PRIEST:    Today is a day of rejoicing,  a day of glory:  for Mary the poor virgin of Nazareth is raised above the angels; she has gone before us into the fullness of Christ’s Resurrection.  Her glory is His, she is a mirror, reflecting the wonder of Christ to us. She summons us likewise to be mirrors of Christ’s Glory to the world; she pleads with us to tread her same path of humble and faith-filled love, and like her to give of Christ’s endless life and hope to the people of our earth. Let us ask forgiveness for the ways and times we have clouded, not reflected Christ’s glory and love…

READER:      For the ways the poverty of our loving has hidden
the wonder of Christ from the people among whom we live;
for the ways we have not struggled for peace in a war-torn world…

                                                    LORD HAVE MERCY …

For the ways and times we refuse a share in the sufferings of Christ,
                            and so do not touch the glory of Christ…

                                                    CHRIST HAVE MERCY …

For those times when we do not defend the dignity and rights
of the human person especially the poor and the vulnerable,
and those of races or sexual orientation other than our own…

                                                    LORD HAVE MERCY …

PRIEST:         May the God of Life free us from the sin that is death;
                            May the Risen Jesus summon us by his mercy into the holiness
                                        that is His Resurrection;
                            May the Holy Spirit heal us into the glory that is our destiny
                                        and our witness to the world;
                                                  and bring us all to everlasting life…


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