That the Church of Christ may seek to glorify God by listening to the Master, each other and the world, proclaiming hope and humanity to all, and building a Kingdom of Justice and Peace upon  the Earth

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

For the Peace of the world and a global commitment to Nuclear disarmament, as we mark this tragic Anniversary of the dropping of the Atom Bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima; we pray that the nations will find sanity and never again threaten destruction of our world and mass murder of our people

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

That in our parish and diocese we may build on the witness and vision of St Pope Paul VI, whose anniversary is today…that his life’s work of the renewal and transformation of the Church may be embraced with renewed vigour and courage – we pray for Pope Francis as he seeks the reform of the Church by revitalising the vision of the Second Vatican Council and gathering us in the Global Synod.

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

For peoples everywhere, but especially in the developing world, in particular for the people of Yemen, Sudan, Ukraine and Tigray/Ethiopia as war, famine and disease are multiplied: that their tragedy may be transfigured into miracles of peace;  

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

For the young people of the Church all over the world who have gathered in Lisbon for the World Day of Youth: that they may ever grow in commitment to Jesus Christ and His Body the Church and so bring their gifts of faith, of hope and of love to the People of God and the Peoples of our common home, our planet

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

That the sick, wounded and broken of heart, mind and body may find their wounds transfigured into wholeness – we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently and all who have died in the many conflicts wounding our world;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: … and remembering all those killed in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:  

                  [reader:]              LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
                 [response:]        AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

Mary, One who glorified God in all things, pray with us for the peace of the world and for the wisdom and courage to tackle Global Warming

                                                   HAIL MARY…

We pray in the presence of God’s Glory for all human need…


That the People of God might always seek Christ and live by His Wisdom which alone can give life: we pray especially for the Holy Spirit to guide Pope Francis and the Church’s Global Synod – may the voices and experience of the whole People of God be allowed to reform and renew the Church, to be fit for our 21st Century Mission 

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

The Spirit and Wisdom of God also seeks to draw us into unity: that the diverse peoples of our own nation, with all the challenges of our Post-Christian and secular society, might work for a new unity of global co-operation in the light of the crisis of Global warming: we pray also for the people of Yemen that their terrible suffering and for an end to war in conflict in Ukraine, Sudan and Cameroon and the birth of peace built on justice

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

For all scholars and scientists, for teachers and researchers, that their work with help all search for and find the wisdom to build a more just and humane world – a world of equality and a healed planet sustaining future generations 

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

For our parish community that we might more readily cast the dragnet of Mission into the depths of the Inner City and draw many to New Life in Christ … that we might place the Mission of the Gospel at the centre of our vision as a parish family: we pray especially for our ‘St Nicholas Bread’ Food Bank and our Borderlands Charity and all whom we serve

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

We give thanks and pray for  all grandparents and the elderly of our parish family and our nation – may their wisdom and experience be listened to and valued: may they know they are cherished and cared for by our community

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

That God might bring everything to the good for those who suffer most … that the sick might strengthened and healed: …
for those who have died recently, in particular …., all the victims the wars and conflicts conflicts that are wounding our world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:  

                             [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]          Teach us Your Wisdom…

Mary, seat of Wisdom who shares the Treasure of Christ with us, pray with us for our world…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence …


‘A sower went out to sow the seed’ … that all God’s People will sow the seed of the Word of God’s Love into the field of the world, and seek with our whole heart the harvest of the Kingdom    

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

‘Some seed fell upon barren ground’ … that politicians and leaders in every theatre of conflict and violence will sow seeds of Peace especially in Ukraine, Sudan and Israel-Palestine; that the nations of the world will work together to bring about a new world of justice and equality for all

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

‘Happy are your ears because they hear’ … we pray that all of us in our parish family will grow in a deeper love for the Word of God, and allow our lives and our parish to be formed by God’s Word: may our lives of love and faith speak silently God’s Word that is Love  

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

‘Some seed fell upon rich soil and produced their crop’ … we pray for all who work the land and produce the food that feeds our nation and every nation – we pray for famine stricken peoples around the world, especially the victims of drought, flood and fire caused by Global Warming

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

‘The lure of riches chokes the seed of the Word’ … that the CAFOD campaign in support of small farmers may convince the World Bank to change their policies and allow small farmers to keep and propagate their own seeds for ‘without seeds, being a farmer is impossible’ 

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

We pray for our young people preparing for Confirmation next Sunday: may they catch the fire of the Holy Spirit, come alive in His Love and know the joy of living for Christ Jesus and the Gospel – may they use their gifts to build a compassionate and contemporary Church and a world of humanity and peace

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

‘Those who hear and understand the Word yield a rich harvest’ … we pray for all suffering from the effects of famine and all caring for them – may they hear God’s Word of Love for them; for …  

for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of race hatred, war, famine and the refugee journey;

and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                 [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…          
                 [RESPONSE]     May Your Word grow within us…

Mary, Mother of the Word made Flesh, who pondered the Word, open our hearts to the Divine Seed, your Son, sown into creation to bring redemption to all…

                                                      HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence

Feast of the Holy & Undivided Trinity

God is perfect Relationship – Love that creates, that both gives and receives, that shares and binds in perfect harmony ….  may the Church everywhere be a living Sacrament of this creative love and unity, that all people might know their true identity and destiny.

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is perfect harmony at the heart of creation …. We pray for greater respect and reverence for creation, that we will learn how to live in communion with the Earth,  and harvest it’s resources without polluting and destroying God’s beautiful creation; we pray too for miracles of peace in our war-torn world, especially in Sudan, Ukraine, among the peoples of the Middle East, Cameroon, Mali and Congo

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is the community of equality that empowers the poor …. we pray for all people who are denied the basic necessities of life and for all refugees and those seeking safe asylum among us, especially those threatened with transportation to Rwanda: may we safeguard their dignity, made in God’s Image and Likeness; for all political leaders that they will serve not dominate, welcome not reject and always act honestly and with integrity.

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is our Life-Giver … we pray for our children Baptised today, those preparing to celebrate their First Eucharist and all our young People journeying towards Confirmation:  may they grow to love Christ more day by day and build with us a loving community of faith, service and witness

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is Unity …. we pray for deeper bonds of friendship and unity between the Churches, in the service of the mission of the Gospel; may we also build together a greater ‘Fellowship of Believers’ as people of different world faiths seeking to build a multi-cultural society without discrimination of any kind

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

God is the love that listens, heals and protects … for all medical and care staff and those researching vaccines and treatments for various serious illnesses …. we pray all who are sick and housebound, especially …
for all who have died recently: …, those killed in the Indian train disaster and all killed in the conflicts in Sudan and Ukraine;
and for all whose anniversaries occurs at this time: …

                             [reader:]                   GOD OF LOVE
                             [response]              HEAR OUR PRAYER

Mary, beloved of the Father, dwelling place of the Word made Flesh, overshadowed by the Spirit, pray with us for harmony among all peoples…

                                                                   HAIL MARY… 

Let us pray in silence for a moment.


The Spirit clothes the Church with Divine Love … we pray that the Church, led by Pope Francis, Bishop Declan and the College of Bishops, may unite all peoples, races, classes and cultures in one great human family,  building a universal civilisation of love

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit reconciles all peoples of the earth … we pray that men and women of violence everywhere will cease resisting the Spirit that urges peace upon them;  that both citizens and world leaders everywhere will give themselves to the task of building peace – we pray especially for the Ukraine, Sudan, the peoples of the Middle East, Mali and Cameroon

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit renews the face of the earth … we pray in this ‘Laudato si’ Week that we will learn to live in harmony and respect for the wonder of creation,  working with God’s creative Spirit to heal our damaged earth and bringing true justice that shares the earth’s abundance with all equally

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit showers gifts of ministry and mission upon the People of God… we pray that this Pentecost each one of us will experience a fresh outpouring of the Spirit’s Charismatic Gifts and so give ourselves generously to the work of the Kingdom – we pray that the Church’s Global Synod will free us to listen to the Spirit and build together a ‘New Way of being Church’

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit leads us to the heart of our God … we pray for a deepening of the stillness of prayer in our lives, and for the welling up of praise and thankfulness: may we each know how infinitely we are loved by our God who dwells at the centre of our being

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit sends us out in mission … we pray for all our Parish community that we will be open to God’s ever-new vision for us, together with diverse Christian brothers and sisters, and work to Proclaim Good News and serve the Kingdom in the Inner City; that the whole Church will act with more courage to live out God’s Option for the Poor and protect the vulnerable

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

The Spirit heals our every wound, enlightens every darkness: we pray for all suffering the wounds of war and poverty and for the sick and hurting of our parish family,  for all suffering from the Covid 19 virus and all who care for them; we pray also for …
the Spirit raises the dead: for all who have died recently, … and all victims of gun and knife crime, and those killed in war, especially in Sudan and Ukraine, both Russian and Ukrainian,
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time: … and all victims of the Rwandan Genocide

            [reader]                   JESUS BREATHE YOUR SPIRIT…
            [response]              Fill us Afresh with Your Love

Mary of Pentecost,  help us all to open ever wider our hearts to the Spirit as you did …

                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us yield to the Spirit praying within us in a moment of silence…

FEAST OF PENTECOST – Fruits of the Spirit


The Scripture says ‘Love is always patient and kind’

O God our Father, may we always be filled with the Spirit of Love. Help us love one another as Jesus loved us. May it be our joy to share your love with all the world, healing every wound and reconciling every division. May this Spirit of Love and Wisdom of Your Kingdom guide our Pope, Francis, and our Bishop, Declan

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


        The Scripture says ‘…that your joy be complete’

O God our Life-Giver, may the Spirit of Joy be with us always, that joy promised by Jesus to all who follow his Way, that our witness to the Good News may be ever joyful; we pray particularly for all saddened by bereavement, grief, terminal illness or turmoil at this time  – may their sadness be turned to joy by your healing love

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]

[3] THE SPIRIT BRINGS PEACE: The Scripture says ‘My Peace I give you…’

O God the wellspring of our Peace, may the Peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding always be in our hearts, and everywhere in all the world. We pray especially for peace in lands where there is conflict and war – in particular for Ukraine, Sudan, the Holy Land, Syria, Yemen, Mali and the Cameroon 

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


    The Scripture says ‘We wait for what we do not see in patience’

O God ever patient in waiting upon us, grant us to know when to be patient and long-suffering, and when to share your impatience and love’s anger in the struggles against injustice; may your Spirit teach us right patience as we wait upon your touch, and grant us a patient heart for those we find it hard to love or who have hurt us


      The Scripture says ‘Be kind and tender-hearted to one another’

O God who lavishes us with tender kindness, grant us that Spirit of Kindness that will be ever understanding and forgiving after the example of Jesus who befriended all and forgave without limit, to disciples who betrayed, denied and deserted Him, and to those who nailed him upon the Cross: may kindness be the character of our service, especially in the ministries of Borderlands, the Foodbank and the Parish Office

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


    The Scripture says ‘Goodness and kindness shall follow me always’

O God of all Goodness, we praise you for your everlasting goodness towards all humanity and our creation. Grant us by your Spirit a hunger for all that is good, gratitude for the goodness in every person and every faith and a heart that listens to the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth … may your Spirit empower us with action to heal our planet, our ‘common home’ assuring true justice the world’s poor

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


        The Scripture says ‘Trust in God and trust in me…’

O God who never leaves us, may your Spirit work in our hearts to bring us to the place of such trust that we will lovingly abandon ourselves into your hands, and offer the gift of trust to one another – may we never disappoint another’s trust in us

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


The Scripture says ‘Happy the Gentle, they shall inherit the earth!’

O God of all gentleness, the world is too full of those who act violently and hurt others, even unknowingly. May your Spirit lead us along the paths of gentleness so that you might heal the aggression in our hearts, and by your Spirit’s power we might heal the aggression that wounds our world

sung response: Veni Sancte Spiritus [x2]


 The Scripture says  ‘The Spirit is not timidity, but power, love and self-control’

O God who orders all things for our good and growth, may your Spirit grow in us the self-control that frees spontaneity and freshness in our lives and communities, while enabling us to discern all that will hurt another or ourselves – may we embrace love’s discipline in order to liberate love in each other

Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A

God speaks His Word to all the world:  that the Spirit of God will come and guide us to harness the Internet and other modern means of Mass Communication to proclaim the Gospel,  the Good News to our world

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Jesus,  the Truth, is Good News to the Poor:  that the new Technologies of Communication might bring home to all the truth about poverty, and the horror of war and the global threat of climate change; constantly challenging us to act with courage to bring peace and justice to our world as we listen to cries of the poor and the cries of our ‘Common Home’, our planet

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Holy Spirit is the divine communication of love which unites us:  giving thanks for the ways that global communication by radio, TV and the Internet nurtured community in the midst of isolation during the Covid emergency, may it also improve our interpersonal communication,  and bring peoples, nations and races together in mutual understanding in the service of peace

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Spirit is a Spirit of Justice and Truth: we pray for leaders of Governments and multi-national business – may honesty, openness, wisdom and compassion for the poor, the refugee and our planet be the hall marks of every Administration as we work together for the Common Good of our Common Home

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Church is challenged to be the Living Word of God’s life-giving love:  that our parish, responding to Jesus’ prayer for all disciples, will be a House of Prayer, open to the Holy  Spirit of Pentecost empowering us to build among us  a ‘New Way of being Church’   

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The disciples wait in the Upper Room of Hope and Expectation for the coming of the Spirit’s Fire:  we pray for all the young people of our parish especially those preparing for Confirmation; may we all welcome the Spirit’s renewal of our lives and community, opening ourselves to Gifts of Mission and Ministry …we pray especially for a new beginning for our parish SVP Conference 

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

That our sick and housebound might experience being listened to, embraced in the communion of our love and know they are not alone but one with us: we pray for all suffering life threatening illnesses and for those who care for them; and especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of war, poverty and disease
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time … and and the victims of the Rwandan Genocide

                    [reader]              HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                    [response:]      SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Mary of the Upper Room, pray with us for the Renewing Gift of the Spirit…

                                                     HAIL MARY…

Let us wait in silence upon the Spirit…

Sixth Sunday of Easter Year A

Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  the Advocate … that the Church will with humility listen to the pain of all who have been abused by priests and religious and others in authority in the Church;; that we will allow the Spirit to teach us through their experience and courage how to build safe and welcoming communities unafraid to hear and speak the Truth!

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]       RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  the dove of Peace … for those afflicted with war, oppression and famine, especially in Sudan, Ukraine, Isreal/Palestine Middle East, and swathes of Africa;  may the Spirit empower Prophets and servants of Peace everywhere

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]       RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit who leads into all truth … for all who search for truth and meaning that they might discover the Truth that is Jesus; for scientists and scholars who seek to understand,  for artists, writers and poets who yearn to express Truth’s beauty, for all seeking to heal the earth of the wounds of Climate Change and to heal the inhumanity of war

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]       RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that is the love that unites … for families who are separated and divided, for couples seeking to bring healing into their hurting relationship, our parish family that we will grow in greater unity and deeper friendship as we together build ‘a new way of being Church’

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]       RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that draws us to maturity … for the young people of our parish family preparing to be confirmed in the Holy Spirit that they will develop and offer in service to others the gifts Spirit gives them; for our children soon to meet Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]       RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that heals … for the housebound, the sick, and any in our community suffering anxiety because of physical or mental health issues and for those, especially any among us, who have wounds from abuse, disclosed or hidden still, that bring compassion to one another: in particular we pray for …
for those who have died recently, in particular … and all who died in war or famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]        RENEW OUR WORLD!

As Mary allowed the Spirit to overshadow her and transform her life, may she help us to welcome the same Spirit who renews the face of the Earth…

                                                   HAIL MARY… 

We pray for the promised Spirit to inspire us,  as we accept the challenge of  Mission…

Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A

Jesus is the Servant … we pray for our Pope Francis in his universal service of the Church and the World as the Servant of the Servants of God; for all deacons and their wives as they offer us new models of ministry and teach us how ordained ministry and marriage can enrich each other and the Church:  that all Christians will rejoice to be Servants of God and the World

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords … we pray God’s blessing for King Charles III and Queen Camilla as they dedicate themselves to serve the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth: may the Spirit guide them to serve the Common Good, uphold justice, build peace and serve the healing of creation

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Stone that is rejected … for all who feel rejected by the Church:  for women who experience a call to ordination or increased responsibility in the Church;  for those who have suffered the breakdown of their marriage, that past rejections and hurts might be healed; for all who have suffered abuse from ministers of the Church; for those refused Holy Communion – that we might live and offer the Mercy of God to all

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Way … that nations and their leaders will walk the paths of Justice that set people free of poverty and oppression, in particular in Sudan, Ukraine and all conflict-ridden areas of our world

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Truth … that our young people, together with all our community, will continue to grow in a knowledge and love of Jesus, until we find that deep freedom of heart in Christ the Truth who sets us free

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Life … for all who work in medical, welfare and social agencies, that they will reverence the uniqueness of every life,  from the womb to the grave;  for the Christian ministry of healing that seeks to give life;  for relief agencies and all organisations like Borderlands who bring hope to the starving, impoverished and the asylum seeker and the refugee

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus promises greater works among us … for the healing of the sick of body mind or spirit;  and for …
for those recently dead, in particular … and all who have died because of war or poverty
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time: 

               [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

We ask Mary the Servant of the Lord, to help us be as open to the Holy Spirit as she is…

                                            HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


Thomas remained in doubt until he returned to the community of faith:  for the unity of all God’s Church,  that together we will offer to an unbelieving world a convincing sign of faith, proclaiming the Risen Lord of the Church

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Thomas saw and he believed:  for those who cannot believe because they cannot see;  for those who cannot believe because they cannot hope;  for those who cannot believe because they cannot trust because of the scandal of abuse in the Church – that Christians everywhere and in our Parish will seek reform and renewal and so draw many to a renewed faith in the Risen Christ

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus’ wounds were healing for broken disciples:  may we have the courage to face our own brokenness,  walk with others in their brokenness with an unconditional love,  and allow miracles of healing to flow from our community: we pray especially for our refugee and LBGT friends, that the pain of rejection and judgement may be soon healed

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus sent his disciples to touch the wounds of the world, forgiving and reconciling:  that the Church of God will challenge the madness of knife and gun crimes in our cities and towns; will challenge war and terrorism, creating peace and miracles of new beginnings, especially in Ukraine, Ethiopia and Tigray, throughout the Middle East and conflict torn parts of Africa; for all communities of Reconciliation – Corrymeela in Northern Ireland; Taizé in France; Pax Christi throughout the world; may we all be living parables of reconciliation

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus speaks the Easter ‘Peace’:  may we always serve peace in our fractured world:  serve healing for every distressed heart and wounded mind especially those traumatised by abuse, torture and refugee journeys; for peace, harmony and justice in the streets and homes of our City of Bristol

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus comes among them and heals:  for the sick of body and mind, and for all who are darkened by depression; we pray in particular for all suffering the trauma and scars of war’s brutality; and for …;
May Risen Lord share His Resurrection with all who have died recently, especially, Bishop Christopher Budd, and the victims of war and conflict
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:  Fr Hans Kung

               [reader]               JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]        HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Mary,  sharing most fully the Resurrection of Jesus, pray with us and for us…


Let us pray in a moment of the silence of peace…