‘He sent his servants to all who were invited to the Feast’ … that ‘Fratelli Tutti’, the new Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis, Servant of the Servants of God, will help the Church and world find a new vision of social friendship so as to be a new world of equality, freedom and justice, bringing hope to all the creatures of our Common Home

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

‘There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength’, writes St Paul … we pray in a world addicted to injustice and poverty, that the World’s poorest will be the world’s first priority, so that the poor will have an equal share in the Feast of the Earth’s Banquet

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

‘God will remove the mourning veil and the shroud enwrapping the nations’ … we pray urgently for an end to war, brutality and terrorism and for miracles of peace everywhere but in particular in the Yemen, Zimbabwe, the Cameroon and between Armenia and Azerbyjhan

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

All were given the wedding garment free … we pray for all whose baptism and other Sacraments have been delayed because of Covid 19; for our whole baptised community and for those journeying in Faith towards Sacraments of Initiation: may we discover the joy of living in Christ, robed with garments of holiness and moving towards the eternal feast of heaven   

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

That as a parish we will gladly go the crossroads of our inner city and fill God’s house with rich, poor, black, white, healthy, addicted, secure and disturbed – may the banquet of His Love which we celebrate here be healing and life for all

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

On this Prisons Sunday we prayer for the reform of our Penal system, for all who serve our overcrowded prison and shameful immigration detention centres, for all victims of crime and the families of prisoners: may we seek rehabilitation more than punishment

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

We pray for all the victims of the Covid Pandemic and those caring for them … we pray too for …
we that all who have died recently now enjoy the Heavenly Banquet, especially … and those killed in war, violence and famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                 [READER]                      LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [Response]                   Gather all to Your Feast…

Mary of Faithful Servant and Beloved Daughter of God, pray with us for the Renewal of the Church in humility and mercy… 


Let us pray in silence for the Church to be truly Good News to the Poor …

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