That Christians everywhere will witness to Jesus the Truth and Justice of God by the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the world business, finance and politics 

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

As we mark UN World Peace Day at this time, we pray for world leaders who hold the power of life and death in their hands, that they will listen to the human cry for peace and an end to killing and terror, especially in Syria and Yemen, the Congo and Cameroon; we pray also that the great powers will support and not undermine the work of the United Nations

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

For all who cannot find employment, for those denied the right to work, for those unable to work because of sickness and disability, for those who are exploited in the work place, for those suffering the injustice of zero hours contracts

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

For  all young people starting at University at this time, that they might develop their skills and personalities in ways that will build a future of peace and justice for our world; we pray especially for chaplaincies that seek to bring the challenging wisdom of Christ to our students

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

That the God of the Poor will empower our parish community as we struggle for justice and healing for the people of the Inner City, especially those most marginalised in our wealthy city and those seeking safe asylum among us

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

We pray we might always welcome through our prayer those hurting in mind, heart or body and for those who care for them; we pray especially for … 
for those who have died recently, especially … and victims of war and terrorism;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time…  

                                                 [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, our Lady of Walsingham, pray with us for the renewed evangelisation of our land and for greater integrity in political leadership…

                                                                            HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

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