Feast of St Nicholas of Tolentino – Mass of Rededication

For 172 years, the Eucharist has been the centre of our parish’s life, community and mission: may this celebration of the Breaking of the Bread heal our brokenness, deepen our love for Christ Jesus, bind us together in life-giving community and empower our mission to be Good News to the Poor

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas broke the Bread of the Eucharist at the Table of the Lord; and broke bread with poor of his society: may we and the whole Church rededicate ourselves to translating our love for the Christ we meet in the Eucharist into as deep a love for the Christ we meet in the Poor 

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas preached the Gospel and broke the Bread of the Word for the people of Tolentino, drawing many to Christ: having received the Gospel from generations past may we find new ways of passing on the Gift of the Living Word of God to our young people so that they will shape the church moving into the future

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Throughout these past 172 years our parish has welcomed migrants who have come to our shores and our city: may the whole Church be truly ‘Catholic’ where ‘all are welcome’ – a home to peoples of every race, language and culture, a world-wide community building bridges between peoples, struggling for justice and equality for the most marginalised and ridding the world of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Giving thanks for our past years of mission and looking forward with hope to the years to come, we pray for a renewed vision of 21st Century mission and healing, growing in communion with all creation; may we listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the poor, build healing bridges uniting many cultures, races, identities and faiths, caring together for the poor and the excluded near and far 

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

That Rudi baptised today and all our children and young people will grow up to care for the poorest, respecting people of all races, cultures and sexual orientation and valuing our multi-racial society; that opposing all racial violence and every form of prejudice, our schools and colleges will rejoice in the diversity of our one Human Race

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas was called gifted by God to bring healing to the sick and the poor: for all wounded in mind and heart by abuse, injustice and poverty; we pray also for …
St Nicholas prayed deeply for the dead: we pray for those killed in the illegal gold mine in the Congo and all victims of violence and exploitation;
we pray also for all the faithful departed of our parish in its 172 years history and for … and Fr Darius Frank Cama whose anniversaries are at this time

                 [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                 [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

 Mary, Mother of all the abandoned ones, help us to recognise Jesus in every person…. 


We pray in silence for God’s empowerment of our parish family in service and mission…

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