That the Church may always root its life and decisions in the disturbing and life-giving Word of God,  and proclaim with integrity and joy the Gospel of Jesus, that the world may believe

                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For all who seek after truth,  for those who cannot believe: that their hearts and minds be opened to God’s Word that brings Life;  for a world divided by war, racism and famine that all may heed the Gospel of Peace and live
                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For a deep love of the Scriptures in our parish community, and in our own lives – may we  find inspiration in sharing the Word with one another,  guidance for our children and families and growth for our parish community of mission

                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For God’s blessing upon the children and young people of our parish family, that filled with the Spirit they may devour the Word as Bread for their lives and Wisdom for their journey and rejoice to proclaim the Word and serve the Kingdom with enthusiasm

                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For our Readers who proclaim the Word to us; for our Catechists and all who lead Children’s Liturgy, for all who part of the Journey of faith group, and for the teachers in our schools: that they may grow in Christ as they share faith and the Word of God with those entrusted to them

                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For Catholic Bible Schools around the world, for the Bible Society, Scripture Union and ‘Bible Alive’ and all organisations seeking to share God’s Word with our world:  may they always offer the riches of the Bible with reverence for other world faiths and their sacred  scriptures

                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For the all suffering in body or mind with the effects of the Covid Virus and those who care for them; for those suffering from HIV/Aids; and for the lonely and housebound: …;

We pray too for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of war and the Coronavirus pandemic;

and all whose anniversaries are at this time: Nelson Mandela, …
                                            IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

Mary, teach us to ponder the Word in our hearts and to treasure all that God speaks to our world…

                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment’s silence for God’s blessing upon our children preparing for their First Eucharist next Sunday …


Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People:  may the whole Church answer God’s Advent call to repentance, renewal and change,  that we may move into God’s future as a People of  Hope, making the coming year truly a year of healing  and mission

                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of waiting and working:  that we may struggle with renewed courage for the Advent of equality and freedom for the poor,  the homeless and the unemployed, for justice and compassion for those seeking asylum;  and as we wait and work for an end to conflict and terrorism, may the miracles of peace reign in the Middle East, for the people of Yemen, Cameroon and Zimbabwe
                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ:  we may all make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness,  that we will recognise him as he comes in the silence of prayer and welcome him as he comes in each other, that we will hear the cries of the Earth, the cries of the Poor

                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of Mission:  that we will not fear to share our faith in Jesus, invite friends and neighbours to discover the One we love above all others and with courage touch our world with healing love and prophetic challenge that the world be made new!

                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God:  for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe, and our ytoung people with their hope and vision:  for those who care for them and teach them, especially in our School of St Nicholas, together with St Bernadette’s,  St Bede’s and St Brendan’s

                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of becoming:  we pray for all who suffer from HIV/AIDS and all who care for its victims – may they know healing and wholeness; we pray too all suffering form the effects of Covid and for …
We pray too for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of Covid, war, famine and the diseases of poverty;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time, especially … and for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November…

                                                  LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Mary of Advent,  perfect clay in the Divine Potter’s hands, teach us to wait and watch,  to hope and love…

                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us wait in the Advent silence of loving prayer…


We pray for the Church throughout the world … for our unity in love and faithfulness to the Gospel, for our dedication to the Mission of growing the Kingdom upon the Earth, and for our prophets crying out for world-wide solidarity and global co-operation in building Justice and humanity

                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our world, in beauty and poverty, freedom and slavery, war and peace; we pray in particular for peace in the conflicts the Middle East, in Cameroon and in Afghanistan … may Jesus our King send the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the Earth, may the Kingdom bring to all peoples hope, justice and the reign of God’s love

                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

Giving thanks for the young people of the world who have spoken so powerfully about Global Warming, we pray for the healing our creation, for decisive action to halt Climate Change: like St Francis may we reverence all God’s creatures and bring hope of a new world where we will all live in harmony and peace, sharing our common home – the planet

                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our parish family, for all our young people on this National Youth Sunday, especially those preparing for baptism and Confirmation: may they catch the adventure of dedicating themselves to the Servant-King who washes our wounded feet: may we be a healing community,  reaching out to the hurting, excluded and the addicted of the Inner City

                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for Christians of every tradition in this area, that Jesus our King will hasten the day when we shall all share the One Bread and the One Cup with joyful and united hearts in service of the Kingdom; we pray too for believers of other Faiths, our Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Bahai friends – may we all serve the Goodness and Mercy of God
                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray on this National Youth Sunday for all our children and young people and all involved in their education, for our Diocesan Youth Service and the work of Safeguarding among us: may our young people experience their voices being heard and their gifts building our Church… may we become a Church where young people can grow free from harm to maturity in Christ and shape with us a 21st Century Church

                                                        (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray in thankfulness that we are a fellowship of the weak, where the sick, wounded and broken speak Christ’s Kingdom as no others can; so we bring all who are hurting to the Kingdom of wholeness, especially …;
we pray for all who have died recently, especially, … and the many victims of Covid
and in this month of November for all the faithful departed and the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them; and all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                                       (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

Mary, mother of Christ our King and Servant of the Kingdom, pray with us for a more justice, more love…
                                                                                        HAIL MARY…

We pray for a New Heaven and a New Earth in a moment of silence…


‘Well done Good and faithful Servant’, says the Lord: we pray for the whole Church on this World Day of the Poor – may all Christians use the gifts of the Spirit to build  a world of justice where the pained cries of the poor will be heard and change our priorities

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘You are all sons of the Light and daughters of the Day’:  may governments and peoples unite to draw the poor of the world  out of the darkness of poverty and oppression into a New Day of hope and equality – may our children no longer die without clean water and adequate education and health care

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘This is the fast that pleases me, says the Lord – to break the unjust fetter’ : we pray for the people of Hong Kong, Zimbabwe and many other countries in their struggles for freedom from oppressive regimes – may they see the dawn of a new beginning for their nations

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Sir, you have entrusted us with talents and gifts…’ – may the world wake up to the human tragedy of over 73 million refugees, the horror of human trafficking and modern forms of slavery: may the gifts and talents of our asylum and refugee brothers and sisters be recognised and reverenced so that they can be free to offer our nation their skills

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Shelter the homeless poor…’ – we ask God’s Spirit guide wisely the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter during this Pandemic: may the Christians of our city serve with generosity and humility all who are deprived of home and warmth and may our City commit to housing all our people

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Grow your gifts and use them for the Kingdom’:  we pray for the people of Honduras and Central America, devastated by the recent hurricane, and for all the poor of our world who suffer most from the effects of Global warming

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘We do  not belong to the night or to darkness’: may our parish community grow more as a beacon of light and hope among the poor, excluded and despairing of our city

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

In a world of unequal health-care, we pray for the sick who receive little or no health-care; and for …;
For those who have died recently, especially all victims of Covid-19, terrorism and war including refugees who have perished fleeing to freedom;
for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, for Richard McKay snr and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

Mary, Mother of the Poor pray with us for a more just and equal world  

                                                            HAIL MARY…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


That the Universal Church may witness to a higher loyalty than any nationalism, building unity and reconciliation among all the peoples of the Earth as the world continues to be be torn and wounded by war and conflict
                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

That the world’s leaders will walk the ways of peace rather than conflict;  for all those who have the courage to be Peacemakers and Prophets of Justice at the risk of their own lives; that peace with justice, freedom and security will come to all the peoples of the Middle East, Afghanistan and Cameroon and Zimbabwe; that the horror of terror will give way to peace and that the world’s conflicts will give way to reconciliation

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

For the men and women who serve in our military forces and for all United Nations Peace-keepers; for all who serve as chaplains in the Armed Forces:  that genuine peace may be safe in their hands and that hatred and vengeance may find no echo in their hearts

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

For the victims of the wars and violence over the years and everywhere in our world, whether in Syria or Darfur, Afghanistan or Iraq, Palestine or Israel, Rwanda or Congo, East Timor or Latin America;  for those permanently scarred by the brutality of war, for those who have lost faith in God and humanity because of ‘the pity of war’

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

For all who work for a safe world of peace and justice for our children: the United Nations and Pax Christi, the Red Cross/Red Crescent and ‘Medicins Sans Frontier’, the Justice and Peace Commissions and the Quakers, for Amnesty International, Aid to the Church in Need and for all who struggle for the Reign of Peace

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

For our own parish community as we seek to witness to the peace, mercy and compassion of Christ in the Inner City; for the work of Interfaith relationships with the mosques, temples and synagogues of our city … may peace be the mark of our relationships, the manner of our work, and the goal of our mission;

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

For those injured in body or mind,  or disillusioned in spirit by war  in every land;  for the sick and hurting especially all suffering from Covid 19 and for …;
for those who have died recently, especially …, Lord Jonathan Sachs and all victims of terrorism and war including refugees who have perished fleeing to freedom;
for all the faithful departed, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: …
and for all who died in the too many wars that have torn at the youth of the past 100 years and more

                                                            LORD WE REMEMBER…
                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary, Mother of all Peoples and Queen of Peace, pray with us for peace and humanity on earth…
                                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us now pray the minute’s silence of Remembrance, followed by an Act of Remembrance


PRIEST:   Let us pray with faith in the Resurrection, with thankfulness for friends and family who have gone before us, and with hope of that great day when we shall all be united in the eternal love of our God

READER:   For those of our families, parish community and friends who have died in the friendship of Christ, for all in our parish’s 172 year history who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith  … may their memory inspire us to continue our Pilgrimage to God with great love and deep faith…

                                                               Let us pray to the Lord…
                  [response sung:       JESUS, REMEMBER ME…]

For all whose Funerals have been celebrated here at St Nicholas’s this past year, especially those who have died during this Covid Crisis,  that they may know eternal life and endless peace before the face of God;  for all who are recently bereaved,  as the pain is still sharp and the darkness still paralysing,  that they may be comforted…

                                                               Let us pray to the Lord…
                  [response sung:       JESUS, REMEMBER ME…]

For those who grieve the loss of the ones they love and experience the emptiness of bereavement, in particular those unable to grieve with family and friends because of Covid restrictions … may the Holy Spirit bring them consolation in the dark hours, and the touch of his love in the lonely days, until light begins to dawn…

                                                               Let us pray to the Lord…
                  [response sung:       JESUS, REMEMBER ME…]

For those who have died alone, unloved and unmourned; for all who have perished in the Mediterranean, the English Channel or in our lorry parks in the refugee journey to freedom; for the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them and yet are so precious in the eyes of our God who never forgets one of his little ones…

                                                               Let us pray to the Lord…
                  [response sung:       JESUS, REMEMBER ME…]

That we may live truly as a people of the Resurrection, passionately in love with life, generously life-giving and valuing and protecting life from the womb to the grave…

                                                               Let us pray to the Lord…
                  [response sung:       JESUS, REMEMBER ME…]

Mary, who mourned your Crucified Son, and shared in the Life of your Risen Jesus, pray for us and all our dead…

                                                            HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for all the departed…

PRIEST:   Lord God, well-spring of all life, hear the cry of our hearts for those we mourn, embrace them in the fire of your tender love and raise them into the fullness of Risen Life, through Your Son and our Brother Jesus, alive forever and ever…


On this Feast of Holiness,  may all God’s People respond to the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Universal Call to Holiness’, seek the face of God,  love with the heart of God,  touch the world with the compassionate mercy of God,  and challenge the world with the justice of God

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of Humanity, may the Spirit who moves where she wills, raise up people of courage and humanity among world leaders,  politicians and opinion makers,  to lead our world to peace and justice,  to challenge the culture of death; may all walk the path to holiness that is building a new vision of global co-operation and friendship, a safer planet and a healed global environment

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of the Saints,  we pray for the children and young people of our parish family – that they might be inspired by the adventure of holiness and mission, open their hearts to the Spirit’s many gifts and find their joy in serving Christ: we pray especially for the children and adults baptised and confirmed this past year

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast of Wholeness,  we pray that as a parish family we will support and encourage one another to grow in all ways into Christ,  helping each other to deepen our prayer,  enlarge our loving,  find more courage in our witness and service

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of unknown and unnamed sisters and brothers who have greatly loved,  we pray that we will accept our responsibility to serve the Kingdom, to bear witness to the values of the Gospel, live in communion with creation and proclaim Jesus to the people of the Inner City by the quality of our lives and the endurance of our love as well as by the power of our words

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast that celebrates all that is holy and whole,  we ask God’s guidance that the Healing Ministry might develop in our parish family and in our diocese, especially in response to the Covid pandemic; we pray for the sick and housebound and all who care for them and those who serve them with the Eucharist; and especially for …
eternal life for all who have died recently, especially … and those killed in the attack on a school in Cameroon and a church in France;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                                                COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                                  [response]     MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

Mary,  most holy and whole,  Mother of all the Saints, pray for us …

                                                             HAIL MARY… 

We pray in silence for one another as we walk the path of holiness together…


‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind’:  that Christians everywhere will fulfil the Mission of the Gospel by offering the world the witness of lives on fire with love for God and world – a love that will shape every decision and priority

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘Love your neighbour…’:  for all who lead and govern the nations – that they will translate love for neighbour into structures and policies of caring and justice, of peace and reconciliation, and will especially listen to the cries of the Earth, the cries of the poor and vulnerable: we pray  peace for the peoples of Yemen, Cameroon and Nigeria 

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘Love yourself…’:   for the Mission of Healing love to those who do not know inner peace, for all afflicted with depression, self-hatred and harmful inner conflicts; for all who counsel and support the disturbed, and for all who care for those psychiatrically ill

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt’: at the end of this One World Week, we pray for all refugees, for all fleeing war, poverty and oppression to seek safe sanctuary, for a change of Government policy to ‘the stranger among us’; for Borderlands and our mission among these our sisters and brothers here at St Nicks

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘On the commandment to love hangs the whole Law and the Prophets’:   that God will grant us all the resources we need to offer food and love to the people of the inner city especially through our Food Bank and Caritas Fund: we pray also for little Patrick Alban, baptised today and for his family

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

We pray healing and new beginnings for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit:  for 
for those who have died recently, especially … and those killed in the protests in Lagos
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

Mary, in whose womb the Divine Love was made Flesh, pray that we may love with everything…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…


That Christians everywhere will bear the imprint of Christ, uniting to witness that we are One World, One Family and dare to challenge the Caesars of our world who abuse their power to divide and dominate

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

That the diverse peoples of the our One World will struggle together to ‘re-form our future’ into one of peace and justice where all will be equal partners sharing and protecting our planet: may Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’ provide humanity with a vision to empower us for radical change and new global relationships

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

As St Paul challenges us to express ‘faith in action, work for love and perseverance in hope,’ may we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our parish into a deeper love and commitment to the poor and powerless everywhere, seeking always God’s will for the Mission of our parish  

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

As the Covid-19 pandemic has resurged threatening many lives, we pray for wise decisions from governments and local leaders; responsible and caring action among our and all populations and strength and health for all health care workers serving the sick, the elderly and those suffering from Coronavirus

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

On this World Mission Sunday, we pray for the work of ‘Missio’ in supporting the Mission of Evangelisation throughout the world: we pray especially for the Missionaries to Africa at Kungoni Cultural Centre in Malawi whose mission has brought beauty and art to our church

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

We pray that the sick might ‘persevere through hope’ and reveal the face of Christ to us … we pray for …;
for those who have died recently, especially, … and all who have died because of Covid-19, war, conflict and hunger;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular Bishop Xavier Muyongani of Zimbabwe, Edward and Esther Chinian, and Anna Moroz

                                     [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                     [Response]             Gather us as One World…

 Mary, Mother of our One World and Prophet of Justice, pray with us and for us…

Let us pray for the global mission of the Church in a moment of silence


‘He sent his servants to all who were invited to the Feast’ … that ‘Fratelli Tutti’, the new Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis, Servant of the Servants of God, will help the Church and world find a new vision of social friendship so as to be a new world of equality, freedom and justice, bringing hope to all the creatures of our Common Home

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

‘There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength’, writes St Paul … we pray in a world addicted to injustice and poverty, that the World’s poorest will be the world’s first priority, so that the poor will have an equal share in the Feast of the Earth’s Banquet

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

‘God will remove the mourning veil and the shroud enwrapping the nations’ … we pray urgently for an end to war, brutality and terrorism and for miracles of peace everywhere but in particular in the Yemen, Zimbabwe, the Cameroon and between Armenia and Azerbyjhan

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

All were given the wedding garment free … we pray for all whose baptism and other Sacraments have been delayed because of Covid 19; for our whole baptised community and for those journeying in Faith towards Sacraments of Initiation: may we discover the joy of living in Christ, robed with garments of holiness and moving towards the eternal feast of heaven   

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

That as a parish we will gladly go the crossroads of our inner city and fill God’s house with rich, poor, black, white, healthy, addicted, secure and disturbed – may the banquet of His Love which we celebrate here be healing and life for all

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

On this Prisons Sunday we prayer for the reform of our Penal system, for all who serve our overcrowded prison and shameful immigration detention centres, for all victims of crime and the families of prisoners: may we seek rehabilitation more than punishment

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

We pray for all the victims of the Covid Pandemic and those caring for them … we pray too for …
we that all who have died recently now enjoy the Heavenly Banquet, especially … and those killed in war, violence and famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

Mary of Faithful Servant and Beloved Daughter of God, pray with us for the Renewal of the Church in humility and mercy… 


Let us pray in silence for the Church to be truly Good News to the Poor …