Second Sunday of Lent Year A

PRIEST:     In today’s celebration, we behold the Glory of God, the glory that each of us carries deep within our being. For we are all created in God’s image and likeness. And the Glory of God is humanity fully alive. We also have the joy of welcoming and anointing our Catechumen preparing for baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, the Sacraments we need so that we may be fully alive in Christ! But Transfiguration is only complete when we have transformed our world from war and injustice into the glory of equality, justice and peace among all the peoples of the earth. Transfiguration means healing our planet, challenging modern slavery and raising up the poor. Such a transformation will demand we truly listen to Him – God’s Word made flesh – and act! Like Abraham did when God called him to leave his security and risk a new future. What will we risk for God? Let us now turn in confidence to God that he may be merciful to us.

READER:       For the times when God challenges us to profound faith
                            as he challenged Abraham,
                           and we refuse to follow him, to obey him, to trust him

                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

For the times when the demands of our faith seem too much
                            and we avoid the hardships of deeper commitment;
for the times we do not trust that God is on our side,
full of mercy towards us

                                          CHRIST HAVE MERCY …

For the times we have not reverenced
                          or believed in ourselves or each other,
                          and we have failed to transfigure our world
                          in the power of His love within us

                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

PRIEST:     May God our Father speak his words of forgiveness and  mercy to our hearts;
                      May the Transfigured Christ transform the darkness of
                     our sin into the glory of His love;
                     May the Holy Spirit be the light of justice, healing
                    and compassion in our hearts,
                   and bring us to everlasting life…


PRIEST:      We have begun our journey of these 40 days of Lent – like Jesus we enter into the desert to face the demons of our own hearts – demons of selfishness and of comfort,  demons of greed and exploitation, demons of ambition and power.  Whatever our demons are, Lent is the appointed time, the season of grace, to confront and defeat them in the power of Jesus’ love. Today also, we rejoice to celebrate with our children another step on their Journey of Faith – as they prepare to embrace the mercy and unconditional love of our Father, given them through Christ in His Church in judi online terpercaya the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They and their families have begun the journey, deepening their experience of forgiveness in the home. They come to us seeking our help in this journey of preparation and growth towards the healing love of Jesus.  Let us enter upon the sacred and life-giving task…

READER:        Stones to Bread! The temptation to be popular with the crowd
                             rather faithful to His Father:
                             when we conform to others’ wisdom and prejudices
                             rather than live by the challenging values of the Gospel

                                              LORD HAVE MERCY…

The spectacular leap from the Temple –
                             the Temptation to take the quick and easy road to success,
                             rather than the hard road to the Cross:
                             when we opt for our own comfort,
                             when we do not want to be disturbed or to disturb

                                              CHRIST HAVE MERCY…

Gain all the world and its power and riches!
                             The Temptation to use His power for his own gain,
rather than to enrich others with life:
                             when we use our power to hurt others, to feed our greed,
to exploit and abuse our Earth and its poor,
                             or to satisfy our own desires, rather than to serve others

                                              LORD HAVE MERCY…

PRIEST:       May the God who calls us to the desert of his love – embrace us with mercy;
                         may the Redeemer who walks our path of temptation forgive us
                                        and heal our sin;
                         may the Spirit change our hearts and give us the joy of repentance;
                        and bring us and the world to everlasting life



Jesus is tempted to turn stone into bread:  that God’s People will always hunger for the Bread of God’s Word and use only the power that comes from the Gospel, which is Love – that this Lent we will answer the call to be disciples and discover the Joy of the Gospel!

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

Jesus is tempted to turn miracle into magic, to prefer the spectacular to the loving:  that we may open our hearts to the gift of Divine Love this Lent,  and build a Church ready to welcome all people as Children of the One God, and each of the World’s great Faiths as carrying something of Divine Truth and Love

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

Jesus is tempted to worship power,  wealth and ambition:  that the world’s leaders will seek to serve, not dominate; seek the good of their communities, not their own petty ambitions – we pray for peace in Syria as the conflict escalates dangerously

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

Jesus is tempted to abuse the Divine Power by making it serve his own ends:  for the work of Borderlands and our community in supporting refugees and all seeking safe asylum, that we will lovingly challenge the powerful of our city and our nation to share their power with the powerless – we pray also for the homeless of our city, and the work of the Wild Goose Café and the One25 Organisation

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

Jesus held fast in the midst of every temptation:  may the journey of this Lent see us grow in faith,  expand in hope, deepen in love; we pray especially that the prophetic voices of David Attenborough, Greta Thunburg and the young people of our world will be heard and challenge every generation to take decisive to heal our planet from the ravages of Global Warming

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

That the sick be healed and not tempted to despair:  we pray especially for all suffering from the Coronavirus and those caring for them; and for …;
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of the war in Ukraine, South Sudan and the Middle East, particularly the children;
and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:  in particular …

                      [Reader]             LORD WE PRAY…
                        [response]        STRENGTHEN US TO DO YOUR WILL…

Mary,  tempted but always faithful,  like Jesus, pray for us, strengthen us…

                                                         HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other and unknown needs in silence…

Seventh Sunday of the Year A

PRIEST: As we gather to celebrate today’s Eucharist, Jesus reveals the essence of God’s love – to forgive without limit! So He challenges us to be a people of reconciliation, a community of peacemakers, to live in God’s endless and unconditional forgiveness.  Called to refuse to allow bitterness to arise from our wounds,  we seek to understand a God who is at once strong in demanding justice and gentle in forgiving!  And God is foolish enough to expect us to share the strength of his struggle and the gentleness of his forgiveness.  How often we fail!

READER:            When we judge rather than seek to understand,
                                  condemn rather than forgive

                                                    LORD HAVE MERCY…

                                   When we close our hearts to those who have hurt us,
                                  loving only those who love us;
                                  when we close our minds and hearts to the challenge
to be peacemakers and reconcilers

                                                    CHRIST HAVE MERCY…

                                   When we are only too ready to seek and expect forgiveness,
but slow to offer that same forgiveness;
quick to expect support with our problems,
                                    and slow to reach out to others in theirs

                                                    LORD HAVE MERCY…

PRIEST:      May the God of all mercy give us a new heart  of compassion,
clothe us in forgiveness
                         and send us to our world as bearers of his reconciling love,
                         bringing us all to everlasting life…



Jesus says: ‘Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile’ … that the Church of God everywhere will be a community of forgiveness, ambassadors of reconciliation and peace, prophets of hope in a war-torn world

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

Jesus says: ‘Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect’ … for Pope Francis and the world-wide College of Bishops, that during this Global Synod they will lead a profound renewal of the Church in holiness and Mission, in love and humility as we listen to the Spirit in our time and exclude no-one from our hearts and communities

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

St Paul says: ‘You are God’s temple, let no one destroy the temple that you are’ … for the world-wide LBGTQ+ community that the day will soon come when no nation, culture or faith will call criminal and sinful those God has created sacred

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

Jesus says: ‘Love your enemies’ … that we might dare to love as Jesus loves, shine the light of forgiveness where there is the darkness of hatred, and with reconciling love break the cycles of violence and conflict: for  people stricken by war in Ukraine and the Middle East, in South Sudan and Cameroon, that there may be peace and reconciliation: a new beginning of freedom and justice

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

Jesus says: ‘The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God’ … that each of us will seek to grow in the true wisdom of the Gospel, follow Jesus as true disciples and carry the foolish Love of God to the broken and wounded, the excluded and abandoned of our world

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

We pray for all who struggle with sickness and despair; we pray especially for serving the health of our nation in hospitals, hospices, in care homes and the community;  for all serving us in the essential services especially our paramedics and ambulance workers; and we pray for…
for those who have died recently,  especially …. and the victims of war and earthquake;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                        [reader]          LORD WE PRAY
                         [response]   Make us Prophets of peace and mercy!

Mary, our Sister who listened to the voice of the Spirit, pray for us and the world


We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


We pray that the Church of God will everywhere seek to be the field hospital where the wounded and hurting know they will be accepted and held in healing 

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all who lead and govern the nations, that they will lead us to peace not war, give priority to healthcare for all, respect all human life especially the most frail and vulnerable, and no longer traumatise their people with terror and war

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We cry out for all who are broken and excluded because of their struggle with mental illness; for those whose poverty and oppression deny them healthcare and the compassion and understanding they need to recover wholeness and peace

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all suffering because of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, for the rescue workers and medical staff in their weariness, for the healing of the ocean  of grief in the wake of so many deaths and wrecked families and communities

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all who serve the health and healing of our nation and every nation: for doctors and nurses, for psychiatrists and psychotherapists, for pharmacists and care workers, for paramedics and all support staff in our NHS

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for the renewal of the healing ministry of the Church: that we will ‘bow before the suffering and vulnerable’, walk with the excluded and greet with acceptance all the outcasts … for those who counsel the wounded, listen to the burdened, bring light to those trapped in darkness; for those who befriend the isolated and pray with the sick, for all who strive to make parishes communities of Christ’s healing Light

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We pray for all whose lives are darkened by broken relationships and devastating griefs; for any who despair because of painful memories or incurable physical illness; for those trapped in mental disorder or unending darkness – may they rediscover their dignity as beloved children of the Father.
for those who have died recently, in particular the thousands killed in the Turkish & Syrian  Earthquakes
and all whose anniversaries are at this time

                          [Reader]          Lord we pray ….
                          RESPONSE:  HEAL YOUR BROKEN WORLD

We ask Mary, Sister of Compassion and Mother of the Wounded, to pray with us for our world…


We pray for all the mentally sick and for all who care for them in a moment of silence…


PRIEST: We gather to celebrate the World Day of the Sick associated with yesterday’s Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  The Gospel speaks to us of a Jesus who overflows with healing and life for the broken and the outcasts. Mary as the servant of God’s healing in Lourdes challenges us to work for that equality and justice that will bring health-care and hope to the poorest of the earth. Our mission is to witness to the Gospel of Life and the tenderness of God especially for the excluded, wounded and vulnerable of our world. Do we seek to be signs of hope and healing?

READER:       For the ways our words have wounded,  not healed;
                            our hearts have hardened against another,
                             not opened in caring and compassion, offering hope

                                                LORD HAVE MERCY…

For the ways we have not valued and supported
those whose work is medicine, research or caring;
when we could have shared the burden and did not

                                                CHRIST HAVE MERCY…

For the times we have been too preoccupied with self
                               to reach out and listen to another’s pain;
                               slow to respect every person, not bearers of the Gospel of Life

                                                LORD HAVE MERCY…

PRIEST:    O God of love without limit,
                       make us compassionate as you are compassionate;
                       Jesus,  come to bring us Life in all fullness
                       makes us whole and holy;
                       Holy Spirit, breath of love and great Comforter,
                       bind us together in unbreakable bonds of a love that give hope
                       and so bring us all to everlasting life…



PRIEST: Jesus is the Prophet of the Poor – the Voice of the Voiceless. We hear this morning Luke’s version of the Beatitudes – the Blessings of the Kingdom. But if the Poor are blessed, if the world is to change to raise up the poor, then  the world of the rich must radically change! Jesus’ Kingdom turns the world’s order of things upside down!  Are we going to be ‘turning the world upside down’? Are we going to stand with Jesus where he is … among the poor, powerless and voiceless? What a challenge to the Church – what a challenge to you and me!

READER: When we trust in our own power and possessions

rather than trust in the foolish wisdom of Jesus


For resisting the challenge to be truly identified with Jesus

who identifies with the struggles of the Poor


When the words of our Church speak of Option for the Poor

but our own life-style and the way we use our energy as a parish

belie the fine words 


PRIEST: May the God who saved the poor of Israel bring us mercy;

May Jesus born into the poverty of Bethlehem and Galilee

          share with us liberating compassion and strong justice;

May the Holy Spirit who renews the face of the earth 

        by turning the world upside down, renew us forgiveness

and bring all the world to everlasting life…



The crowds came to hear the word and to be healed: we pray that everywhere the Church will be a healing community of Word and Welcome, and with courage be Prophets of God’s New World of the Beatitudes 

               [reader]              LORD WE PRAY…

               [response]     SET YOUR PEOPLE FREE…

Jesus voices the cries of the poor and challenges the rich: may the day soon dawn when the plight and hopes of the poor will become the agenda of the powerful and rich, and so create together a more just and peaceful world

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jeremiah tells us to trust God and be like a tree close beside the waters: may all our diocesan family embrace every opportunity in this Year of Prayer to deepen our loving awareness of God and so drink deeply of the renewing Holy Spirit

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Paul teaches us to live in the hope of the Resurrection: may the vision of life transformed in the Kingdom empower our mission upon the earth to eradicate poverty and improve the quality of life, equality and justice for all peoples

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus blesses and values the little and vulnerable ones: we pray for our diocesan Clifton Children’s Society, as they seek to help our most vulnerable children to new beginnings and loving homes and families

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus heals the crowds who bring their brokenness to him – teach us how to create healing communities of generous compassion and wholeness: 

that the dead be called into life:  especially all who have perished on teh refugee journey to freedom and sanctuary;

and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:  

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary,  Mother of the Poor and Prophet of Justice, pray with us for a more equal world… 


In silence let us bring the suffering people of the Yemen and our own other needs before the God of the Poor …



God said to the Prophet Jeremiah, ‘Stand up and tell them all I command you’: we pray for Pope Francis, for Bishop Declan together with the whole People of God that we will not be afraid to be His Prophets of the Gospel to the World



‘When they heard the words of Jesus everyone was enraged’ – because he spoke of a God whose love was for all peoples: we pray for an end to racism and discrimination, injustice and corruption everywhere, and a change of attitude to refugees and those seeking safe asylum in our country


‘When I was a child, I used to think and act like a child, but now I put those childish ways behind me!’ We pray God’s blessing and wisdom for all teachers and lecturers in our schools and colleges, for our catechists, for pupils and students that each will help the other into personal growth and the development of a more just and peaceful world; we pray especially for our children and families preparing for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation


‘If I have faith in all fulness, but without love I am nothing at all’: that we will all allow Love to be the core of our lives, shaping who we are and what we do, and so be Prophets of Love to our society, to our neighbours and families: may we work to combat the trade in human misery that is trafficking and modern slavery


‘Before you came to be, I consecrated you, loved you’ says God to Jeremiah: we pray healing for all who do not know their unique value, who do not believe in themselves, who cannot love because they cannot love themselves


Jesus’ Love heals: we pray for all the housebound and sick of our parish

we pray too for all who have died recently and for all whose anniversaries are at this time.


Mary, Mother who loves with her whole being, lead us along the pathways of love


We pray in a moment of silence that Love will be our Centre…