The Transfigured Christ reveals to the disciples the Glory of God within each of us: may we, the Church, reveal to the world the glory of God’s love by our courage to love, to care and to struggle for justice…
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
The Glory of God is humanity fully alive: for all whose dignity is obscured by poverty, homelessness and famine; for all whose dignity is denied by oppression, slavery and torture; for all whose dignity is diminished by addiction and abuse; that God will bless with healing and hope the most rejected and marginalised of our city, especially those made utterly destitute by our unjust asylum laws and who are most at risk during COVID
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth: that the Truth of the evil of war and terror might be heeded and miracles of Peace be born in Syria and Yemen, Cameroon, Mali and Northern Nigeria; that the work of CAFOD throughout the world might bring more hope and opportunity for the poorest of the Earth
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
After the Glory passed, they saw only Jesus: may this Lent deepen our prayer, encourage our faith, expand our Love, draw us into a more profound worship of and communion with the Mystery of God, leading us to deeper conversion to Jesus and His Creation
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
As Abraham was willing to sacrifice that which he loved most, may each of us answer God’s call to repentance and sacrifice this Lent, leave behind us all that hinders our growth in love, and commit ourselves afresh that God’s Kingdom might always come first
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
They were covered with shadow: may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing, especially …
we pray eternal life for …
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: …
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response] SHOW US YOUR GLORY!
Mary, Mother of the Poor and Queen of Peace, help all to listen to the voice of God crying for peace and justice throughout the world…
Let us pray in silence for other needs