‘As a man dedicated to God, you must aim to be saintly and religious’ … for Pope Francis as he leads the Church to renewal and humility – that together we might offer the world a more effective witness of authentic holiness, of ‘faith and love, patience and gentleness’
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘As a man dedicated to God, you must aim to be saintly and religious’ … for Pope Francis as he leads the Church to renewal and humility – that together we might offer the world a more effective witness of authentic holiness, of ‘faith and love, patience and gentleness’
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘Woe to those ensconced so snugly on ivory beds’ … that the rich and powerful nations will recognise their impoverished victims and at last become serious about justice for the poor, ‘the new name for Peace’, for the work of CAFOD bringing the Hope and Justice of the Gospel to the peoples
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘If someone comes from the dead, they will repent’ … For the oppressed peoples of the world, in particular the peoples of Syria, Yemen, the forgotten Rohinga Muslims and the 67 million refugees world-wide: may the powerful of the world listen to their cries and build a more human, equal, peaceful and free world
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘There was a rich man who feasted everyday and the poor Lazarus at his gate’ … For all who work to bring justice and hope, shelter and food, education and employment to the poor and homeless of our inner city; for the Wild Goose Café, the Spring of Hope Ladies Night Shelter, our ‘Borderlands’ Charity, for the many housing initiatives in our city and for the teachers of our inner city schools
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘The dogs even came and licked his sores’ … for doctors and nurses, social workers and community psychiatric workers who serve in the inner city that they might bring healing and hope to many; for our parish healing ministry and our Emmaus listening and talking group that each might serve the most broken in our midst
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
‘Now he is being comforted’ … for all who are the victims of our successful society and city, so often addicted on our streets; we pray also for …
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of armed conflict; and for all whose anniversaries are at this time…
[Reader] LORD WE PRAY…
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray with us for peace of the Middle East region…
Let us pray in a moment of silence…