PRIEST: We celebrate together the great feast of the Kingdom: the Eucharist to which Jesus has invited us. He has also invited each other person here, without exception. Whether we are rich or poor, whether accomplished or apparently without many skills, we have all been invited with equal love by Jesus. Have we opened our heart to each one, without exception with the same equal love that Jesus shows? And the humility of which Jesus speaks is not about running ourselves down: rather it is raising others up; it is not about denigrating ourselves, rather it is refusing to dominate another and instead to embrace the privilege of serving.
READER: Humility is gentle and welcoming:
when we are harsh and judgmental,
and close our hearts to those Jesus invites to the Feast…
Humility seeks to encourage and affirm, rejoices in others’ gifts:
when we resent the gifts of others,
diminish others by our criticism and jealousies…
Humility seeks to walk lovingly among those
trodden down by our society, or misunderstood by others:
when we scorn those different from ourselves,
or do seek to understand and walk another’s journey…
PRIEST: May the God who sets the oppressed free affirm us in mercy;
May Jesus who came to walk among the downtrodden
raise us up in forgiveness;
May the Spirit heal our hearts, making them small enough
to carry the greatness of Divine Love;
and bring us all to everlasting life…