‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind’:  that Christians everywhere will fulfil the Mission of the Gospel by offering the world the witness of lives on fire with love for God and world – a love that will shape every decision and priority

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘Love your neighbour…’:  for all who lead and govern the nations – that they will translate love for neighbour into structures and policies of caring and justice, of peace and reconciliation, and will especially listen to the cries of the Earth, the cries of the poor and vulnerable: we pray  peace for the peoples of Yemen, Cameroon and Nigeria 

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘Love yourself…’:   for the Mission of Healing love to those who do not know inner peace, for all afflicted with depression, self-hatred and harmful inner conflicts; for all who counsel and support the disturbed, and for all who care for those psychiatrically ill

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt’: at the end of this One World Week, we pray for all refugees, for all fleeing war, poverty and oppression to seek safe sanctuary, for a change of Government policy to ‘the stranger among us’; for Borderlands and our mission among these our sisters and brothers here at St Nicks

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

‘On the commandment to love hangs the whole Law and the Prophets’:   that God will grant us all the resources we need to offer food and love to the people of the inner city especially through our Food Bank and Caritas Fund: we pray also for little Patrick Alban, baptised today and for his family

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

We pray healing and new beginnings for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit:  for 
for those who have died recently, especially … and those killed in the protests in Lagos
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                                              LORD WE PRAY…
                           [Response]        Make us missionaries of Your Love…

Mary, in whose womb the Divine Love was made Flesh, pray that we may love with everything…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

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