May the Church share the humility of our Servant-King, who comes to His world not with the force of power but with the power of love, and so serve the world in its struggles with a humble compassion: we pray both wisdom and courage for Pope Francis as he leads the Church in Reform and renewal through the Global Synod

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For the unity of the whole Church gathered at the foot of the Cross this week:  that all Christians in our diverse traditions may move from arrogance to humility, from dogmatism to openness, from division to communion – we pray especially for unity in the service of peace among our Eastern Orthodox brothers and sisters

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For all who hold authority and government in both Church and State, that they may serve the peace of the world, the dignity of every human person, the justice and protection of the innocent and vulnerable, especially refugees and those seeking safe asylum and all victims of human trafficking and modern slavery: we pray with urgency for an end to the brutal war in  Ukraine

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

We pray for all afflicted with increasing poverty in our rich city and society, that the cries and needs of the poor will be heard and acted upon by the rich and powerful

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For all prisoners: that those held unjustly be released soon; that those rightfully convicted be held in conditions worthy of children of God; that our penal system be reformed to serve rehabilitation more than punishment: we pray for all prison chaplains at this time

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

That this Holy Week may see us renew our commitment to Jesus Christ, to his mission of love, mercy and peace in the world;  for the Church’s elected catechumens, especially Neil and Joanna; that those who have given up their faith may hear again the Good News and return to Christ;  that those who have never believed may find New Life in Christ’s Crucified Love

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

That the wounds of Christ may be healing for those addicted to drugs and alcohol, and for the sick of body and mind:   we pray especially for those suffering from Covid-19 and for all our health and care workers serving them and for those injured in mind and body in Ukraine;
that the death of Christ will bring eternal life to Joseph Duffy and all who have died recently, especially both Russian and Ukrainian victims of war’s inhumanity in Ukraine;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

               [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
               [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

Let us stand with Mary, before the Cross of a suffering world, and pray in particular for filled with fear because of Coronavirus…
                                                 HAIL MARY…

Let us be still before our Crucified God…

Fifth Sunday of lent (Cycle A)

For our Universal Pastor, Pope Francis, that God will gift him with strength, wisdom and courage as he serves to unbind the Church from all dysfunction and disunity,  leading us  through the Global Synod along the paths of reform and renewal and inspiring us for mission; that we might proclaim Life to a world seeking to discover how to live with renewed humanity: 

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For a world held bound by poverty, drugs, alcohol, injustice and exploitation; for a world imprisoned in cycles of war, violence and the lust for power that leads to aggression; for a world struggling to be free to live in harmony with creation and in peace with each other: that we may have the courage to be prophets of the Justice and Peace of Christ – we pray especially for the people of Ukraine and those Russians who oppose the war

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all held captive and bound by depression and their wounded past, that they experience healing’s freedom; for all who care for or counsel the depressed and emotionally wounded, that wise and compassionate listening might set free from inner darkness; for the healing of all scarred by memories of terror in the countries from which they have fled

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all bound up and entombed in poverty and modern forms of slavery, that they will know their dignity; that in the light of the global Coronavirus pandemic, leaders of nations and economies will work together to create greater equality of health care and vaccine provision in the developing nations; for all suffering from famine, racism and class inequality,  and for those enduring life in the world’s refugee camps

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For those who have neglected their life of faith or been hurt and alienated by the Church, that they might hear and answer the call of Jesus to return to closeness with God;  that in this coming Holy Week many will embrace the Christ who has died for love of them

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all health care workers, therapists, counsellors and psychiatric practitioners; for all Christian communities that we will embrace the call to be ’God’s field hospital’, safe places of welcome, listening and caring

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

That the sick be unbound from their suffering by the healing voice of Christ: …;
that the dead may be unbound for eternal glory, in particular … and those killed both Ukrainian and Russian in the brutality of war
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

Mary, Prophet of the Poor, help us unbind the world of injustice and pray with us for our Elected Catechumens, children and families preparing for Easter Baptism    

HAIL MARY…       

Let us pray for other needs including our new catechumens in a moment of silence…

Fourth Sunday in Lent (Cycle A)

That God’s People will reject every darkness and choose the Light of Christ, work for peace and free our world of injustice, discrimination and poverty so that all can live together in joy, freedom and equality

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

Before the dark horror of war and violence in Ukraine, Syria and Yemen, before the harsh darkness of the millions in refugee camps yearning for freedom, peace and a place to belong: we stand with their afflicted peoples; we pray the light of peace to come and never be extinguished;

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for all the Church’s catechumens as they journey towards the Light of Christ in Easter Sacraments; for our children journeying towards Jesus’ love in Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation: may they each know God’s blessing and may the joy of following Christ touch their hearts

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for all who are suffering from the effects of Global Warming: rising oceans, more extreme weather conditions and pollution of the oceans – may we see the light and change our life-styles so as to heal our planet for future generations; we pray especially on this Mothers’ Day for all mothers who have to watch their children suffer or die of famine and preventable disease, especially in Afghanistan and the Yemen

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for our mothers on this Mothering Sunday, thanking them for choosing to love us; we pray for mothers who know the sorrow of bereavement or separation, especially those mothers who are forcibly separated from their children because of having to seek safe refuge in a foreign land;  for single mothers as they seek to give all the love needed by their children; and for children who do not experience a mother’s love; for all women whose yearnings for a child have not yet been fulfilled

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

For all LGBTQ+ people and all young people of the Church that they will speak their voice, their hopes and dreams, and so build a Church where they can belong and flourish, and so use their gifts, building a Church that will respond creatively to their yearnings and challenges  

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

For healing for all afflicted with blindness; for light for all trapped in the darkness of depression; for the sick, specially all wounded in body or mind because of discrimination and rejection of their identity; we pray also for…
For all who have died recently, especially for … and all killed in the Ukraine war, both Ukrainian and Russian
and all whose anniversaries are at this time

[Reader]            SHINE ON US,  LORD…
             [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

Mary,  bring the light of Christ’s love to all mothers and guide the families preparing for a child’s baptism this Easter…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Third Sunday of Lent (Year A)

Jesus says, ‘If you only knew what God is offering…’:   that the People of God will always offer our world the living water of the Holy Spirit to heal the brokenness of war,  melt the hardness of violence,  cleanse the sinfulness of oppression and bring humanity to a new birth; we pray especially for Pope Francis and the Global Synod he has invited us to share

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘Give me some of that water…’:  as the people of the world thirst for peace and freedom,  may conflict end and the people’s cries be heard, especially in the Ukraine and throughout the Middle East, in Cameroon, Mali and Myanmar; may all the world hear the cries of the women and children caught in war zones and famines of human making

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘Ask and I will give you living water…’:  may we drink deeply from the well of Christ’s love through our prayer, our liturgy, our communion with the poor of the earth – that this Lent will not pass us by, but we will stop and drink from the well of the Holy Spirit’s love and life: we pray especially for the communities and peoples of those part of the world that endure the Eucharistic famine

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘Come and see the man…’: that we will have the courage and the love to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Good News of God’s Mercy, with friends and neighbours, share our love for Him in our streets and communities – we pray for all on our Adult and Youth Journeys of Faith and all the Catechumens of the Church preparing for to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: may they all know the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘Give me a drink…’:  for an end of Government enforced Destitution and homelessness among our sisters and brothers seeking safe asylum; that we will stop harming our fragile planet, reduce consumption of essential resources, end polluting our earth and its waters;  for our NHS and all health care professionals and all caring for the victims of the coronavirus

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘the water I shall give will turn into the spring of the Spirit inside you…’: for our parents preparing for the baptism of their children; for our children preparing for the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation; for all couples preparing for Christian marriage

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘He knew all about me!…’:  for deep healing of the hurts of heart and body known only to Jesus;  for all suffering from the Coronavirus and all who serve them; for the sick,  especially …
we pray for all who died recently especially … and all around the victims 0f the brutal way in Ukraine
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                    [reader]          LORD WE THIRST…
                    [response]    GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Mary, vessel of the Spirit & Mother of the Church, pray with us and for us

                                               HAIL MARY… 

Let us drink from the well of silent prayer for a moment…


The Transfigured Christ reveals to the company of the disciples the Glory of God within each of us: may the Church reveal to a world, over-shadowed by war, terror and injustice, the glory of God’s love by our courage to love and care without limit…

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The Glory of God is humanity fully alive: for all whose dignity is obscured by poverty and famine;  for all whose dignity is denied by discrimination, oppression and torture; for all whose dignity is diminished by addiction and abuse: we pray for the inspiring work of CAFOD as it brings hope to the poorest of the earth

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

‘This is my Son … listen to Him’: as we mark International Women’s Day, and recognising the equality of women and men that Jesus prophetically proclaimed, we pray for the safety and protection of all women especially in war zones, for radical equality for women in all aspects of society and church

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth:  that we might grow into a deeper love for the Word of God and a greater sensitivity to the voice of God in the stillness of prayer

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

After the Glory passed, they saw only Jesus: may this Lent be for each of us a profound time of Renewal, a deepening of prayer, a growing in faith, an expansion of Love, and a profound conversion to Jesus; through this Global Synod may the Holy Spirit guide the Church to become the Sacrament of the Father’s infinite love for the world 

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

As Abraham was called to leave his land and security to follow the whispers of God deep within him, we pray for all refugees fleeing war and oppression, for the 73 million refugees world-wide, for those fleeing Ukraine and for the people still suffering because of the Syrian conflict that has not ended

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

They were covered with shadow:  may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing,  especially all injured and traumatised in the war in Ukraine and …
that eternal glory may ever shine upon those who have died recently, especially all the victims both Ukrainian and Russian killed in the brutal conflict that is raging
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                             [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [response]      SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

Mary, Queen of Peace and Woman of Faith,  teach us to listen to the voice of God mediated through our sisters as well as our brothers…
                                                          HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in silence for peace in all theatres of violent conflict

Seventh Sunday of the Year C

Jesus says, ‘Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you’ … That the People of God will be a faithful witness of the Wisdom of God which is foolishness to the world, yet the key to its future   

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate’ … that the Holy Spirit will guide the whole Church during this Global Synod to seek with a repentant heart an end to inequality in the Church, a re-birth of the Priesthood of all Believers and deep-rooted reform and renewal so that we can be salt and light serving our world

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Love your enemies’ … For a world still trying and failing to resolve conflicts with the brutality of violence and war; for comprehensive disarmament, an end to discrimination, anti-semitism and racism of all kinds; for the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, for Afghanistan and Yemen, for Central Africa and Cameroon and all theatres of conflict

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Give and there will be gifts for you, for the amount you measure out is the amount you will receive’ … For all who are rejected by our society, for all persecuted and rejected because of the sexual identity and orientation; for all who live on the margins in poverty, homelessness and the darkness of addictions; for all seeking safe asylum and hope in our community

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Grant pardon and you will be pardoned’ … As we are soon to enter the Season of Lent, the Time of Repentance, may we seek to be reconciled with all and forgiven by God so that we might live as a sign and servant of mercy and acceptance to all

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Give to everyone without hope of return; be compassionate and do not judge’ , we pray for all in our nation and throughout the world who seek the opportunity of work; for all deprived of the right and dignity of employment, for all who are highly trained and skilled but not able to use those skills, for the Trade Union movement protecting the rights of all workers

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus offers the world a wisdom that saves and heals: we pray for all survivors of child abuse, especially those abused by the shepherds of the Church; we pray also for suffering from Covid the victims of malnutrition of humanity’s making in Yemen and Afghanistan;
We pray for all who have died recently, especially all victims of war & violence, especially in the Ukraine and among the LGBTQ+ community around the world
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: 

                                [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                [Response]                   Teach us true Wisdom

Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray with us for your Church and your world…
                                                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Our Lady of Lourdes & World day of the Sick

We pray that the Church will everywhere seek to be God’s field hospital where the wounded and hurting know they will be welcomed, accepted and held in caring and healing

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all who lead and govern the nations, that they will lead us to peace not war, give priority to healthcare for all, respect all human life especially the most frail and vulnerable, and no longer traumatise their people with terror and war

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We cry out for all who are broken and excluded because of their struggle with mental illness; for those whose poverty and oppression deny them the healthcare, the compassion and understanding they need to recover wholeness and peace; we pray in particular for the 78 million refugees and displaced persons world-wide who suffer trauma of war, injustice and terrible disruption of their lives with little healthcare or psychological support

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all affected by this global Covid pandemic: those struggling to survive this illness; health and care workers exhausted by the avalanche of sickness; families caring for the sick in their own homes; those afflicted with deep mental trauma and turmoil; we pray also for all whose treatment for life-threatening illnesses has been delayed because of Covid

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for the renewal of the healing ministry of the Church: that we will ‘bow before the suffering and vulnerable’, walk with the excluded and greet with acceptance society’s outcasts … for those who counsel the wounded, listen to the burdened, bring light to those trapped in darkness; for those who befriend the isolated and pray with the sick, for all who strive to make parishes communities of Christ’s healing Light

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all whose lives are darkened by broken relationships and devastating griefs; for any who despair because of painful memories or incurable physical illness; for those trapped in mental disorder or unending darkness – may they rediscover their dignity as beloved children of the Father. 

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for a more equal sharing of the Covid Vaccines among the poorest and the developing nations, especially in Africa; that the rich world might learn from the pandemic that no-one is safe until all are safe and that to share  our resources equally with all the children of the Earth is the only way to be human

                   [Reader]                  Lord we pray ….
                   [RESPONSE]       HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We ask Mary, Sister of Compassion and Mother of the Wounded, to pray with us for our world…


We pray for all health workers, researchers and carers in a moment of silence…

Fifth Sunday of the Year C

Jesus calls the first apostles … may your Church founded on these apostles always have the courage to leave behind whatever impedes the proclamation of the Gospel in our present age and through the Global Synod walk the paths of reform and renewal

                [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

We pray for our Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, thankful for her 70 years of faithful service to our nations and the nations of the Commonwealth: may the Lord strengthen her and give her joy as she continues to serve her people

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Jesus sits in the boat teaching the crowds … may a world of too many conflicts and too much injustice have the courage to listen to Jesus the Prophet of Peace,  and risk walking together the ways of peace rather war, justice rather than greed: we pray for peace in the Middle East, Myanmar, Ukraine and Russia

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

God called Isaiah to be His Prophet … may the Spirit empower us to cry out before the governments of Europe, especially our own, with the pain of our refugee and asylum sisters and brothers, cry out for the 70 million refugees world-wide

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Paul teaches us what he himself was taught, handing on the Tradition … may the children and young people in all our schools thirst for knowledge, especially the liberating truth that is Faith; grow in hope as they grasp hold of opportunity; and develop their skills and gifts to respond to the call to love above all else                                                            

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

The first disciples learned that they had to leave much behind to do the work of Christ … through our sharing in the Synod may we all be open to the new ways of sharing faith and proclaiming the Gospel of healing and hope in our age: we also pray for all whose lives are blighted by lack of work, poverty and homelessness or denied the right to work at all

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Jesus accepts Isaiah, Peter and Paul with all their sinfulness and shadowed lives … bless and guide our children and their families who are on the journey towards Jesus in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Jesus calls us to heal – teach us how to create healing communities of generous compassion and wholeness:  we pray for all suffering from Cancer and all who care for them; and  especially for …;
that the dead be called into life:  especially … and victims of knife and gun crime
and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: … 

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Mary,  Queen of Apostles and Prophets, servant of Healing, pray for us and with us…

                                             HAIL MARY…

In silence may the Spirit bring us the truth and the peace of Christ…

FOURTH SUNDAY OF YEAR C (Holocaust Memorial)

God said to the Prophet Jeremiah, ‘Stand up and tell them all I command you’: we pray that this Global Synod will inspire the People of God both to love the Church and to challenge the Church by embracing our call to to be Prophets of Reform and renewal

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

‘When they heard the words of Jesus everyone was enraged’ – because he spoke of a God whose love was for all peoples: we pray for an end to anti-semitism, racism and discrimination in all its forms, and learn from the horror of the Holocaust and Genocides

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

‘When I was a child, I used to think and act like a child, but now I put those childish ways behind me!’ We pray God’s blessing and wisdom for all teachers and lecturers in our schools and colleges, for our catechists, for pupils and students that each will help the other into personal growth contributing to the development of a more just and peaceful world; we pray especially for our children and families preparing for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

‘If I have faith in all fulness, but without love I am nothing at all’: that we will all allow God’s heart of Universal Love to invade our hearts, shaping who we are and what we do, and so be Prophets of Love to our society, to our neighbours and families: may we work to combat the trade in human misery that is trafficking and modern slavery

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

‘Before you came to be, I consecrated you, loved you’ says God to Jeremiah: we pray healing for all who do not know their unique value, who do not believe in themselves, who cannot experience how infinitely beloved of God they are

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

With a repentant heart for the harm we Christians have inflicted upon the Jewish people over the centuries, we pray as we mark Holocaust Memorial Day that the world will never forget the horrors done to our sisters and brothers in the Nazi era, and in the other Genocides of past decades – that we will every form of demonising and victimising of those different from us

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

Jesus’ Love heals:  we pray for all the housebound and sick of our parish, especially …;
we pray too for all who have died recently: … and the victims of street violence in our nation;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, …; and in particular the 8 Million victims of the Holocaust, together with all who have perished in Genocides whom we remember at this time;

                                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                        TEACH US HOW TO LOVE…

Mary, Mother who loves with her whole being, lead us along the pathways of love


We pray in a moment of silence that Love will be our Centre…

THIRD SUNBDAY OF THE YEAR (C) Christian Unity Week

Jesus is anointed by the Spirit to be ‘Good News to the Poor’: that all God’s people might be Good News to the poor and Good News to the Earth, seeking together to heal our planet and to liberate our world from poverty and oppression, walking humbly in the Spirit of Christ in the mission of the Gospel

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

‘Now you together are Christ’s body, but each of you a different part of it’: that all Christians will be empowered to use the Gifts of the Spirit to build a mature Church and to transform our World into the New Creation – in particular we pray that the Spirit will speak to the Church of our time through our participation in the Global Synod

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

Give us a repentant heart for the harm we Christians have inflicted upon each other through centuries of division and conflict and for the refusal to rejoice in diversity or listen to the cries for reform and renewal; draw closer to each other across the sad divides of denominations and enrich our unity with gift of each traditions charisms and insights

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

The Gifts of the Spirit build the unity of the Body: for all the pastors and leaders of God’s Church, especially Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, the President of the World Council of Churches and Free Church Leaders: may they with courage lead us along the pathways of Unity in the Spirit

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

For our refugee sisters and brothers as they endure such danger, deprivation and loss of life in their struggle for freedom and hope; for all working here in Bristol and in Calais, and the Mediterranean to rescue, welcome, support and heal them, ‘raising the downtrodden’, offering Resurrection Hope

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

For the sick,  especially the housebound, isolated, addicted and depressed; and for …;
for those who have died recently, especially …, and all victims of Covid and the bombing in Yemen
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, especially …

                 [reader]         LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
                 [response]   MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray with us that we may be One as your Son prayed…

                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…