The Transfigured Christ reveals to the company of the disciples the Glory of God within each of us: may the Church reveal to a world, shadowed by war, terror and injustice, the glory of God’s love by our courage to love and care without limit…

[reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
[response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The Glory of God is humanity fully alive: for all whose dignity is obscured by poverty and famine;  for all whose dignity is denied by discrimination, oppression and torture; for all whose dignity is diminished by addiction and abuse: we pray for the inspiring work of CAFOD as it brings hope to the poorest of the earth


The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth:  that we might grow into a deeper love for the Word of God and a greater sensitivity to the voice of God in the stillness of prayer


After the Glory passed, they saw only Jesus: may this Lent be for each of us a profound time of Renewal, a deepening of prayer, a growing in faith, an expansion of Love, and a profound conversion to Jesus; may the Holy Spirit guide the Church to become the Sacrament of the Father’s Mercy for the world
                                                                LORD WE PRAY…

As Abraham was called to leave his land and security to follow the whispers of God deep within him, we ask God’s blessing and guidance as we launch and develop this new ministry to the Catholic LGBT+ community, bringing healing to the wounds of rejection and condemnation; we pray also for all our Muslim brothers and sisters who grieve for those killed in New Zealand – may the hatred which led to this atrocity be challenged by love and mercy and a deepening of friendship among all the children of Abraham


They were covered with shadow:  may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing;  we pray very especially for our Muslim brothers and sisters injured in the New Zealand atrocity, and all who have been traumatised by that terrible event;
that eternal glory may ever shine upon those who have died recently, especially all the victims of the attack on the mosques,  and all who have died of poverty or war
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time


Mary,  teach us to listen to the voice of God as you did, as we pray…      


Let us pray in silence for all our Muslim brothers and sisters killed in the attacks in New Zealand

First Sunday of Lent

Jesus is tempted to turn stone into bread:  that God’s People, resisting our cravings for destructive things, will always hunger for the Bread of God’s Word, use only the power that comes from the Gospel and deepen our openness to God and the Good News

[Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus is tempted to worship power, wealth and ambition:  that the world’s political and business leaders will seek to serve,  not dominate, to share wealth not just accumulate it;  seek the good of their communities, not their own petty ambitions, especially in Zimbabwe, Central Africa, Syria, the Yemen and throughout the Middle East


Jesus is tempted to turn miracle into magic and so to avoid the Cross:  that this Lent we may open our hearts more deeply than ever to God’s Loving Mercy, build a Church that  truly expresses the Father’s merciful heart, recognising all people as Children of God and each of the World’s great Faiths as bearers of something of Christ’s Truth and Love: we pray also that our nation and others will show a quality of mercy and humanity towards the wives and children of the defeated Islamic State


Jesus held steadfast in the midst of every temptation:  may the journey of this Lent see us grow in faith,  deepen in love,  expand in hope; that prisoners everywhere might be touched this Lent by the strength of Christ to resist their temptations and to grow in the freedom of New Life


Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness … we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as our diocese begins to develop a ministry among the LBGT+ community at St Nicholas of Tolentino Church; may we become more attentive to the Spirit, grow in prayer and use the many opportunities for spiritual growth our parish offers us, especially to meet Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Forgiveness


That the sick be healed and not tempted to despair:  we pray especially for the sick and frail, the babies, children and their mothers and all the vulnerable suffering in refugee camps – may they experience humanity’s compassion;
for those who have died recently: especially the babies and vulnerable who died in refugee camps in the Middle East;
and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:


Mary, always faithful, pray with us for all Catechumens elected to easter Sacra,ends at this time, and that the Church will be a Sacrament of the Merciful and healing Christ                

                              HAIL MARY… 

Let us pray for other and unknown needs in silence…


‘Proclaim a Fast’ – may God’s people journey the path of repentance these 40 days of Lent and so make room in our hearts for God’s love, for God’s challenging Word, for God’s Renewing Spirit and discover the true happiness of God-centred lives – may our world fast from the injustice and violence that leads to war and embrace the pathways of mercy


‘Give alms’ – may our fasting be a sacred communion with the hungry, the poor and the oppressed of our world, so that our giving might be more than charity but restore justice, and live with courage the ‘Covenant with the Poor’


‘Pray…’ – may this Lent during this Year of Prayer be a real time of committed prayer for us as individual Christians and as a community; may we seek with a renewed love the heart of God, and value the many opportunities for prayer and for Eucharist in our parish life


‘Be reconciled to God’ – as we walk together the desert path of this Lent, may we open our hearts to God’s reconciling mercy and healing spirit; through forgiveness may we grow in deeper unity with God, with each other as a Parish in Communion for Mission, with the world in its need for peace, justice and reconciliation especially throughout the Middle East, central Africa and in the Indian sub-continent


‘Now is the favourable time’ – may each of us hear the call to missionary discipleship and use this Lent to grow in Christ: may the Lord lead us to bring healing and renewal to the Earth and all its creatures, caring for our ‘common home’ before it is too late!  


‘Ambassadors for Christ’ – may the Spirit of God help form in us a new heart and a new spirit in the weeks and months ahead…


Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of Mercy and first and greatest disciple of Jesus, pray for us that this Lent may form Christ in us


We pray other needs in the ‘secret place’ of our own hearts…

8th Sunday YC

‘The fully trained disciple will always be like his teacher’ – for Pope Francis and the whole College of Bishops as they lead and guide God’s People to deeper fidelity to Christ,  empowering us a missionary disciples and bearers of God love and mercy to our world

[response]    THAT WE MIGHT SEE!

‘Take the plank out of your own eye first!’ – as Lent approaches may we grasp the grace of repentance, be ready to be more honest with ourselves, become less judgemental and more merciful and compassionate, welcoming all who have experienced rejection by the Church


‘Every tree can be told by its fruit’ – for all who till the soil, farm the land and harvest the seas to bring forth food for the whole world; for greater care of our creation and environment that we like St Francis will live in communion with all creatures


‘For a person’s words flow from their heart’ – for honesty and integrity from all politicians and all leaders of the Church, so that confidence can be restored in the institutions that guide our society and offer moral leadership to our world  


‘Death, where is your victory, death where is your sting’ – for the end of our addiction to war, brutal repression, knife crime and domestic violence and for the growth of peace in the Middle East, between India and Pakistan, on our streets in our our homes 


‘From the store of goodness’ – for the healing of nations and communities, for all dedicated to the healing of the sick and care of elderly and vulnerable, and for the sick and frail of body, mind and spirit …
for those who have recently died, especially victims of crime and war…
for all whose anniversaries are at this time…


Mary, who bore from your heart and your womb the most blessed fruit that is our Saviour, Jesus, prayer for us and our world

We pray other needs in the ‘secret place’ of our own hearts…

7th Sunday YC

Jesus says, ‘Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you’ … That the People of God will be a faithful witness of the Wisdom of God which is foolishness to the world, yet the key to its future   

[Response]     Teach us true Wisdom

Jesus says, ‘Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate’ … that the Holy Spirit will guide Pope Francis and bishops from around the world gathered in Rome for the ‘Abuse Summit’: with a repentant heart for the crimes of shepherds against the flock of Christ, especially our children and young people, and with compassionate understanding and healing love for the survivors of such abuse, may this summit bring about decisive changes so that our Church may be a safe place for all the grow into Christ


Jesus says, ‘Love your enemies’ … For a world still trying and failing to resolve conflicts with the brutality of violence and war; for an end to discrimination, anti-semitism and racism of all kinds; for the peoples of Syria and Yemen, for Central Africa and Cameroon and all theatres of conflict


Jesus says, ‘Give and there will be gifts for you, for the amount you measure out is the amount you will receive’ … For all who are rejected by our society, for all who live on the margins in poverty, homelessness and the darkness of addictions; for all seeking safe asylum and hope in our community



Jesus says, ‘Grant pardon and you will be pardoned’ … As we are soon to enter the Season of Lent, the Time of Repentance, may we seek to be reconciled with all and forgiven by God so that our parishes might live as a sign and servant of mercy and acceptance to all


Jesus says, ‘Give to everyone without hope of return; be compassionate and do not judge’ , we pray for all in our nation and throughout the world who seek the opportunity of work; for all deprived of the right and dignity of employment, for all who are highly trained and skilled but not able to use those skills, for the Trade Union movement protecting the rights of all workers


Jesus offers the world a wisdom that saves and heals: we pray for all survivors of child abuse, especially those abused by the shepherds of the Church; we pray also for all the sick in our hospitals and communities and for all who care for them;
We pray for all who have died recently and for all victims of war, violence and famine
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: 


Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray with us for our world…     


Let us pray in a moment of silence…


The crowds came to hear the word and to be healed: we pray that everywhere the Church will be a healing community of Word and Welcome, and with courage be Prophets of God’s New World of the Beatitudes 

               [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…

               [response]     SET YOUR PEOPLE FREE…

Jesus voices the cries of the poor and challenges the rich: may the day soon dawn when the plight and hopes of the poor will become the agenda of the powerful and rich, and so create together a more just and peaceful world

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jeremiah tells us to trust God and be like a tree close beside the waters: may all our diocesan family embrace every opportunity in this Year of Prayer to deepen our loving awareness of God and so drink deeply of the renewing Holy Spirit

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Paul teaches us to live in the hope of the Resurrection: may the vision of life transformed in the Kingdom empower our mission upon the earth to eradicate poverty and improve the quality of life, equality and justice for all peoples

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus blesses and values the little and vulnerable ones: we pray for our diocesan Clifton Children’s Society, as they seek to help our most vulnerable children to new beginnings and loving homes and families

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus heals the crowds who bring their brokenness to him – teach us how to create healing communities of generous compassion and wholeness: 

that the dead be called into life:  especially all who have perished on teh refugee journey to freedom and sanctuary;

and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:  

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary,  Mother of the Poor and Prophet of Justice, pray with us for a more equal world… 


In silence let us bring the suffering people of the Yemen and our own other needs before the God of the Poor …

Fifth Sunday of the Year YC

Jesus calls the first apostles … may your Church founded on these apostles always have the courage to leave behind whatever impedes the proclamation of the Gospel in our present age 

               [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…

               [response]     MAY WE SPEAK YOUR WORD…

Jesus sits in the boat teaching the crowds … may a world of too many conflicts and too much injustice have the courage to listen to Jesus the Prophet of Peace,  and risk walking together the ways of peace rather war, justice rather than greed: we pray for peace in the Middle East, especially Yemen,  and for the peoples of Central Africa

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

God called Isaiah to be His Prophet … may the Spirit empower us to cry out before the governments of Europe, especially our own, with the pain of our refugee and asylum sisters and brothers, cry out for the 66 million refugees world-wide

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

Paul teaches us what he himself was taught, handing on the Tradition … may the children and young people in all our schools thirst for knowledge, especially the liberating truth that is Faith; grow in hope as they grasp hold of opportunity; and develop their skills and gifts to respond to the call to love above all else

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

The first disciples learned that they had to leave much behind to do the work of Christ … may we all be open to the new ways of sharing faith and proclaiming the Gospel of healing and hope in our age: we also pray for all whose lives are blighted by lack of work, lack of decent wages or denied the right to work at all

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus accepts Isaiah, Peter and Paul with all their sinfulness and shadowed lives … bless and guide our children and their families who are on the journey towards Jesus in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation at this time

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus calls us to heal – teach us how to create healing communities of generous compassion and wholeness;
that the recently dead be called into life, especially all killed in war or who have died on the refugee journey to freedom
and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: 

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

Mary,  Queen of Apostles and Prophets, pray with us for all missionaries…

                                            HAIL MARY…

In silence may the Spirit teach us how to be missionary disciples



God said to the Prophet Jeremiah, ‘Stand up and tell them all I command you’: we pray for Pope Francis, for Bishop Declan together with the whole People of God that we will not be afraid to be His Prophets of the Gospel to the World



‘When they heard the words of Jesus everyone was enraged’ – because he spoke of a God whose love was for all peoples: we pray for an end to racism and discrimination, injustice and corruption everywhere, and a change of attitude to refugees and those seeking safe asylum in our country


‘When I was a child, I used to think and act like a child, but now I put those childish ways behind me!’ We pray God’s blessing and wisdom for all teachers and lecturers in our schools and colleges, for our catechists, for pupils and students that each will help the other into personal growth and the development of a more just and peaceful world; we pray especially for our children and families preparing for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation


‘If I have faith in all fulness, but without love I am nothing at all’: that we will all allow Love to be the core of our lives, shaping who we are and what we do, and so be Prophets of Love to our society, to our neighbours and families: may we work to combat the trade in human misery that is trafficking and modern slavery


‘Before you came to be, I consecrated you, loved you’ says God to Jeremiah: we pray healing for all who do not know their unique value, who do not believe in themselves, who cannot love because they cannot love themselves


Jesus’ Love heals: we pray for all the housebound and sick of our parish

we pray too for all who have died recently and for all whose anniversaries are at this time.


Mary, Mother who loves with her whole being, lead us along the pathways of love


We pray in a moment of silence that Love will be our Centre…

Third Sunday of the Year

Jesus is anointed by the Spirit to be ‘Good News to the Poor’: that all God’s people might be Good News to the poor and Good News to the Earth, seeking together to heal our planet and to liberate our world from poverty and oppression, walking humbly in the Spirit of Christ in mission of the Gospel

      [reader]           LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
      [response]     MAKE US GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR…

‘Now you together are Christ’s body, but each of you a different part of it’: that all Christians will be empowered to use the Gifts of the Spirit to build a mature Church and to transform our World into the New Creation – in particular we pray God’s blessing for all our Lay Ministers of the Eucharist and the housebound they serve with Christ

                              LORD JESUS WE PRAY…

With a repentant heart for the harm we Christians have inflicted upon the Jewish people over the centuries, we pray on this Holocaust Memorial Day that will never forget the horrors done to our sisters and brothers in the Nazi era, and in the other Genocides of past decades – that we will combat every form of racism, discrimination and the victimising of those different from us

                            LORD JESUS WE PRAY…

For the work of  all the Comboni Missionary Sisters and Fathers: may they be a sign of hope in a world torn apart by war,  division and violence, weighed down by poverty, oppression, disease and famine:  we pray especially for the people of Congo and Central Africa

                             LORD JESUS WE PRAY…

For our refugee sisters and brothers as they endure such danger, deprivation and loss of life in their struggle for freedom and hope; for all working here in Bristol and in Calais, and the Mediterranean to rescue, welcome, support and heal them, ‘raising the downtrodden’, offering Resurrection Hope

                                 LORD JESUS WE PRAY…

For the sick,  especially the housebound, isolated, addicted and depressed; we pray too for all who care for them in hospitals, hospices, using homes and in their own homes
for those who have died recently, particularly those children, women and men who have drowned attempting to reach Europe;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, and all those who perished in the Holocaust and other Genocides which we remember today

                          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of the Church, and Queen of the Missions, pray for us, pray with us…
                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…

Second Sunday of the Year – Christian Unity and Peace Sunday

That Christians everywhere may embrace the gifts of the Spirit, heed the words of Mary, ‘Do whatever He tells us’ and with courage build unity among all disciples and so be more effectively prophets of peace, challenging all peoples to a loyalty to the whole of humanity beyond any narrow nationalism or tribalism

                              LORD WE PRAY…
                              [response:]    MAKE US ONE, GIVE US PEACE!

The Gifts of the Spirit build the unity of the Body: for all the pastors and leaders of God’s Church, especially Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, the President of the World Council of Churches and Free Church Leaders: may they with courage lead us along the pathways of Unity in the Spirit

                              LORD WE PRAY…

That the unity of the Church will serve the peace of the world; that all political leaders will use their power to serve rather than to dominate, to safeguard each person’s dignity and conscience rather than manipulate and repress those who differ – we pray especially for  the Cameroon, Yemen, Central Africa and Zimbabwe

                              LORD WE PRAY…

That the rich world might see how poor it is in humanity and justice; that the poor world may never lose sight of their dignity and power to change injustice and save our earth; that all will recognise that ‘the new word for peace is justice’ in harmony with creation

                              LORD WE PRAY…

That we might all use the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us in action and prayer to fashion a parish in communion with  the diversity of Christian traditions here in the inner city, and so come together to serve peace and justice, caring and compassion, in the service of the Kingdom of God

                              LORD WE PRAY…

For the young people of our Inner City,  especially those caught up in the culture of drugs and violence that they may know their dignity, use their energy creatively and discover the vision of a better world for all

                              LORD WE PRAY…

For the peace of those injured by war and terror, especially those injured in the Nairobi  attack, and for all the sick …
for the eternal peace of all who have died recently, especially … and all victims of war and conflict;
and for life without end for all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen of Peace,  pray with us for One Church serving the Peace of the world

                                  HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for every human need…