18th Sunday of the Year A

That all God’s People will hunger for God and thirst for the Spirit, and so grow in love for the Jesus who nourishes us in the Breaking of the Bread and Sharing of the Cup 

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

Jesus teaches us to share and send no one away hungry … we pray for a world hungry for justice, thirsting for peace, yearning for harmony: may we play our part in building a world fit for all the Children of the Earth, as we pray especially for fairer trade agreements between the rich nations and the developing world

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

For all who are caught up in the ‘contagion of war’ afflicting our world at this time: for the stricken people of the Yemen in their desperation and suffering, for peace and security between Palestine and Israel; for the victims of conflict in Syria and Iraq, in Mali, Cameroon and the Darfur; for the oppressed of Hong Kong and China

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

For all shut out of and victimised by our prosperous society; for all who have been so wounded by life that they cannot believe that ‘nothing separates them from the love of God’ … may they be helped by good and wise friends who will bring them healing and restore their faith in God, themselves and humanity 

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

For all our sisters and brothers who have not been able to celebrate Baptism, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, Confirmation or Marriage because of the Covid Restrictions: may they experience the closeness of Jesus Christ overcoming all barriers 

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

That the sick might triumph in all their trials by the power of Him who loves them: for the victims of the Covid pandemic in West Africa and the health workers caring for the sick and dying; and for …. ;
for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of war and the Corona Virus throughout the world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: … 

                        [READER]          LORD YOU ARE BREAD OF LIFE…       
                        [Response]       Fill our every hunger…

Mary and Joseph, pray for all witnessing to the God of love in marriage …
                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence …


That the People of God might always seek Christ and live by His Wisdom which alone can give life: we pray especially for the Holy Spirit to strengthen Pope Francis as he seeks to lead us all to become ‘the Church of the Poor , the Church for the Poor’ – may the voices and experience of the whole People of God be allowed to shape and renew the Church 

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

The Spirit and Wisdom of God also seeks to draw us into unity: that the diverse peoples of our own nation, with all the challenges of our Post-Christian and secular society, might work for a new unity of global co-operation in the light of the Covid pandemic and the crisis of Global warming: we pray also for the people of Yemen that their terrible suffering and for the people of the Cameroon and Zimbabwe in struggles for peace built on justice

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

For all scholars, teachers and researchers, that their work with help all search for and find the wisdom to build a more just and humane world – a world of equality and a healed planet sustaining future generations 

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

For our own parish community that we might more readily cast the dragnet of Mission into the depths of the Inner City and draw many to New Life in Christ … that we might place the Mission of the Gospel at the centre of our vision as a parish family: we pray especially at this time for our expanded Food Bank and our Borderlands Charity and all whom we serve

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

In the light of increased reports of domestic abuse, we pray for its victims and for the safety of all children and families as the holidays begin during this pandemic; and for young people seeking work or preparing for University in these strange times – may families know harmony and young people fulfilment

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

That God might bring everything to the good for those who suffer most … that the sick might strengthened and healed: … and all suffering for Coronavirus and those bring for them; those afflicted by war and famine
for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of Covid 19, and the on-going conflicts in our world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: 

                            [READER]          LORD WE PRAY…   
                            [Response]        Teach us Your Wisdom…

Mary, seat of Wisdom who shares the Treasure of Christ with us, pray with us for our world…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence …


‘Let both the darnel and wheat grow together’ … may God’s people be slow to judge, even slower to condemn, and ready always to see the goodness that lies in the field of the world; may the whole Church respond to Pope Francis call to become a more humble, compassionate and merciful Church that listens to the cry of the Earth, the cry of the poor
                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

‘The Kingdom of God is like yeast in the flour’ … we pray that the yeast of peace and reconciling love might transform all hearts that believe killing brings justice, that power can bring peace; for miracles of peace in the many theatres of conflict, in Cameroon, Yemen and Syria and throughout the Middle East
                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

‘The Kingdom of God is like a tiny mustard seed that grows into a great tree’ … we pray that our parish will always be a place of welcome, affirmation and healing – a community that will always seek to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God: may seeds of faith, seeds of the Spirit grow within us so that we might respond to new challenges in the aftermath of the pandemic  

                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

‘The birds of the air came to shelter in its branches’ … Giving thanks for the gift of our sisters and brothers who seek safe sanctuary among us, we pray that our parish may be a place where the vulnerable and poor, the refugee and asylum-seeker, the addicted and despairing might find a safe place of shelter among us that they may discover the Kingdom within them: we pray especially for the work of our Foodbank and of  our Borderlands Charity

                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

‘I speak in Parables of things hidden since the foundation of the world’ … for our children and young people as they end an academic year afflicted by the lockdown that it might not harm their opportunities; as they come to new beginnings, may they be refreshed and ready to go on discovering the wonder of their world and the beauty of Christ

                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

‘Gather the wheat into my barn’ … that the sick might know they are the beloved of God, gathered into his Love: for … 
for those who have died recently: … – we remember all who grieve, and for all globally who have died of Covid 19
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                  May Your Kingdom grow among us…

Mary, who allowed the Kingdom to grow in your heart, give us Christ and his Word…
                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence …


Peter is the Universal Pastor:  we pray for Pope Francis that listening with a compassionate love to all Christians in our search to live the Gospel in the modern world,  he will succeed in bringing renewal and reform to God’s Church – we pray especially that his Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato Si’ will call forth decisive action to care for our Earth and bring about ‘Global Healing’

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Paul was all things to all people in order to bring the Gospel to the nations:  we pray that our parish, the Churches of the Inner City and Christians everywhere may answer the challenge of a authentically New Evangelisation as we grow as a People in Communion for Mission

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul carried the Gospel of peace:  we pray for the freedom and peace of our world,  especially in the Cameroon, the Congo and throughout the Middle East, and wherever there is turmoil and conflicts – we pray in particular for the people of the Yemen and the Gulf Region – may we  all have the courage to build a world without war

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter served the unity of the Churches,  and Paul had the fire of a prophet:  we pray for the unity of all God’s people and that the Church will welcome the prophets who disturb us with the radical God of Jesus: we pray in particular for all those who go the margins and seek Justice for the poor, the excluded and for our refugee sisters and brothers

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul were set aside by God’s call for their work:  we pray that all our parish communities might embrace the challenges for Mission presented by the Covid pandemic;… that all might serve with a generous heart and preach the Word with courage and compassion and wash the feet of a broken  world with love and compassion

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul built up the Body of Christ in love: we pray that these Apostles will help us build a hospitable and healing Church that has the courage to touch the wounds of our world: we pray for the sick and hurting of body, mind and spirit, especially all suffering in body mind and spirit because of this pandemic;
For all who have died recently, especially Pauline Oaten and victims of the Coronavirus and in the conflicts  in Syria and Yemen and all victims of war and poverty

                    [reader]          LORD,  WE PRAY…
                    [response]    RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Mary, Mother of the Church,  pray with us for Bishop Declan and our whole Diocese of Clifton on this Feast of our Patron Saints…

We pray in a moment of silence for the unity of all God’s Church…


Jesus says: ‘What you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops’… that the Church will live a renewed vision of Mission, seeking to bring the Good News to all humankind in a genuinely New Evangelisation especially throughout post-Christian Europe

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears…

‘Declare yourself for Me in the presence of all people’ … we pray for all those who are being ordained to diaconate and priesthood in the coming weeks, that they will find fulfilment in declaring the Good News of Jesus Christ before our unbelieving nation

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears… 

Jesus says, ‘There is no need to be afraid’ … we pray that the cries for justice in the Black Lives Movement, for peace throughout the Middle East and freedom everywhere will at last be heeded; that those who carry out terror attacks might recognise the harm they do to their sisters and brothers

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears…

Jesus says, ‘You are more precious than hundreds of sparrows’ … in this Refugee Week we pray for the 67 million refugees around the world – may they know how precious they are in the sight of God, and may disappear fear as they experience the world’s acceptance, welcome and valuing

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears…

We pray for peacemakers and educators, for those who care for our environment and for the vulnerable in our society, for those elected to public office and government … may each pursue their vocation with integrity and generosity of spirit and may we all listen to the cries of the poor, the cries of the Earth and act with urgency

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears…

‘Do not be afraid…’ says Jesus – for all the sick and housebound, for those trapped in fear and depression and those suffering from the Covid-19 virus; we pray also for Carol Strainge, Margaret Ulloa and all awaiting surgery;
for those who have died recently, in particular Stan Cuffy and Pauline Oaten, the victims  of the Corona virus throughout the world and those killed in war and conflict
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: Eileen Bell  

                                      [READER]        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]     Heal our fears…

Mary, Mother of the Church, strengthen us to proclaim the Gospel…
                                                                   HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence that we will always answer the call of Christ…


Jesus is Bread of Life … that the People of the Eucharist may give life and love to the world,  becoming God’s broken bread for a New World

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread, Fruit of the Earth … that the People of the Eucharist might always value creation, protect our environment, bring peace to peoples, especially in the Middle East and Central Africa, and harmony to all creation

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread of the Poor … that the People of the Eucharist will always share bread and freedom with the poorest of our world, especially beloved of God

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of Love … that the People of the Eucharist will grow in prayer,  develop in community, share in relationships that give life and offer healing

               [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of suffering … that the People of the Eucharist will listen with love to life’s wounded, stand with courage among the despised, the rejected and the outcast, especially migrants fleeing war, terror and poverty; and exclude no-one from the love of Christ in the Eucharist

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of Redeeming Blood … that the People of the Eucharist might sacrifice in order to be a community of forgiveness, a living parable of reconciliation and a wellspring of healing: we pray peace and cohesion in our diverse multi-cultural nation, recognising that Black Lives Matter – All Lives Matter; may the growth in unity among all God’s People, sharing One Bread and One Cup, foster peace and unity among all races and nations

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread of Eternal Life, Cup of everlasting joy .. that the sick be healed, especially  the people of Yemen and all those suffering from Covid 19 around the world and all who care for them;
That the dead be raised to eternal life: especially  Anthony Madden, Faustine Ogbu, Stanislas Cuffy, Pauline Oaten and our Ethiopian sister Gardissie
for all whose anniversaries occur at this time: Yvette Gate, and all killed in the Rwandan Genocide

                [READER]              LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]             AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Mary, bearer of Christ,  lead to a deeper love our children who should have met Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time today…
                                                   HAIL MARY…

We pray in a moment of silence…

Feast of the Holy Trinity

God is perfect Relationship – Love that creates, that both gives and receives, that shares and binds in perfect harmony ….  may the Church everywhere give witness to this creative love and unity, that all people might know their true identity and destiny.

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is perfect harmony at the heart of creation …. We pray for greater respect and reverence for creation, that we will learn how to live in communion with the Earth,  and harvest it’s resources without polluting and destroying God’s beautiful creation; we pray too for miracles of peace in our war-torn world, especially among the peoples of the Middle East, Cameroon and Central Africa

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is the community of equality that empowers the poor …. we pray for all people who are denied the basic necessities of life and for all refugees and those seeking safe asylum among us: may we safeguard their dignity, made in God’s Image and Likeness; for all political leaders that they will listen to the voices of the ‘Black Life Matters’ movement and work to end all racial violence and hatred.

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is our Life-Giver … we pray for our children who should have been baptised today and those who cannot celebrate their First Eucharist next Sunday, and for their families:  may they nevertheless grow to love Christ more day by day and build with us a loving community of faith, service and witness

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is Unity …. we pray for deeper bonds of friendship and unity between the Churches, in the service of the mission of the Gospel; may we also build together a greater ‘Fellowship of Believers’ as people of different world faiths seeking to build a multi-cultural society without racial discrimination

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is a love that heals and protects … for the peoples around the world, afflicted by the Covid-19 epidemic, for all medical and care staff and those researching vaccine and treatment

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God listens to our prayer, and knows our every need …. we pray all who are sick and housebound, especially Michael McNama and Rose Haynes;
For all who died recently, especially George Floyd, Faustine Ogbu, Stanislas Cuffy and Pauline Oaten and all victims of racial discrimination and hatred
and for all  whose anniversaries occurs at this time: Tom and Kathleen Nyhan and Theresa Stiles

                [reader:]                  GOD OF LOVE
                [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

Mary, beloved of the Father, dwelling place of the Word made Flesh, overshadowed by the Spirit, pray with us for harmony among all peoples…

                                                     HAIL MARY… 

Let us pray in silence for a moment before the Divine Love


The Spirit clothes the Church with Divine Love … we pray that the Church, led by Pope Francis, Bishop Declan and the College of Bishops, may unite all peoples, races, classes and cultures in one great human family,  building a universal civilisation of love – we ask that all hearts of stone expressing discrimination of any kind may be challenged to repentance

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit reconciles all peoples of the earth … we pray that men and women of violence everywhere will cease resisting the Spirit that urges peace upon them;  that both ordinary people and world leaders everywhere will give themselves to the task of building peace – we pray especially for the the peoples of the Middle East, Palestine/Israel, and Central Africa

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit renews the face of the earth … we pray that we will learn to live in harmony, and  respect the wonder of creation,  working with God’s creative Spirit to heal our damaged earth and bringing true justice that shares the earth’s abundance with all equally

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit showers gifts of ministry and mission upon the People of God… we pray that this Pentecost we will all know a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, welcoming the Spirit’s charismatic gifts to empower us to serve the Kingdom as we continue to develop the mission of all our parishes: we pray especially for our young people

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit leads us to the heart of our God … we pray for a deepening of the stillness of prayer in our lives, and for the welling up of praise and thankfulness: may we each know how infinitely we are loved by our God who dwells at the centre of our being

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit sends us out in mission … we pray for all our Parish community that we will be open to God’s ever-new vision for us, together with diverse Christian brothers and sisters, and work to Proclaim Good News and serve the Kingdom in the Inner City; that the whole Church  will act with more courage to live out God’s Option for the Poor

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

The Spirit heals our every wound,  enlightens every darkness:  we pray for all suffering the wounds of war and poverty and for the sick and hurting of our parish family,  for all suffering from the Covid 19 virus and all who care for them; we pray also for …
the Spirit raises the dead: for all who have died recently, … and all victims of the Corona Virus and war and poverty
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time … and the victims of the Rwandan Genocide

        [reader]                        JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
        [sung response]      Veni Creator Spiritus

Mary of Pentecost,  help us all to open ever wider our hearts to the Spirit as you did …

                                                  HAIL MARY…

Let us yield to the Spirit praying within us in a moment of silence…


God speaks His Word to all the world:  that the Spirit of God will come and guide us to harness the Internet and other modern means of Mass Communication to proclaim the Gospel,  the Good News to our world

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Jesus,  the Truth, is Good News to the Poor:  that the new Technologies of Communication might bring home to all the truth about poverty, and the horror of war and the global threat of climate change; constantly challenging us to act with courage to bring peace and justice to our world and to listen to cries of the poor and the cries of our ‘Common Home’ our planet

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Holy Spirit is the divine communication of love:  giving thanks for the ways that global communication by radio, TV and the Internet has maintained community in the midst of isolation in the present emergency, may it also improve our interpersonal communication,  and bring peoples, nations and races together in mutual understanding in the service of peace

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Spirit is a Spirit of Justice and Truth: we pray for leaders of Governments and multi-national business – may honesty, openness, wisdom and compassion for the poor, the refugee and our planet be the hall marks of every Administration as we work together for the Common Good of our Common Home

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Church is challenged to be the Living Word of God’s life-giving love:  that our parish, responding to Jesus’ prayer for all disciples, will be a House of Prayer, open to the Spirit, at home with the Mystery of Divine Love   

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The disciples wait in the Upper Room of Hope and Expectation for the coming of the Spirit’s Fire:  we pray for all the young people of our parish; may we all welcome the Spirit’s renewal of our lives and community, opening ourselves to Gifts of Mission and Ministry 

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

That our sick and housebound might experience being listened to, embraced in the communion of our love and know they are not alone but one with us: we pray especially for all suffering from the Coronavirus and all medical and care workers bringing them healing and comfort;
for those who have died recently, especially … and all  victims of war, poverty and disease
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time

                   [reader:]           HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Mary of the Upper Room, pray with us for the Renewing Gift of the Spirit…
                                                 HAIL MARY…

Let us wait in silence upon the Spirit…


Jesus is ascended into glory:   that the Church will be faithful to Christ’s commission to be a community in mission,  witnessing to the world by the power of our love – we pray that the Spirit will guide us to use wisely and well the New technologies and social media to communicate the Gospel and its values…

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Jesus is ascended into glory:  that Christians, sharing the priesthood of all believers,  will intercede for the world in its anguish,  act with courage to renew the face of the earth: that governments here and everywhere will with integrity serve the peace of the world, listen to the cries of the Earth, our Common Home and the cries of the poor

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Jesus is ascended into glory:  that the dignity of every human person will be safeguarded;  that oppression, and discrimination, religious persecution and torture will be brought to an end;  that starvation and poverty will be eradicated; that refugees and those seeking asylum will be treated with dignity and compassion; that Christians will give a lead in creating a more just, humane and dignified world

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Jesus is ascended into glory:  that we will rejoice in each other’s gifts for ministry and mission, continue to build our Parish as a community of unity and mission, and encourage our young people and all our community to serve the growth of the Kingdom and the proclamation of the Gospel…

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Jesus is ascended into glory:  that we might all grow in deeper prayer,  discover the wonder and awe of God,  and wait upon the coming of the Holy Spirit who is life and power for us…

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Jesus is ascended into glory:  that the sick be healed and those who care for them be strengthened; that the despairing be uplifted with a new awareness their dignity and value; that the addicted may find healing and new life: we p=ray especially for all suffering form the virus and all effected by its ravages
for those who have died recently, especially …. and those  who have died of Covid-19; as well as all killed because of war, conflict or poverty; and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: may all the dead see God face to face and ascend with Jesus into the glory of the Resurrection

               [reader]           LORD OF GLORY…
               [response]     HEAR OUR PRAYER

Mary teach us to gaze upon the glory of Jesus and wait upon the Spirit’s power…

                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray upon the silence of the Spirit…