That the People of God might always seek Christ and live by His Wisdom which alone can give life: we pray especially for the Holy Spirit to strengthen Pope Francis as he seeks to lead us all to become ‘the Church of the Poor , the Church for the Poor’ – may the voices and experience of the whole People of God be allowed to shape and renew the Church
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
The Spirit and Wisdom of God also seeks to draw us into unity: that the diverse peoples of our own nation, with all the challenges of our Post-Christian and secular society, might work for a new unity of global co-operation in the light of the Covid pandemic and the crisis of Global warming: we pray also for the people of Yemen that their terrible suffering and for the people of the Cameroon and Zimbabwe in struggles for peace built on justice
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
For all scholars, teachers and researchers, that their work with help all search for and find the wisdom to build a more just and humane world – a world of equality and a healed planet sustaining future generations
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
For our own parish community that we might more readily cast the dragnet of Mission into the depths of the Inner City and draw many to New Life in Christ … that we might place the Mission of the Gospel at the centre of our vision as a parish family: we pray especially at this time for our expanded Food Bank and our Borderlands Charity and all whom we serve
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
In the light of increased reports of domestic abuse, we pray for its victims and for the safety of all children and families as the holidays begin during this pandemic; and for young people seeking work or preparing for University in these strange times – may families know harmony and young people fulfilment
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
That God might bring everything to the good for those who suffer most … that the sick might strengthened and healed: … and all suffering for Coronavirus and those bring for them; those afflicted by war and famine
for those who have died recently, in particular … and the victims of Covid 19, and the on-going conflicts in our world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …
[Response] Teach us Your Wisdom…
Mary, seat of Wisdom who shares the Treasure of Christ with us, pray with us for our world…
Let us pray in a moment of silence …