God is perfect Relationship – Love that creates, that both gives and receives, that shares and binds in perfect harmony …. may the Church everywhere give witness to this creative love and unity, that all people might know their true identity and destiny.
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God is perfect harmony at the heart of creation …. We pray for greater respect and reverence for creation, that we will learn how to live in communion with the Earth, and harvest it’s resources without polluting and destroying God’s beautiful creation; we pray too for miracles of peace in our war-torn world, especially among the peoples of the Middle East, Cameroon and Central Africa
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God is the community of equality that empowers the poor …. we pray for all people who are denied the basic necessities of life and for all refugees and those seeking safe asylum among us: may we safeguard their dignity, made in God’s Image and Likeness; for all political leaders that they will listen to the voices of the ‘Black Life Matters’ movement and work to end all racial violence and hatred.
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God is our Life-Giver … we pray for our children who should have been baptised today and those who cannot celebrate their First Eucharist next Sunday, and for their families: may they nevertheless grow to love Christ more day by day and build with us a loving community of faith, service and witness
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God is Unity …. we pray for deeper bonds of friendship and unity between the Churches, in the service of the mission of the Gospel; may we also build together a greater ‘Fellowship of Believers’ as people of different world faiths seeking to build a multi-cultural society without racial discrimination
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God is a love that heals and protects … for the peoples around the world, afflicted by the Covid-19 epidemic, for all medical and care staff and those researching vaccine and treatment
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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God listens to our prayer, and knows our every need …. we pray all who are sick and housebound, especially Michael McNama and Rose Haynes;
For all who died recently, especially George Floyd, Faustine Ogbu, Stanislas Cuffy and Pauline Oaten and all victims of racial discrimination and hatred
and for all whose anniversaries occurs at this time: Tom and Kathleen Nyhan and Theresa Stiles
[reader:] GOD OF LOVE
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Mary, beloved of the Father, dwelling place of the Word made Flesh, overshadowed by the Spirit, pray with us for harmony among all peoples…
Let us pray in silence for a moment before the Divine Love