For Pope Francis as he serves the Universal Church as the Bishop of Rome: as the Servant of the servants of God, may he always journey with God’s People sharing the search for truth and the exploration of Divine Love, leading the Church in the paths of Renewal and Mission
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
For a world searching in so many directions for truth and meaning, that they might rediscover Jesus Christ as the Rock on whom to build their lives and so construct together the Civilization of Love; for the Community of Reconciliation at Taizé as they offer the world and the church a living Parable of Reconciliation and Unity, and for the millions who have found at Taizé a Wellspring of the Spirit, a ‘Springtime for the Church’
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
For all entrusted with a teaching ministry among the Flock of Christ, that all who teach will listen and learn, and all who learn might be free to teach of the Christ they experience; for our children and adults journeying towards Christ in the Sacraments of Initiation
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
For those suffering conflict and war particularly in the Middle East, Yemen, Cameroon, Mali and the Darfur, global co-operation and solidarity with the poor nations of the world in order to combat the Covid Pandemic; for the wisdom to know our frailty, and the courage to act more responsibly towards our fragile Earth and its ecosystem
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
For all who administer government and justice in our nation and every nation … that those with secular power to bind and loose will safeguard human rights and further true justice, welcoming the stranger and the refugee among us with humanity and generosity
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
That the sick might be bound to Christ and loosed from their sickness and turmoil: for ….;
for those who have died recently, especially … and the victims of the Coronavirus and the many conflicts wounding our world;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: especially Brother Roger Schutz of Taizé
[Response] Strengthen Your Church in Love…
Mary, Mother of Church and Queen of Peace, pray with us for the unity of all Christ’s disciples and the Church’s mission of Reconciliation and peace-making…
Let us pray in a moment’s stillness …