For the whole Church of God … that united in the love of Christ and around our Pastors Pope Francis and Bishop Declan, we will better tend the Vineyard of Christ, and yield the fruit of the Kingdom, a world made new, that many will know the Lord’s love 

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

The Gospel today speaks of deaths motivated by power and greed … we pray for an end of war and terror in the Middle East, Yemen, Myanmar and Central Africa – that vengeance will give way to a new courage to make the peace; we pray especially for an end of the suffering of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar and all refugees

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

Paul challenges us to fill our minds with everything true, noble, good and pure … we pray for ourselves, and our children and young people tempted by society to fill our minds with the demeaning, base and impure – may their young lives be shaped by their families, schools and our parish community, by all that is best in our humanity and our faith 

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

That all the Earth’s peoples especially the poorest and all indigenous communities may taste the fruit of the Kingdom of Justice and Equality, bringing hope and development in the places of poverty; we pray especially for all working to protect our rainforests

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

For all our politicians and leaders as this season of Party Political Conferences comes to an end, that truth may be spoken, convictions and policies openly debated, integrity be fostered – and all for the good of the whole community and not just narrow political interest 

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

We pray for the sick, the lonely, the forgotten and hidden ones of our community, our city and our prisons … for…  
for those who have died recently especially those who have succumbed to the Covid virus all victims and famine, war and terror
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: Lawrence Pinto

                                      [READER]                        LORD WE PRAY…
                                      [Response]                      May we bear your fruit…

Mary, Mother of the Church and of all Creation, pray with us for the Peace of the World and the healing of our Earth…

                                                                                  HAIL MARY…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


PRIEST: We celebrate today Jesus, the stone rejected by us, but accepted by the Father,  the source of our life.  We, the People of God, are His precious vineyard. We are beloved of God, nurtured and pruned and cared for by God – and we are  meant to bear the fruit of dedicated love and courageous mission.  But do we bear this Fruit? Let us begin our celebration by being mindful of the ways we need to change in order to produce the fruit of Christ’s love for the world

READER:                  For the times we have rejected others,
                                       for indeed we have rejected you…

                                                              LORD HAVE MERCY…

For the ways we fill our minds and hearts with the ignoble,
                                        the untruthful, the unloving and the impure

                                                              CHRIST HAVE MERCY…

For the ways we do not produce the fruits of Christ,
do not work for the Kingdom with generous love

                                                              LORD HAVE MERCY…

PRIEST:      May the God who never rejects us wrap us in His mercy
                        May our redeeming brother Jesus clothe us in His forgiveness;
                        May the Spirit of love heal us into the freedom to love;
                       and may our God bring us all to everlasting life



St Paul writes, ‘Be united in your convictions and united in your love’ … for the unity of the Church in every aspect of its life: between denominations and traditions, and within individual parishes – that nothing might obscure the witness to Christ

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

For all who hold authority and power in the world … that they will recognise that they are the servants of their people, not their masters: may the spirit of the Servant Christ both challenge and inspire all politicians and those who wield the power of money or media 

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

‘Renounce your sinful ways and you will live’ … we pray for those who manipulate the money markets for their own wealth and have caused such crisis and hardship; for all who adopt terrorism and war to achieve their goals, that they will gaze with new eyes and a new heart upon their brothers and sisters whom they destroy: that we stop exploiting and abusing our ‘Common Home’ the Earth and bring healing to our planet and justice to the poor 

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

For all missionaries and the people they serve; that we as a parish will answer the call of God to go into the Vineyard of the Inner City and beyond with love and faith, listening to the cries of the poor and proclaiming Good News of liberation, bringing healing to the wounded

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

For a renewal of prayer among us so that we might raise Jesus high and honour him, Name above all names and source of love’s wisdom and energy

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

We pray for our sick and housebound brothers and sisters that they will know they are a valued part of our community and its witness …  
for those who have died recently especially all victims of war and terror
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                   [READER]                           LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [Response]                         Form us as Your People…

Mary, Mother of the Church, draw your people together in unity around your Son…
                                                                                  HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence …


That all God’s People will witness joyfully to the free gift of God’s love in our lives so that many more will come to know the God who gives not less than everything to all willing to receive His love into their lives

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For the growing number of unemployed people, for those denied the right to work, for those who are exploited or discriminated against in their work place, for those denied a just and living wage, for the victims of modern slavery, trafficking 

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For those who do not recognise the God who creates and loves them;  for those seeking meaning and hope in their lives;  for those struggling to come to Jesus Christ and find in him the key of truth in our modern unbelieving world; for God’s blessing and guidance upon our Journey of Faith group

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For wisdom in the decision-making of our Government in the light of increased Covid infection levels; that all our people will act responsibly to protect both themselves and others, especially the vulnerable; for all health-care workers at this time

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For our young people going to University at this time in the midst of anxiety over Coronvirus: that they might find joy and fulfilment in their life and studies despite all the restrictions placed upon them

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

That we will overcome our fears of sharing the Good News with those around us and answer the Call to Serve;  that we will continue to build a community of welcome for all inn every form of diversity;  that such love will be found among us that seekers may find their way to Christ

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

That the sick, especially victims of Covid, and the housebound might hear the Good News of healing and hope, and by their loving prayer nourish the Mission of the Church:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently, in particular the victims of violence, conflict and famine
for those whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                 [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                 [response]        MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

Let us ask Mary, Queen of Peace and kindest comforter of all who mourn, to pray with us for the Peace of our world…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Feast of St Nicholas of Tolentino – Mass of Rededication

For 172 years, the Eucharist has been the centre of our parish’s life, community and mission: may this celebration of the Breaking of the Bread heal our brokenness, deepen our love for Christ Jesus, bind us together in life-giving community and empower our mission to be Good News to the Poor

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas broke the Bread of the Eucharist at the Table of the Lord; and broke bread with poor of his society: may we and the whole Church rededicate ourselves to translating our love for the Christ we meet in the Eucharist into as deep a love for the Christ we meet in the Poor 

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas preached the Gospel and broke the Bread of the Word for the people of Tolentino, drawing many to Christ: having received the Gospel from generations past may we find new ways of passing on the Gift of the Living Word of God to our young people so that they will shape the church moving into the future

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Throughout these past 172 years our parish has welcomed migrants who have come to our shores and our city: may the whole Church be truly ‘Catholic’ where ‘all are welcome’ – a home to peoples of every race, language and culture, a world-wide community building bridges between peoples, struggling for justice and equality for the most marginalised and ridding the world of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Giving thanks for our past years of mission and looking forward with hope to the years to come, we pray for a renewed vision of 21st Century mission and healing, growing in communion with all creation; may we listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the poor, build healing bridges uniting many cultures, races, identities and faiths, caring together for the poor and the excluded near and far 

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

That Rudi baptised today and all our children and young people will grow up to care for the poorest, respecting people of all races, cultures and sexual orientation and valuing our multi-racial society; that opposing all racial violence and every form of prejudice, our schools and colleges will rejoice in the diversity of our one Human Race

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas was called gifted by God to bring healing to the sick and the poor: for all wounded in mind and heart by abuse, injustice and poverty; we pray also for …
St Nicholas prayed deeply for the dead: we pray for those killed in the illegal gold mine in the Congo and all victims of violence and exploitation;
we pray also for all the faithful departed of our parish in its 172 years history and for … and Fr Darius Frank Cama whose anniversaries are at this time

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

 Mary, Mother of all the abandoned ones, help us to recognise Jesus in every person…. 


We pray in silence for God’s empowerment of our parish family in service and mission…


For the Church … that it will not be afraid to listen to the modern world in all its struggles and dilemmas, while proclaiming the challenging truth of Christ with both compassion and boldness: in this ‘Season of Creation’ may we not be afraid to raise our voices and proclaim Good News to all Creation

                                           [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

All the commandments are summed up in the Law of Love … that our society will not cheapen and degrade the dignity of Love – that in a world of short-lived relationships many will have the courage to make long-term commitments and rebuild our communities and families: we pray especially for all couples preparing for Marriage 

                                           [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

‘You shall not kill’ … war destroys and pollutes our ‘common home’: that men and women of violence of everywhere ‘will listen this day to the voice of the Lord’, and be converted to peace 

                                           [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

For our children and teachers who begin a new academic year; for those changing schools and colleges at this time, and those preparing to begin at University … may all grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding and discover new ways to care for and heal our damaged Creation

                                           [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

For world leaders and the giants of industry, that will work together and act decisively to limit global warming, protect our rain forests and bring healing to our planet as we care for future generations 

                                            [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

We pray for our sick and housebound brothers and sisters that we might joyfully pay ‘the debt of mutual love’ … for all suffering from Covid 19 and those caring for them; for all suffering from famine because of climate change;  and for …
for those who have died recently especially … and all victims of war and violence;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                                           [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]              Speak Your Truth and heal Your World…

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us that all might return to Christ your Son…

                                                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence, especially the healing of our abused planet…


‘You are an obstacle in my path’, says Jesus to Peter … we pray that inspired by the Gospel and the witness of Pope Francis, all God’s People will seek always the path of on-going conversion, so that we will think God’s way, and not the way of the world

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

Jesus asks, ‘What will it gain someone to win the whole world?’ … we pray for all lost in the pursuit of money, power and privilege, that they might rediscover their own humanity and compassion and live generously and lovingly: we pray for an end to all corruption in the political and financial world; as the Season of Creation begins this week may we heed the words of Pope Francis and listen to the cries of the earth and the cries of the Poor – and act! 

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

‘Jesus began to make it clear he would suffer and die’ … we pray for all who suffer because of others’ greed, all afflicted by poverty and oppression, and the despair of homelessness; we pray too for all who are awaiting execution in prisons throughout the world – may the barbarism of the death sentence soon be ended everywhere

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

‘Take up the Cross and follow me,’ challenges Jesus … we pray for all suffering because of human trafficking and modern slavery; for those refused the right to work; for the 76 million refugees world-wide and for the persecuted communities and groups throughout the world

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

Paul writes, ‘Do not model yourselves on the world around you’ … we pray that the youth of the world will build a peace that will last and care for our common home, Earth; for our children and young people, and their teachers returning to school and college in the midst of the pandemic, that despite all the difficulties they will develop in confidence and skills and in all ways grow into Christ and live by his wisdom

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

Paul encourages us ‘to offer our living bodies as a holy sacrifice’ … we pray for the sick: for all suffering Covid 19, especially in the Yemen, and for … ;
for those who have died recently especially the victims of racial hatred and discrimination; and for …
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor

                                                 [READER]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                                                 [Response]                Lead us along Your Way…

Mary, Comfort of the Afflicted, pray with us for all weighed down by suffering…

                                                                                       HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence …


For Pope Francis as he serves the Universal Church as the Bishop of Rome: as the Servant of the servants of God, may he always  journey with God’s People sharing the search for truth and the exploration of Divine Love, leading the Church in the paths of Renewal and Mission  

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

For a world searching in so many directions for truth and meaning, that they might rediscover Jesus Christ as the Rock on whom to build their lives and so construct together the Civilization of Love; for the Community of Reconciliation at Taizé as they offer the world and the church a living Parable of Reconciliation and Unity, and for the millions who have found at Taizé a Wellspring of the Spirit, a ‘Springtime for the Church’

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

For all entrusted with a teaching ministry among the Flock of Christ, that all who teach will listen and learn, and all who learn might be free to teach of the Christ they experience; for our children and adults journeying towards Christ in the Sacraments of Initiation

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

For those suffering conflict and war particularly in the Middle East, Yemen, Cameroon, Mali and the Darfur, global co-operation and solidarity with the poor nations of the world in order  to combat the Covid Pandemic; for the wisdom to know our frailty, and the courage to act more responsibly towards our fragile Earth and its ecosystem

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

For all who administer government and justice in our nation and every nation … that those with secular power to bind and loose will safeguard human rights and further true justice, welcoming the stranger and the refugee among us with humanity and generosity

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

That the sick might be bound to Christ and loosed from their sickness and turmoil: for ….;
for those who have died recently, especially …  and the victims of the Coronavirus and the many conflicts wounding our world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: especially Brother Roger Schutz of Taizé

                               [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]            Strengthen Your Church in Love…

Mary, Mother of Church and Queen of Peace, pray with us for the unity of all Christ’s disciples and the Church’s mission of Reconciliation and peace-making…
                                                                  HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment’s stillness …

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Mary points the People of God to the Glory of Christ:  may we always reflect the wonder of our Saviour to a world in need of a vision of glory and humanity…

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, faithful Daughter of Zion, shines with peace to a world wounded by conflicts:  as this weekend marks the 75th anniversary of the final end of the 2nd World War, ending as it did in the criminal devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Atomic destruction, we pray for peace and disarmament throughout the world; but in particular in Mary’s land of Israel and Palestine, throughout the Middle East and conflict-ridden regions of Africa;  we pray also for all women who are abused in war zones – raise up political leaders with the courage to serve the peace of the their people and our world

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, the exalted poor one, ‘illuminates the dignity and rights of the human person’  (as St Oscar Romero taught) as she challenges us in the Magnificat to raise up the poor and powerless:  that the impoverished and oppressed be at the centre of our mission;  that the homeless,  the unemployed,  those rejected and discriminated against because of race, gender or sexual orientation will know their dignity; that those seeking safe asylum will find hope and encouragement in us and in Mary the Refugee

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary embraces all whom Jesus gives her to love:  we pray for those with special needs,  learning difficulties and for all whose special gifts are not valued; we pray too on this Feast of the Woman clothed in the sun for all women whose equality is not recognised and whose dignity is not respected in Church and State alike

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary walks as a Pilgrim among her poor people: we pray for all who journey the spiritual search – may they embrace faith’s path of questioning, pondering and searching; we pray that having celebrated the Feasts of St Maximilian Kolbe and St Edith Stein, the martyrs of Auswicz we will continue to keep the memory of Holocaust and genocides alive, that they be never repeated

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary is the faithful servant of Christ’s Healing: we pray for all who are depressed and are without hope; for all whose past wounds and imprisons them; for those suffering from Covid around the world and for all who are sick and housebound: …;
As we celebrate Mary’s Resurrection, we pray eternal life for …  all victims of the Beirut explosion, of poverty and hate crime and those killed by war and conflict around the world;
and for Bishop Mervyn and Fr Eric Foxwell  whose anniversaries it is

               [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
               [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, Assumed into Heaven, pray with us for equality between women and men, and for the poor and oppressed of the world… 


We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…

19th Sunday of the Year A

That the Church of God will teach us how to pray, to go up the Mountain of God’s Presence and listen to the whispering voice of God deep in the heart and at the centre of the storm: may the renewal of the Church be energised by a renewal of prayer and faith

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

In the midst of the storm Jesus calls out to the world – ‘Courage, it is I! … Come!’ : in the midst of the many crises facing our world at this time, may many search for the the reality of God, taste of the riches of prayer to be found in the Christian tradition, and have the courage to walk towards the Christ of today’s world

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

Like St Paul in today’s second reading and St Edith Stein, we pray for the Jewish People all over the world, that in fidelity to the Covenant with the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, they might discover in Jesus not an enemy but a fulfilment, and in Christians not foes but friends and companions along the Ways of God … we pray also for peace between Israel and Palestine and for the stricken peoples of Lebanon and Yemen and for the freedom of the Uiga Muslims of China

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

This week’s celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration was also the anniversary of dropping the first Atom Bomb on Hiroshima … may humanity be forgiven for unleashing this horror, may we at last lay aside all weapons of mass destruction and transfigure our world not in nuclear holocaust but in radiance of peace: we pray for Peace throughout the Middle East, in Mali, Cameroon and the Darfur

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

We pray for all who live the contemplative life, in monasteries and convents, in hermitages and shanty towns, in ordinary homes and families … may they stand faithfully before the Presence of God with hearts open to listen and love, and encourage us all to the prayer of silent loving and waiting stillness 

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

May the sick and housebound embrace with love their ministry of prayer and intercession, as we now pray for them: for the victims of Covid-19 everywhere and for the thousands injured in Beirut, and for … ;
for those who have died recently: especially … and those killed in the explosion in Beirut together with the victims Covid, war and conflict
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                       [READER]            LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                       [Response]         Speak to our hearts…

Mary, Woman of Prayer, Prophet of Justice and Queen of Peace, pray with us, pray for us ..


Let us pray in a moment’s stillness …