PRIEST: In today’s Gospel we hear a story of doubt that becomes magnificent faith; a story of wounds that breath peace and healing; a story of frightened empty men who become courageous in the Holy Spirit; a story of a community witnessing the Risen Christ. It is the story not only of the apostles, but also of each one of us; not only the early Church, but the Church of every age and land – the story of our own parish. Let us welcome the Risen Jesus among us to transform us and our community – that we might be life-givers.
READER: We give thanks for God’s mercy, flowing from the Father’s love
for He has brought us from doubt to deeper faith
We give thanks for God’s mercy, made flesh in Jesus the Crucified
for his wounds are our peace
We give thanks for God’s mercy, breathed into us by the Holy Spirit
for he has filled our emptiness
and sent us as bearers of reconciling love
PRIEST: May God our creator give us the peace of his forgiveness;
may the Risen Jesus heal our wounds and transform our weak love;
may the Spirit breathe new courage and deeper faith
reconciling us to everlasting life…