offer their time, energy and skills to bring Gospel hope and life to impoverished communities across the world: that Pope Francis’s call for a simpler and poorer Church inspire our young people to answer the call of Christ and serve the poor
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
‘I shall leave this place and return to my father’ – for a renewal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our lives and our communities, that we shall find again the joy and life that comes from celebrating this Sacrament of Mercy and Forgiveness
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
For the healing and comforting of the sick, for those disturbed of mind that they might find peace, for those who have ruined their mental or physical health through addiction: and we pray especially for ….
We pray eternal life for those who have died recently, in particular … and all who have perished in war and conflict, especially in Syria
And for those whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular the victims of 9/11 and the wars and terror that has flowed from that atrocity
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY …
Let us ask Mary to guide the Church to welcome home those who have lost their way
We now pray in a moment of silence for other needs