Jesus is ascended into glory: that the Church will be faithful to Christ’s commission to be a community in mission, witnessing to the world by the power of our love – we pray that the Spirit will guide us to use wisely and well the New technologies and social media to communicate the Gospel and its values…
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Jesus is ascended into glory: that Christians, sharing the priesthood of all believers, will intercede for the world in its anguish, act with courage to renew the face of the earth: that governments here and everywhere will with integrity serve the peace of the world, listen to the cries of the Earth, our Common Home and the cries of the poor
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Jesus is ascended into glory: that the dignity of every human person will be safeguarded; that oppression, and discrimination, religious persecution and torture will be brought to an end; that starvation and poverty will be eradicated; that refugees and those seeking asylum will be treated with dignity and compassion; that Christians will give a lead in creating a more just, humane and dignified world
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Jesus is ascended into glory: that we will rejoice in each other’s gifts for ministry and mission, continue to build our Parish as a community of unity and mission, and encourage our young people and all our community to serve the growth of the Kingdom and the proclamation of the Gospel…
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Jesus is ascended into glory: that we might all grow in deeper prayer, discover the wonder and awe of God, and wait upon the coming of the Holy Spirit who is life and power for us…
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Jesus is ascended into glory: that the sick be healed and those who care for them be strengthened; that the despairing be uplifted with a new awareness their dignity and value; that the addicted may find healing and new life: we p=ray especially for all suffering form the virus and all effected by its ravages
for those who have died recently, especially …. and those who have died of Covid-19; as well as all killed because of war, conflict or poverty; and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: may all the dead see God face to face and ascend with Jesus into the glory of the Resurrection
[reader] LORD OF GLORY…
[response] HEAR OUR PRAYER
Mary teach us to gaze upon the glory of Jesus and wait upon the Spirit’s power…
Let us pray upon the silence of the Spirit…