The Apostles asked the Lord, ‘Increase our faith’ … we pray for Pope Francis and the new Cardinals he has appointed from the peripheries of our world, pastors from places of poverty and powerlessness; may they serve to deepen faith among all the People of God, renewing and reforming the Church as a humble servant bring healing to creation  

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…
[Response]    Increase our Faith

‘Were your faith the size of a mustard seed’ replied the Lord … we pray for an outpouring of the God’s bold Holy Spirit upon the Pan-Amazon Synod that opens today in Rome: may the whole Church and beyond listen to the voices of suffering creation, the groans of the rain forests and the cries for justice from the indigenous peoples, our brothers and sisters with so much wisdom to teach our world 

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Jesus asks us to serve and not to count the cost – that world leaders, multi-national businesses and the finances houses of the world, seek now power and profit, but to serve justice and the healing of creation, before it is too late for future generations

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Paul tells Timothy, ‘Stir up into a flame the Spirit given you’ … we pray that as a parish family we might open ourselves to the power and gift of the Holy Spirit and so live more deeply the Spirit’s work of service, justice and mission: we pray especially for the work of CAFOD as it addresses Climate Change and justice the poorest of tour suffering Earth

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

‘God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-control’ … that all our children and young people may be gifted in the Spirit to become joyful and mature disciples of Christ, equipped as witnesses of faith and love: we pray especially for all those preparing to be confirmed in the Spirit in the coming months

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

‘Bear the hardships for the sake of the Good News’ … we pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed, especially ….
for those who have died recently, especially …. and all victims of conflict and war and the destruction of our rain forests
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                                 [READER]      LORD WE BELIEVE…

Our Lady of the Rosary and Mother of all Creation, pray with us for our children made Catechumens today and stir up the Spirit of Peace within us and in the world…
                                                                              HAIL MARY…

We pray for our Parish Finance Committee and other needs in a moment of silence…

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