That the Universal Church may witness to a higher loyalty than any nationalism, building unity and reconciliation among all the peoples of the Earth as the world continues to be be torn and wounded by war and conflict

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…
[response:]                           FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

That the world’s leaders will seek the ways of peace rather than conflict;  for all those who have the courage to be Peacemakers and Prophets of Justice at the risk of their own lives; that peace with justice, freedom and security will come to all the peoples of the Middle East and Central Africa; that the horror of terror will give way to peace and that the world’s conflicts will give way to reconciliation

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For the men and women who serve in our military forces and for all United Nations Peace-keepers; for all who serve as chaplains in the Armed Forces:  that genuine peace may be safe in their hands and that hatred may find no echo in their hearts

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For the victims of the wars and violence over the years and everywhere in our world, whether in Syria or Darfur, Afghanistan or Iraq, Palestine or Israel, Rwanda or Congo, East Timor or Latin America;  for those permanently scarred by the brutality of war, for those who have lost faith in God and humanity because of the pity of war

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For all who work for a safe world of peace and justice for our children: the United Nations and Pax Christi, the Red Cross/Red Crescent and ‘Medicins Sans Frontier’, the Justice and Peace Commission and the Quakers, for Amnesty International, Aid to the Church in Need and for all who struggle for the Reign of Peace

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For our own parish community as we seek to witness to the peace, mercy and compassion of Christ in the Inner City; for work of Interfaith relationships with the mosques, temples and synagogues of our city … may peace be the mark of our relationships, the manner of our work, and the goal of our mission;

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For those injured in body or mind,  or disillusioned in spirit by war  in every land;  for the sick and hurting especially for ….;
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of terrorism and war including refugees who have perished fleeing to freedom;
for all the faithful departed, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:
and for all who died in the too many wars that have torn at the youth of the past 100 years and more

                                   [READER]                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

Mary, Mother of all Peoples and Queen of Peace, pray with us for peace and humanity on earth…

                                                                                      HAIL MARY…

Let us now pray the minute’s silence of Remembrance


PRIEST:   Let us pray with faith in the Resurrection, with thankfulness for friends and family who have gone before us, and with hope of that great day when we shall all be united in the eternal love of our God

READER:   For those of our families, parish community and friends who have died in the friendship of Christ, for all in our parish’s 171 year history who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith  … may their memory inspire us to continue our Pilgrimage to God with great love and deep faith…

[Reader]                      Let us pray to the Lord…
[response sung]      JESUS, REMEMBER ME…

For all whose Funerals have been celebrated here at St Nicholas’s this past year,  that they may know eternal life and endless peace before the face of God;  for all who are recently bereaved,  as the pain is still sharp and the darkness still paralysing,  that they may be comforted…

[Reader]                      Let us pray to the Lord…

For those who grieve the loss of the ones they love and experience the emptiness of bereavement … may the Holy Spirit bring them consolation in the dark hours, and the touch of his love in the lonely days, until light begins to dawn…

[Reader]                      Let us pray to the Lord…

For those who have died alone, unloved and unmourned; for all who have perished in the Mediterranean or in our lorry parks in the refugee journey to freedom; for the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them and yet are so precious in the eyes of our God who never forgets one of his little ones…

[Reader]                      Let us pray to the Lord…

That we may live truly as a people of the Resurrection, passionately in love with life, generously life-giving and valuing and protecting life from the womb to the grave…

[Reader]                      Let us pray to the Lord…

Mary, who mourned your Crucified Son, and shared in the Life of your Risen Jesus, pray for us and all our dead…

                                                                                                HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for all the departed…

PRIEST:   Lord God, well-spring of all life, hear the cry of our hearts for those we mourn, embrace them in the fire of your tender love and raise them into the fullness of Risen Life, through Your Son and our Brother Jesus, alive forever and ever…



On this Feast of Holiness,  may all God’s People respond to the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Universal Call to Holiness’, seek the face of God,  love with the heart of God,  touch the world with the compassionate mercy of God,  and challenge the world with the justice of God

                                        [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
[response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of Humanity, may the Spirit who moves where she wills, raise up people of courage and humanity among world leaders,  politicians and opinion makers,  to lead our world to peace and justice,  to challenge the culture of death; may all walk the path to holiness that is struggling for a Better World, a safer planet and a healed global environment

                                          [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…

On this Feast of the Saints,  we pray for the children and young people of our parish family – that they might be inspired by the adventure of holiness and mission, open their hearts to the Spirit’s many gifts and find their joy in serving Christ: we pray especially for the children and adults baptised and confirmed this past year

                                        [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…

On the Feast of Wholeness,  we pray that as a parish family we will support and encourage one another to grow in all ways into Christ,  helping each other to deepen our prayer,  enlarge our loving,  find more courage in our witness

                                        [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…

On this Feast of unknown and unnamed sisters and brothers who have greatly loved,  we pray that we will accept our responsibility to serve the Kingdom, to bear witness to the values of the Gospel, live in communion with creation and proclaim Jesus to the people of the Inner City by the quality of our lives and the endurance of our love as well as by the power of our words

                                        [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…

On the Feast that celebrates all that is holy and whole,  we ask God’s guidance that the Healing Ministry might develop in our parish family and in our diocese; we pray for the sick and housebound and all who care for them and those who serve them with the Eucharist

                                        [READER]      COME SPIRIT OF GOD…

Mary,  most holy and whole,  Mother of all the Saints, pray for us … 


We pray in silence for one another as we walk the path of holiness together…


That Christians everywhere will offer to all the peoples the invitation of Jesus to find salvation, forgiveness and peace by welcoming His love into their hearts and making a place in their lives for mercy and justice

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]       Speak mercy to every heart

The Book of Wisdom says ‘You are merciful to all … you love all that exists’: that peace might replace war in Yemen and Syria, throughout the Middle East and in Central Africa; that leaders everywhere might combat the horror of human trafficking and end this exploitation of the poor and vulnerable

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…

Zacchaeus restored fourfold all whom he had cheated – that the Global Zacchaeus of the rich minority world might be converted to the cries of the poor majority world and restore that justice and eradicate that poverty and so lead us along the pathways of peace

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…

For all engaged in the work of safeguarding our children and the vulnerable of our society: for social workers, health workers and the police, for those working within the Church to rectify the damaging mistakes of the past; for more compassionate care for the elderly and disadvantaged of our nation 

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…

As we approach a new General Election, we pray for integrity, honesty and respect in the political debates, a recovery of the ‘noble vocation of politics’, an end to the abuse suffered by many of our politicians: may we vote according to Gospel principles and for the ‘Common Good’

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray especially for …. 
for those who have died recently, in particular …. all who perished in the train fire in Pakistan, the Vietnamese sisters and brothers who died in the lorry and all killed because of knife crime, conflict and war
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:  

                                          [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us for all who minister healing in our community…
                                                                         HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence for other needs


That the Church will throw wide open the gates of God’s Mercy for all peoples, and serve reconciliation and peace in a our conflict ridden world 

                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]            Grant us your mercy

For the conversion of many hearts and minds so that peace might replace war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and in Cameroon and Central Africa; that justice might reign for the poor and oppressed everywhere; that our taxes be used for peace and not for war, for equality and not for the rich

                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

For God’s wisdom for our national politicians in the current Brexit crisis; for a government that will truly serve the Common Good; for authentic democracy in our nation
                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

For a renewal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the Church and in our own parish – that we might humbly and honestly seek Divine Mercy from our generous God
                                               [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

For all who today are part of the communion of outcasts on our streets and who like the Tax Collector of today’s Gospel are trapped in a twilight world of corruption, exploitation and addiction, that they might the way to freedom through mercy and healing

                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

That we might all be more aware of human trafficking and modern slavery which has led to the tragic deaths of our 39 brothers and sisters in the back of the lorry; that we will challenge all exploitation of any human person and seek justice and safety for all migrants and refugees 

                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray especially for … 
for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of trafficking who died in the lorry and all who have died in the perilous refugee journey
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …. 

                                             [READER]               LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us that we might know the joy of a humble and grateful heart…
                                                                                 HAIL MARY…

In a moment’s silence, let us bring other needs to the Lord


That the People of God everywhere will be steadfast in prayer and Mission, holding up the weary arms of believers until Justice is truly done for the oppressed and vulnerable of the world   

[Response]      Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

For all who administer justice: judges, magistrates, solicitors; that they might be guided by right judgement and real compassion for the poor, so that the impoverished might know true justice; for all involved in the Home Office and Immigration Tribunals that those seeking asylum will truly be heard and safety be granted: we pray especially Ivan in Detention Centre and for the thousands of unaccompanied child refugees in Europe


For our government and all Members of Parliament that they be guided by the wisdom of the Spirit and the need for the Common Good as they make  far-reaching decisions about the future development of our nation in the current Brexit turmoil


For peace in our conflict-torn world,especially in Kurdish Syria and the Yemen, for peace in turmoil-ridden lives, for peace in disturbed minds and broken relationships, for courageous peace-makers everywhere


For all contemplative communities as their prayer in the heart of the Church supports world-wide mission and holds up our weary hands: that the Body of Christ might continue faithfully to proclaim the Good News to the Poor and heal the wounds of the world


That true justice may come for all who feel oppressed by the Church and its condemnations of diverse sexual identities and orientations, that these sisters and brothers of ours will come to know the fulness of the Freedom of the beloved Children of God 

                                                          [READER]         LORD WE ASK…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray especially for all who have wounded in body and mind by hate crime, especially members of the LBGT+ community;
for those who have died recently, especially Fr Michael Saunders, Fr Michael Davies, and all who have died the victims of injustice and war
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:


  Mary, Woman of Prayer, Seat of Wisdom and Prophet of Justice, pray with us and for us…
                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…


That God’s People in every land and culture will be faithful to the call of Christ to be a healing community that welcomes the broken and the excluded, revealing the merciful face of the Father; that the Church will truly listen to the Word God is speaking through St John Henry Newman, canonised today


For those excluded from a just sharing of the Earth’s resources, for those who are victims of fear and discrimination, for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, for those fleeing conflict and poverty in order to build new lives in a new land – may we build a world that cares and welcomes – we pray especially for audacious guidance of the Holy Spirit for the Pan-Amazon Synod in Rome at this time

For those who leave their own families, nations and cultures to cross boundaries and frontiers to bring healing and hope to those with little access to health care;  for all medical staff in war zones; for all who risk their very lives to be Good News to the Poor and Prophets of Justice:


For the healing ministry of our parish community, that we will develop as a community that listens, that holds, that heals and that includes all without reservation: that yesterdays Parish Pilgrimage in honour of the Church’s martyrs will lead us all to greater courage in witnessing to Christ and great tenderness to the broken of our world


That the conscience of Europe including and especially our own nation will be shaken by the plight of 88,000 unaccompanied refugee children fleeing the terror of conflict and the terror of poverty – may Britain and all Europe learn how to weep again!


For all who suffer from leprosy and for all who care for them; for the sick and housebound that they might know that they share in the mission of the Church; we pray in particular for …
for those who have died recently: especially …. and the victims of the renewed conflict in the Middle East
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …


Mary, Servant of healing for the poor and the excluded, help us renew the Church in healing love…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


The Apostles asked the Lord, ‘Increase our faith’ … we pray for Pope Francis and the new Cardinals he has appointed from the peripheries of our world, pastors from places of poverty and powerlessness; may they serve to deepen faith among all the People of God, renewing and reforming the Church as a humble servant bring healing to creation  

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…
[Response]    Increase our Faith

‘Were your faith the size of a mustard seed’ replied the Lord … we pray for an outpouring of the God’s bold Holy Spirit upon the Pan-Amazon Synod that opens today in Rome: may the whole Church and beyond listen to the voices of suffering creation, the groans of the rain forests and the cries for justice from the indigenous peoples, our brothers and sisters with so much wisdom to teach our world 

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Jesus asks us to serve and not to count the cost – that world leaders, multi-national businesses and the finances houses of the world, seek now power and profit, but to serve justice and the healing of creation, before it is too late for future generations

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Paul tells Timothy, ‘Stir up into a flame the Spirit given you’ … we pray that as a parish family we might open ourselves to the power and gift of the Holy Spirit and so live more deeply the Spirit’s work of service, justice and mission: we pray especially for the work of CAFOD as it addresses Climate Change and justice the poorest of tour suffering Earth

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

‘God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-control’ … that all our children and young people may be gifted in the Spirit to become joyful and mature disciples of Christ, equipped as witnesses of faith and love: we pray especially for all those preparing to be confirmed in the Spirit in the coming months

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

‘Bear the hardships for the sake of the Good News’ … we pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed, especially ….
for those who have died recently, especially …. and all victims of conflict and war and the destruction of our rain forests
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Our Lady of the Rosary and Mother of all Creation, pray with us for our children made Catechumens today and stir up the Spirit of Peace within us and in the world…
                                                                              HAIL MARY…

We pray for our Parish Finance Committee and other needs in a moment of silence…


‘As a man dedicated to God, you must aim to be saintly and religious’ … for Pope Francis as he leads the Church to renewal and humility – that together we might offer the world a more effective witness of authentic holiness, of ‘faith and love, patience and gentleness’  

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘As a man dedicated to God, you must aim to be saintly and religious’ … for Pope Francis as he leads the Church to renewal and humility – that together we might offer the world a more effective witness of authentic holiness, of ‘faith and love, patience and gentleness’  

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘Woe to those ensconced so snugly on ivory beds’ … that the rich and powerful nations will recognise their impoverished victims and at last become serious about justice for the poor, ‘the new name for Peace’, for the work of CAFOD bringing the Hope and Justice of the Gospel to the peoples

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘If someone comes from the dead, they will repent’ … For the oppressed peoples of the world, in particular the peoples of Syria, Yemen, the forgotten Rohinga Muslims and the 67 million refugees world-wide: may the powerful of the world listen to their cries and build a more human, equal, peaceful and free world

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘There was a rich man who feasted everyday and the poor Lazarus at his gate’ … For all who work to bring justice and hope, shelter and food, education and employment to the poor and homeless of our inner city; for the Wild Goose Café, the Spring of Hope Ladies Night Shelter, our ‘Borderlands’ Charity, for the many housing initiatives in our city and for the teachers of our inner city schools

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘The dogs even came and licked his sores’ … for doctors and nurses, social workers and community psychiatric workers who serve in the inner city that they might bring healing and hope to many; for our parish healing ministry and our Emmaus listening and talking group that each might serve the most broken in our midst

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

‘Now he is being comforted’ … for all who are the victims of our successful society and city, so often addicted on our streets; we pray also for … 
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of armed conflict;   and for all whose anniversaries are at this time… 

                                          [Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Queen of Peace, pray with us for peace of the Middle East region…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…



That Christians everywhere will witness to Jesus the Truth and Justice of God by the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the world business, finance and politics 

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

As we mark UN World Peace Day at this time, we pray for world leaders who hold the power of life and death in their hands, that they will listen to the human cry for peace and an end to killing and terror, especially in Syria and Yemen, the Congo and Cameroon; we pray also that the great powers will support and not undermine the work of the United Nations

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

For all who cannot find employment, for those denied the right to work, for those unable to work because of sickness and disability, for those who are exploited in the work place, for those suffering the injustice of zero hours contracts

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

For  all young people starting at University at this time, that they might develop their skills and personalities in ways that will build a future of peace and justice for our world; we pray especially for chaplaincies that seek to bring the challenging wisdom of Christ to our students

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

That the God of the Poor will empower our parish community as we struggle for justice and healing for the people of the Inner City, especially those most marginalised in our wealthy city and those seeking safe asylum among us

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

We pray we might always welcome through our prayer those hurting in mind, heart or body and for those who care for them; we pray especially for … 
for those who have died recently, especially … and victims of war and terrorism;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time…  

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, our Lady of Walsingham, pray with us for the renewed evangelisation of our land and for greater integrity in political leadership…

                                                                            HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…