Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A

PRIEST:      A few days ago we celebrated our mission as a Church to proclaim the Good News to all;  in a few days time we shall celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with the power needed to fulfil our Christ-commissioned task.  Today,  on this World Communication Sunday, we pray for wisdom and courage in using Internet Technology, Social Media and the communications revolution to proclaim the Gospel and to build justice and unity in our world. As we cry out for the Spirit to come and empower us to communicate the Gospel to our generation, let us recognise our need for forgiveness and healing so as to set us free to speak God’s Word with authenticity and integrity to our world…

READER:       For every disunity that wounds Christ’s Body
and damages our witness to his love…


                             For every abuse and misuse of the media and the internet,
                             for not caring enough about the newspapers, TV programmes
                           and computer images that are seen and heard in our homes…


                            For every barrier to the Spirit’s coming
                            that we place in our lives and our community;
                             when we refuse to risk for the Gospel…


PRIEST:      May the God of immense love take our failures and sins
                     in his merciful hands
                    and kindle with them a fire of love
                    that will bring healing & peace,  reconciliation
                    and new beginnings to us to our world,
                   leading us all to everlasting life…


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