PRIEST: Today we rejoice: it is ‘Laetare Sunday’ – a day to celebrate that the call to Lenten conversion is a call to a deeper joy. We hear the Gospel of the healing of the blind man at the pool of Siloam. Our deepest joy is to grow into Christ; to reflect his light onto our tragically war-torn and poverty-stricken world; to embrace his world with a love that will heal humanity’s blindness to injustice and oppression. That today is also ‘Mothering Sunday’ gives us yet more reason to rejoice as we thank God for the gift of the mothers who have given us life and love. Let us ask forgiveness for so many refusals to recognise the depth of God’s love for us, sometimes our mother’s love for us…
READER: When we refuse to see the evil of war
when we will not see the suffering or joy of those around us;
when we have closed our eyes and hearts to another’s need
for friendship and caring …
For ignoring the injustices in our world or in our own hearts;
when we take for granted the love of our mothers and families
and fail to give thanks –
when we do not tell those to whom we are close that we love them …
When we will not see and trust in God’s deep love for us;
when pain or crisis makes us blind to the God who holds us,
to friends who care for us …
PRIEST: May the God of joy set us free with loving mercy;
may Jesus our brother heal us of wilful blindness to love;
may the Holy Spirit wash us clean in the pool of God’s compassion and forgiveness;
and bring us all to everlasting life…