PRIEST: Today is a day of great joy for our parish: on this day we share Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time with many of the children of our community. To share Jesus with another is such a joy and a privilege – and these wonderful children express our hope for the future of this parish, the future of the Church. Let us now entrust ourselves to the forgiveness of God, our Loving Father who gives us this True Bread from Heaven.
READER: God our Father calls us to be one family,
sharing this sacred meal at the table of his love:
we tell God our Father that we are sorry when we do not love…
Jesus our brother gives us his very self
in the Bread of Life and Cup of Love:
we tell Jesus that we are sorry when we do not want to give to others..
The Holy Spirit comes to make us one family
and to change bread and wine into Jesus, given for us:
we tell the Holy Spirit that we are sorry
when we refuse to change in order to love more…
PRIEST: May our loving God always feed us with his forgiveness,
give us to drink of his mercy,
unite us together in his healing love
and bring us all the everlasting life…