God speaks His Word to all the world: that the Spirit of God will come and guide us to harness the Internet and other modern means of Mass Communication to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News to our world
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
Jesus, the Truth, is Good News to the Poor: that the new Technologies of Communication might bring home to all the truth about poverty, and the horror of war and the global threat of climate change; constantly challenging us to act with courage to bring peace and justice to our world as we listen to cries of the poor and the cries of our ‘Common Home’, our planet
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
The Holy Spirit is the divine communication of love which unites us: giving thanks for the ways that global communication by radio, TV and the Internet nurtured community in the midst of isolation during the Covid emergency, may it also improve our interpersonal communication, and bring peoples, nations and races together in mutual understanding in the service of peace
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
The Spirit is a Spirit of Justice and Truth: we pray for leaders of Governments and multi-national business – may honesty, openness, wisdom and compassion for the poor, the refugee and our planet be the hall marks of every Administration as we work together for the Common Good of our Common Home
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
The Church is challenged to be the Living Word of God’s life-giving love: that our parish, responding to Jesus’ prayer for all disciples, will be a House of Prayer, open to the Holy Spirit of Pentecost empowering us to build among us a ‘New Way of being Church’
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
The disciples wait in the Upper Room of Hope and Expectation for the coming of the Spirit’s Fire: we pray for all the young people of our parish especially those preparing for Confirmation; may we all welcome the Spirit’s renewal of our lives and community, opening ourselves to Gifts of Mission and Ministry …we pray especially for a new beginning for our parish SVP Conference
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
That our sick and housebound might experience being listened to, embraced in the communion of our love and know they are not alone but one with us: we pray for all suffering life threatening illnesses and for those who care for them; and especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of war, poverty and disease
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time … and and the victims of the Rwandan Genocide
[response:] SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…
Mary of the Upper Room, pray with us for the Renewing Gift of the Spirit…
Let us wait in silence upon the Spirit…