The Transfigured Christ reveals to the company of the disciples the Glory of God within each of us: may the Church reveal to a world, over-shadowed by war, terror and injustice, the glory of God’s love by our courage to love and care without limit…
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
The Glory of God is humanity fully alive: for all whose dignity is obscured by poverty and famine; for all whose dignity is denied by discrimination, oppression and torture; for all whose dignity is diminished by addiction and abuse: we pray for the inspiring work of CAFOD as it brings hope to the poorest of the earth
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
‘This is my Son … listen to Him’: as we mark International Women’s Day, and recognising the equality of women and men that Jesus prophetically proclaimed, we pray for the safety and protection of all women especially in war zones, for radical equality for women in all aspects of society and church
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth: that we might grow into a deeper love for the Word of God and a greater sensitivity to the voice of God in the stillness of prayer
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
After the Glory passed, they saw only Jesus: may this Lent be for each of us a profound time of Renewal, a deepening of prayer, a growing in faith, an expansion of Love, and a profound conversion to Jesus; through this Global Synod may the Holy Spirit guide the Church to become the Sacrament of the Father’s infinite love for the world
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
As Abraham was called to leave his land and security to follow the whispers of God deep within him, we pray for all refugees fleeing war and oppression, for the 73 million refugees world-wide, for those fleeing Ukraine and for the people still suffering because of the Syrian conflict that has not ended
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
They were covered with shadow: may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing, especially all injured and traumatised in the war in Ukraine and …
that eternal glory may ever shine upon those who have died recently, especially all the victims both Ukrainian and Russian killed in the brutal conflict that is raging
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Woman of Faith, teach us to listen to the voice of God mediated through our sisters as well as our brothers…
Let us pray in silence for peace in all theatres of violent conflict