Palm (Passion) Sunday – Year B

May the Church share the humility of our Servant-King, who comes to His world not with the force of power but with the power of love, and so serve the world in its struggles with a humble compassion: we pray both wisdom and courage for Pope Francis and also our own Bishop Declan who was ordained Bishop of Clifton  20 years ago today

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For the unity of the whole Church gathered at the foot of the Cross this week:  that all Christians in our diverse traditions may move from arrogance to humility, from dogmatism to openness, from division to communion

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For all who hold authority and government in both Church and State, that they may serve the peace of the world, the dignity of every human person, the justice and protection of the innocent and vulnerable, especially refugees and those seeking safe asylum and all victims of human trafficking and modern slavery: we pray too for the peace of the Holy Land and the whole Middle East region

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

We pray for our troubled City of Bristol, where just protest has become harmful violence: we pray generosity of spirit to re-build trust between the community and the police

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

For all prisoners: that those held unjustly be released soon; that those rightfully convicted be held in conditions worthy of children of God; that our penal system be reformed to serve rehabilitation more than punishment: we pray for all prison chaplains at this time

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

That this Holy Week may see us renew our commitment to Jesus Christ, to his mission of love and mercy in the world;  for the Church’s catechumens whose reception of Sacraments of Initiation is delayed because of the pandemic; that those who have given up their faith may hear again the Good News and return to Christ;  that those who have never believed may find New Life in Christ’s Crucified Love

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

That the wounds of Christ may be healing for those addicted to drugs and alcohol, and for the sick of body and mind:   we pray especially for those suffering from Covid-19 and for all our health and care workers serving them: and for …
that the death of Christ will bring eternal life to all who have died recently, especially the victims of this pandemic and all killed in conflict and war;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                            [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                            [response:]          GIVE US LIFE!

Let us stand with Mary, before the Cross of a suffering world, and pray in particular for filled with fear because of Coronavirus… 


Let us be still before our Crucified God…


For our Universal Pastor, Pope Francis, that God will gift him with strength, wisdom and courage as he serves to unbind the Church from all dysfunction and disunity,  leading us along the paths of reform and renewal and inspire us for mission; that we might proclaim Life to a world seeking to discover how to live with renewed humanity: 

                                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For a world held bound by poverty, drugs, alcohol, injustice and exploitation; for a world imprisoned in cycles of war, violence and the lust for power that leads to aggression; for a world struggling to be free to live in harmony with creation and in peace with each other: that we may have the courage to be prophets of the Justice and Peace of Christ

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all held captive and bound by depression and their wounded past, that they experience healing’s freedom; for all who care for or counsel the depressed and emotionally wounded, that wise and profound listening might set free from inner darkness; for the healing of all scarred by memories of terror in the countries from which they have fled

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all bound up and entombed in poverty and modern forms of slavery, that they will know their dignity; that the leaders of nations and economies will work together to combat the global Coronavirus pandemic and create greater equality of health care and vaccine provision in the developing nations; for all suffering from famine, racism and class inequality,  and for those enduring life in the world’s refugee camps

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

For our friends among the LBGTQ+ community who have been wounded by the latest Vatican pronouncement; that we might all continue to challenge the Church’s rejection of these valued sisters and brothers in the Body of Christ

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

For those who have neglected their life of faith, that in the enforced solitude of this past year, they might hear and answer the call of Jesus to return to closeness with God;  that in this coming Holy Week many will embrace the Christ who has died for love of them

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

For all serving the sick and victims of the Coronavirus: for nurses, doctors and carers; for the police, emergency services and all essential workers supporting our communities at this time; for all working to roll out the vaccine, especially those holding the Vaccination Clinic here at St Nick’s

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

That the sick be unbound from their suffering by the healing voice of Christ: …
that the dead may be unbound for eternal glory, in particular… and  those who died of the Coronavirus  in this past year
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                  [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                                  [response:]         SET US FREE!

Mary, Prophet of the Poor, help us unbind the world of injustice
                                                                  HAIL MARY… 

Let us pray for other needs including our new catechumens in a moment of silence…



That God’s People will reject every darkness and choose the Light of Christ, and free our world of injustice and poverty so that all can live together in joy, freedom and equality

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

Before the harsh darkness of war and violence in Syria and Yemen, before the harsh darkness of the millions in refugee camps yearning for freedom, peace and a place to belong: we stand with their afflicted peoples; we pray the light of peace to come and never be extinguished;

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for all who during this Covid Pandemic feel unable to join us in Church for Mass, that they may know that nothing can separate them, from God’s love in Christ: may our live-streamed Services enrich many with the Word proclaimed and connect them to their Eucharistic Community 

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for all who are suffering from the effects of Global Warming: rising oceans, more extreme weather conditions and pollution of the oceans – may we see the light and change our life-styles so as to heal our planet for future generations; we pray especially on this Mothers’ Day for all mothers who have to watch their children suffer or die of famine and preventable disease, especially the mothers of the Yemen 

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

We pray for our mothers on this Mothering Sunday, thanking them for choosing to love us; we pray for mothers who know the sorrow of bereavement or separation, especially those mothers who are forcibly separated from their children because of having to seek safe refuge in a foreign land;  for single mothers as they seek to give all the love needed by their children; for children who do not experience a mother’s love; and for all women whose yearnings for a child has not yet been fulfilled

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

For our nation and many nations around the world faced with the challenge of the Coronavirus crisis; for our NHS and other nations’ Health Services as they struggle to bring healing to their populations; for a more rapid and equal provision of vaccines to the poorer nations of the world: may we all continue to act responsibly, caring for each other and seeking the common good

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

For healing for all afflicted with blindness; for light for all trapped in the darkness of depression; for those suffering from the Coronavirus and those who care for them: and especially for …
For all who have died recently, especially victims of war and poverty and those who have died because of COVID 19
and all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                       [reader]               SHINE ON US,  LORD…
                       [response]         WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE

Mary,  bring the light of Christ’s love to all mothers and guide the families preparing for a child’s baptism this Easter…


Let us pray in a moment of silence…


Jesus says, ‘If you only knew what God is offering…’:   that the People of God will always offer our world the living water of the Holy Spirit to heal the brokenness of war,  melt the hardness of violence,  cleanse the sinfulness of oppression and bring humanity to a new birth; we pray especially for Pope Francis and his Pilgrimage of Peace to Iraq and his meetings both with the persecuted Church of the Middle East and the leaders of the Muslim communities

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘Give me some of that water…’:  as the people of the world thirst for peace and freedom,  may conflict end and the people’s cries be heard, especially throughout the Middle East particularly Syria and Yemen, and in Cameroon, Mail and Myanmar; may all the world hear the cries of the women and children caught in war zones and famines of human making

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘Ask and I will give you living water…’:  may we drink deeply from the well of Christ’s love through our prayer, our liturgy, our communion with the poor of the earth – that this Lent will not pass us by, but we will stop and drink from the well of the Holy Spirit’s love and life: we pray especially for the communities and peoples of those part of the world that have suffered extreme weather conditions because of Global Warming

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘Come and see the man…’: that we will have the courage and the love to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Good News of God’s Mercy, with friends and neighbours, share our love for Him in our streets and communities – we pray for all on our Adult and Youth Journeys of Faith and all the Catechumens of the Church preparing for to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: may they all know the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘Give me a drink…’:  for an end of Government enforced Destitution and homelessness among our sisters and brothers seeking safe asylum; that we will stop harming our fragile planet, reduce consumption of essential resources, end polluting our earth and its waters;  for our NHS and all health care professionals and all caring for the victims of the coronavirus

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Jesus says, ‘the water I shall give will turn into the spring of the Spirit inside you…’: for our parents preparing for the baptism of their children; for our children soon to begin preparation for the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation; for all couples preparing for Christian marriage

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

The woman says, ‘He knew all about me!…’:  for deep healing of the hurts of heart and body known only to Jesus;  for all suffering from the Coronavirus and all who serve them; for the sick,  especially …;
we pray for all who died recently especially … and the victims of Covid 19 around the world
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                   [reader]            LORD WE THIRST…
                                   [response]      GIVE US THE WATER OF LIFE!

Mary, vessel of the Spirit & Mother of the Church, pray with us and for us
                                                               HAIL MARY…

Let us drink from the well of silent prayer for a moment…



The Transfigured Christ reveals to the disciples the Glory of God within each of us:  may we, the Church, reveal to the world the glory of God’s love by our courage to love, to care and to struggle for justice…

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The Glory of God is humanity fully alive:  for all whose dignity is obscured by poverty,  homelessness and famine;  for all whose dignity is denied by oppression, slavery and torture;  for all whose dignity is diminished by addiction and abuse; that God will bless with healing and hope the most rejected and marginalised of our city, especially those made utterly destitute by our unjust asylum laws and who are most at risk during COVID

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth:  that the Truth of the evil of war and terror might be heeded and miracles of Peace be born in Syria and Yemen, Cameroon, Mali and Northern Nigeria; that the work of CAFOD throughout the world might bring more hope and opportunity for the poorest of the Earth 

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

After the Glory passed,  they saw only Jesus:  may this Lent deepen our prayer,  encourage our faith,  expand our Love,  draw us into a more profound worship of and communion with the Mystery of God, leading us to deeper conversion to Jesus and His Creation

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

As Abraham was willing to sacrifice that which he loved most,  may each of us answer God’s call to repentance and sacrifice this Lent, leave behind us all that hinders our growth in love, and commit ourselves afresh that God’s Kingdom might always come first

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

They were covered with shadow:  may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing,  especially …
we pray eternal life for …
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                         [reader]           LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

Mary,  Mother of the Poor and Queen of Peace, help all to listen to the voice of God crying for peace and justice throughout the world…


Let us pray in silence for other needs


The Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness … With the leadership of our Shepherds Pope Francis and Bishop Declan may we and all Christians seek the wilderness of God’s silence this Lent and further the reform and renewal of the Church of God

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS

He was with the wild beasts … as Christians may we reverence all creation and learn to live in communion with our planet and all your creatures; may conflict and war be ended, and a miracle of peace be secured for the peoples of the Middle East, Yemen, Cameroon and Mali

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS

The angels looked after him … as a parish community during this Covid pandemic may our caring for each other grow deeper; may we grow as a healing community in the Inner City: we ask God’s blessing upon all who serve and are served, the excluded and vulnerable, through our Food Bank, the Wildgoose Café, Borderlands’, Unseen and One 25 – may we offer healing and hope to the most marginalised and rejected of our community

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS

Jesus says, Repent and believe the Good News … may each one of us make space during these days of Lent to confront our own inner demons, invite God’s light into our shadows, let God speak to our hearts and change us, so that we might change our world

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS

The Kingdom of God is close at hand … may the CAFOD Lenten Fast Day help us to live this Lent in communion and solidarity with the poorest of the earth,  bringing dignity and hope to those most desperate in their poverty – we pray that all who serve in our relief agencies may never use their power to exploit, but always to respect all to whom they go

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS

Jesus proclaimed the Good News from God … thanking God for the Good News of the Covid vaccines, we pray for all health care workers of our nation and all nations; may the sick and housebound of our parish family know Good News of healing and comfort,  especially …
for those who have died recently:  especially …, the victims of the Covid Pandemic and all killed in the conflicts scarring our world at this time
for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

               [reader]               LORD DRAW US TO YOURSELF…
               [response]         AND SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS   

Mary, Bearer of humanity’s Hope, journey with us along pathways of repentance and peace this Lent…

                                               HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in the silence of God’s desert…


‘Proclaim a Fast’ – may God’s people journey the path of repentance these 40 days of Lent and so make room in our hearts for God’s tender love, for God’s challenging Word, for God’s Renewing Spirit and discover the true happiness of God-centred lives – may our world fast from the injustice and violence that leads to war and embrace the pathways of mercy

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

‘Give alms’ – may our fasting be a sacred communion with the hungry, the poor and the oppressed of our world, so that our giving might be more than charity but restore justice, and live with courage the ‘Covenant with the Poor’

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

‘Pray…’ – may this Lent during this Year of Lockdown and Covid restrictions be a committed time of profound prayer for us as individual Christians and as a community; may we seek with a renewed love the heart of God, and value the many opportunities for prayer and for Eucharist together in our parish life, or through the Internet

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

‘Be reconciled to God’ – as we walk together the desert path of this Lent, may we open our hearts to God’s reconciling mercy and healing spirit; through forgiveness may we grow in deeper unity with God, with each other as a Parish in Communion for Mission, with the world in its need for peace, justice and reconciliation especially throughout the Middle East, central Africa and in Myanmar

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

‘Now is the favourable time’ – may each of us hear the call to missionary discipleship and use this Lent to grow in Christ: may the Lord lead us to bring healing and renewal to the Earth and all its creatures, caring for our ‘common home’ before it is too late!  

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

‘Ambassadors for Christ’ – may the Spirit of God help form in us a new heart and a new spirit in the weeks and months ahead…

                                 LORD IN YOUR MERCY…
                                 HEAR OUR PRAYER …

Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of Mercy and the first and greatest disciple of Jesus, pray for us that this Lent may form Christ in us


We pray other needs in the ‘secret place’ of our own hearts…


‘Of course I want to!’ Jesus said: may the Church everywhere be a community of healing, compassion and inclusion, witnessing to the breadth and power of God’s love for the world
(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

The lepers ‘must live apart … in desert places … as the unclean’: we pray for all who are excluded from hope and opportunity, from justice and freedom, from peace and equality: we pray for the people of Yemen torn apart by war not of their making; for the ‘Dalets’ (the so-called ‘untouchables’) of India that their dignity and equality will be recognised; for the Ruhynga Muslims in their exile and all the people of Myanmar and of Hong Kong in their struggles for democracy 

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

‘Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God’ says St Paul: that we might learn to glorify God in our work, in our homes, in our families and in our schools – may we bear witness before the world that there is nothing human that is alien to God

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

‘I try to be helpful to all people that they might be saved’ … For all who research cures for the diseases that afflict humanity, especially Covid 19,  HIV/AIDS; that medical science might explore ethical means of research that do not abuse the integrity of human life; that those with incurable and destructive illnesses will resist the temptation to end their own lives, but find a new hope in the God who walks with them

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

‘Jesus could not go openly into any town’ because he touched the leper … For the excluded of our own society: for prisoners. those with mental illness, those with addictions, the victims of prejudice and discrimination, for our sisters and brothers seeking safe sanctuary among us

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

For our children who are being home schooled and for the families seeking to offer them the best education they can; for our teachers and school staff coping with Covid restrictions and providing classes over the internet

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

‘Be healed’ Jesus says to all the broken and hurting of the world, especially those suffering from Covid or war induced famine: we pray for healing for the sick and dying, especially … ;
For all who have died recently, especially …  and all killed in the conflict in Yemen;
And for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

(Reader:)                           In a broken world…
(RESPONSE:)               LORD, MAKE US WHOLE…

Mary, Mother of the Church, Mother of Compassion pray with us, pray for us

                                                                                              HAIL MARY ….

We pray for all the excluded of our world in a moment of silence



We pray that the Church of God will everywhere seek to be the field hospital where the wounded and hurting know they will be welcomed, accepted and held in caring and healing
                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all who lead and govern the nations, that they will lead us to peace not war, give priority to healthcare for all, respect all human life especially the most frail and vulnerable, and no longer traumatise their people with terror and war

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We cry out for all who are broken and excluded because of their struggle with mental illness; for those whose poverty and oppression deny them the healthcare, the compassion and understanding they need to recover wholeness and peace; we pray in particular for the 73 million refugees and displaced persons world-wide who suffer trauma of war, injustice and terrible disruption of their lives with little healthcare or psychological support

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all affected by this global Covid pandemic: those struggling to survive this illness; health and care workers exhausted by the avalanche of sickness; families caring for the sick in their own homes; those afflicted with deep mental trauma and turmoil; we pray also for all whose treatment for life-threatening illnesses has been delayed because of Covid

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for the renewal of the healing ministry of the Church: that we will ‘bow before the suffering and vulnerable’, walk with the excluded and greet with acceptance society’s outcasts … for those who counsel the wounded, listen to the burdened, bring light to those trapped in darkness; for those who befriend the isolated and pray with the sick, for all who strive to make parishes communities of Christ’s healing Light

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all whose lives are darkened by broken relationships and devastating griefs; for any who despair because of painful memories or incurable physical illness; for those trapped in mental disorder or unending darkness – may they rediscover their dignity as beloved children of the Father. 

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

For the sick in our hospitals, the dying in our hospices and the elderly in our care homes, for those suffering from Covid, and for … ;
for those who have died recently, especially …  and all who have died of Covid, preventable diseases and the wounds of war|
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, especially …

                             [Reader]                 Lord we pray ….
                             RESPONSE:         HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We ask Mary, Sister of Compassion and Mother of the Wounded, to pray with us for our world…

                                                                    HAIL MARY…

We pray for all health workers, researchers and carers in a moment of silence…


‘Jesus went to the synagogue and began to teach’ … For the work of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, for the healing of centuries of Christian prejudice against the Jewish People, for harmony and mutual understanding between the Peoples of the Covenants and among all who believe in the God of many names

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

Jesus challenged the evil … For the healing of the wounds of the Jewish Holocaust, that our world might one day learn the lessons history’s too many genocides,  in Cambodia, Rwanda, Congo, the Darfur and the Balkans; that past tragedies will never be used to oppress other peoples, such as the Palestinians

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

‘God will raise up prophets – you must listen to them!’ … For our war-torn world of today, that as terrorism is confronted, the injustices that lie at the root of terrorism will be challenged even more; that humanity might prevail and peace be secured for all the peoples of Israel and Palestine; we pray also for peace and the end of terror throughout the Middle East and in Mali, Cameroon and Nigeria

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

‘Give your undivided attention to the Lord’ … That our own community will be filled with the courage of our Martyrs, St Maximilian Kolbe and St Edith Stein and the countless other heroes of humanity, as we seek to witness to the Love of Christ by serving reconciliation and dialogue between peoples of different faiths in our Inner City

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

’Here is a teaching that is new and with authority behind it’ … Learning for the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and encouraged by St Edith Stein, St John XXIII  and Pope Francis may we work together with other world faiths to build the ‘Fellowship of All Believers’ in our inner city; and especially for the Jewish community that meets each Sabbath in the synagogue that lies in our parish

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

For all exhausted by caring for the sick in our hospitals, the dying in our hospices and the elderly in our care homes, for those suffering from Covid, and for …
for those who have died recently, especially …  and all who have died of Covid
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, especially … and all those who perished in the Holocaust and in Genocides which we remember today 

                      [reader]                    Lord we pray …
                      [RESPONSE]        TEACH US HUMANITY

Mary, Faithful Daughter of Sion, pray with us for the peace of the world
                                                              Hail Mary…

Let us hold a moment of silence…remembering the victims both of the Holocaust and the Genocides since, especially Cambodia, Congo, Rwanda and the Balkans, in a minute’s silence…