Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People: may the whole Church answer God’s Advent call to repentance, renewal and change, that we may move into God’s future as a People of Hope, making the coming year truly a year of healing and mission
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of waiting and working: that we may struggle with renewed courage for the Advent of equality and freedom for the poor, the homeless and the unemployed, for justice and compassion for those seeking asylum; and as we wait and work for an end to conflict and terrorism, may the miracles of peace reign in the Middle East, for the people of Yemen, Cameroon and Zimbabwe
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ: we may all make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness, that we will recognise him as he comes in the silence of prayer and welcome him as he comes in each other, that we will hear the cries of the Earth, the cries of the Poor
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of Mission: that we will not fear to share our faith in Jesus, invite friends and neighbours to discover the One we love above all others and with courage touch our world with healing love and prophetic challenge that the world be made new!
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God: for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe, and our ytoung people with their hope and vision: for those who care for them and teach them, especially in our School of St Nicholas, together with St Bernadette’s, St Bede’s and St Brendan’s
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of becoming: we pray for all who suffer from HIV/AIDS and all who care for its victims – may they know healing and wholeness; we pray too all suffering form the effects of Covid and for …
We pray too for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of Covid, war, famine and the diseases of poverty;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time, especially … and for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Mary of Advent, perfect clay in the Divine Potter’s hands, teach us to wait and watch, to hope and love…
Let us wait in the Advent silence of loving prayer…