First Sunday of Advent

Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People:  as we begin our diocesan Year of Prayer may the whole Church answer God’s call to profound prayer,  so that revealing the face of our Father by our love and compassion, we will prepare the world for the Final Coming of Christ

                                                               LORD WE CRY…
[response]     COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of waiting and working:  that we may struggle with renewed courage for the Advent of justice and freedom for the poor, the homeless and the unemployed;  and as we wait and work with hope for an end to war and famine and the outbreak of peace, especially throughout the Middle East, we cry out for our 66 million refugee sisters and brothers around the world

                                                                LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ:  that we may make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness,  that we will recognise him as he comes in the silence of prayer and welcome him as he comes in each other

                                                                LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of Mission:  that we might reach out into our city and our world,  and help rebuild human values and heal individuals and families on our streets and bring the reign of justice throughout our earth, especially for all migrants and those seeking asylum;

                                                                LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God:  for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe,  for those who care for them and teach them – their parents and teachers,  catechists and carers – we pray especially for our school of St Nicholas at this time

                                                                 LORD WE CRY…

We pray for all who suffer from HIV/Aids, for children orphaned by this disease, for nations decimated by its onslaught, and for an effective treatment and cure to be discovered and offered


Advent is a time of becoming:  for the healing and wholeness of all who are sick and remembering all sufferers of HIV/Aids; we pray too for…
We pray for all who have died recently, especially … and all killed in conflict and war
and those whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                                                 LORD WE CRY…

Mary of Advent,  teach us to wait and watch,  to hope and love…

                                                                  HAIL MARY…

We wait in love’s silence, holding all the world in our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit

Bidding Prayers – Feast of Christ the Universal King

We pray for the Church throughout the world … for our unity in love and faithfulness to the Gospel, for our dedication to the Mission of the Kingdom in the world, and for our prophets creating world-wide solidarity in building Justice in the name of Christ

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
(response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our world, in beauty and poverty, freedom and slavery, war and peace; we pray in particular for peace in the wars tearing the Middle East apart, and threatening the world … may Jesus our King send the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth, may the Kingdom bring to all peoples hope, justice and the reign of God’s love

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray for the healing our creation, for decisive action to halt Climate Change: may we like St Francis reverence all God’s creatures and bring hope of a new world where we will all liv ein harmony and peace, sharing our common home – the planet

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray for our parish family, for the children baptised today, for all our young people on this National Youth Sunday: may they catch the adventure of dedicating themselves to the Servant-King who washes our wounded feet: may we be a healing community,  reaching out to the hurting, excluded and the addicted of the Inner City

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray for Christians of every tradition in this area, that Jesus our King will hasten the day when we shall all share the One Bread and the One Cup with joyful and united hearts in service of the Kingdom; we pray too for believers of other Faiths, our Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Bahai friends – may we all serve the Goodness and Mercy of God

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray on this National Youth Sunday for all our children and young people and all involved in their education and for our Diocesan Youth Service: may our young people experience their voices being heard and build our Church… may we become a Church where young people can grow free from harm to maturity in Christ and shape with us a 21st Century Church

 (reader) JESUS, WE ASK YO U…

We pray in thankfulness that we are a fellowship of the weak, where the sick, wounded and broken speak Christ’s Kingdom as no others can; so we bring all who are hurting to the Kingdom of wholeness, especially …..
for all who have died recently, especially ……
and in this month of November for all the faithful departed and the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them; and all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular ……

(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

Mary, mother of Christ our King and Servant of the Kingdom, pray with us for a more justice, more love… HAIL MARY…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…

Prayers for 33rd Sunday

Jesus said, ‘When you see these things happening, know that he is near, at the very gates’: for the whole Church of God, that we might together ‘see the signs of the times’, know the closeness of Jesus Christ among us and faithfully proclaim life-giving truth to our world

Reader:    Lord we pray…


Jesus warns us of ‘the time of distress when the sun will be darkened’: for all peoples and nations afflicted by the darkness of war and terror; for the more than 66 million refugees and displaced people around the world; for unaccompanied child refugees that their cries be heard

Reader:    Lord we pray…

The Psalmist sings, ‘Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope’: for our city of Bristol, a City of Sanctuary, for our Borderlands Charity as we stand together to support and keep safe all our asylum-seeking sisters and brothers and struggle for their right to work, shelter and freedom

Reader:    Lord we pray…

The Book of Daniel says, ‘Michael, the great prince will guard your people’: for peace throughout the Middle East, especially in the Yemen, that the men and women of violence may come to recognise the evil and brutality of war; that the powerful and wealthy of the earth may recognise the injustices that are the seeds of war and violence – that the Day of Peace might come soon

Reader:    Lord we pray…

Daniel calls us ‘to shine brightly in the heavens as bright stars for all eternity’: for our parish community and especially our young people that by our faith and our love the light of Christ might shine through us into the dark places of addiction, poverty and loneliness

Reader:    Lord we pray…

For our nation and all the nations of the European Union at this time of political chaos and crisis, that our elected representatives will act responsibly, with wisdom and for the Common Good

Reader:    Lord we pray…

For all in need of friendship and healing…..

for those who have died recently, especially …., and all victims of war; 

for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time…..

Reader:     Lord we pray…

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Church, pray with us for the peace of our world, and the children baptised into Christ this day among us

                         HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence for all who grieve and all who yearn for peace

33rd Sunday Bidding Prayers

Jesus said, ‘When you see these things happening, know that he is near, at the very gates’: for the whole Church of God, that we might together ‘see the signs of the times’, know the closeness of Jesus Christ among us and faithfully proclaim life-giving truth to our world

Reader:      Lord we pray…


Jesus warns us of ‘the time of distress when the sun will be darkened’: for all peoples and nations afflicted by the darkness of war and terror; for the more than 66 million refugees and displaced people around the world; for unaccompanied child refugees that their cries be heard

Reader:      Lord we pray…

The Psalmist sings, ‘Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope’: for our city of Bristol, a City of Sanctuary, for our Borderlands Charity as we stand together to support and keep safe all our asylum-seeking sisters and brothers and struggle for their right to work, shelter and freedom

Reader:      Lord we pray…

The Book of Daniel says, ‘Michael, the great prince will guard your people’: for peace throughout the Middle East, especially in the Yemen, that the men and women of violence may come to recognise the evil and brutality of war; that the powerful and wealthy of the earth may recognise the injustices that are the seeds of war and violence – that the Day of Peace might come soon

Reader:      Lord we pray…

Daniel calls us ‘to shine brightly in the heavens as bright stars for all eternity’: for our parish community and especially our young people that by our faith and our love the light of Christ might shine through us into the dark places of addiction, poverty and loneliness

Reader:      Lord we pray…

For our nation and all the nations of the European Union at this time of political chaos and crisis, that our elected representatives will act responsibly, with wisdom and for the Common Good

Reader:     Lord we pray…

For all in need of friendship and healing,

for those who have died recently, especially  and all victims of war; 

for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Reader:Lord we pray…

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Church, pray with us for the peace of our world, and the children baptised into Christ this day among us


Let us pray in a moment of silence for all who grieve and all who yearn for peace

Remembrance Sunday Prayers

As we mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, we pray that the Universal Church may witness to a higher loyalty than any nationalism, building unity and reconciliation among all the peoples of the Earth as the world continues to be be torn and wounded by war and conflict

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

                [response:]                  FILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE

That we shall all learn from the inhumanity and carnage of the past 110 years filled with war and conflict: may world’s leaders seek the ways of peace rather than conflict;  have the courage to be Peacemakers and Prophets of Justice at the risk of their own lives; that we might all build peace with justice, may freedom and security come to all the peoples of the Middle East, Cameroon, and Yemen; that the horror of terror will give way to peace and that the world’s conflicts will give way to reconciliation

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For the men and women who serve in our military forces and for all United Nations Peace-keepers; for all who serve as chaplains in the Armed Forces:  that genuine peace may be safe in their hands and that hatred may find no echo in their hearts

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For the victims of the wars and violence over the past 110 years and everywhere in our world, whether in Syria or Darfur, Afghanistan or Iraq, Palestine or Israel, Rwanda or Congo, East Timor or Latin America;  for those permanently scarred by the brutality of war, for those who have lost faith in God and humanity because of the pity of war

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For all who work for a safe world of peace and justice for our children: the United Nations and Pax Christi, the Red Cross/Red Crescent and ‘Medicins Sans Frontier’, the Justice and Peace Commission and the Quakers, for Amnesty International, Aid to the Church in Need and for all who struggle for the Reign of Peace

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For our own parish community as we seek to witness to the peace, mercy and compassion of Christ in the Inner City; for work of Interfaith relationships with the mosques, temples and synagogues of our city … may peace be the mark of our relationships, the manner of our work, and the goal of our mission;

                                             LORD WE REMEMBER…

For those injured in body or mind,  or disillusioned in spirit by war  in every land;  for the sick and hurting especially for

for those who have died recently, especially all victims of terrorism and war including refugees who have perished fleeing to freedom; 

for all the faithful departed, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time and for all who died in the world wars that tore at the youth of the past 110 years and more

                                              LORD WE REMEMBER…

Mary, Mother of all Peoples and Queen of Peace, pray with us for peace and humanity on earth…

                                              HAIL MARY…

Bidding Prayers from the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)


As we celebrate the memory of Archbishop Oscar Romero, we are conscious of the many challenges which face our world, our Church, our local communities.
As we recall these in prayer, let us not be overwhelmed but strengthened to act with love:

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…

 [response:]                 TEACH US DIVINE WISDOM


For the Church: that its pastors, theologians, and pastoral ministers may always reflect God’s call to a preferential option for the poor: May the Body of Christ always be guided by the Foolish Wisdom of God, faithful to the challenging Word of God and responsive to the ever-new call of the Spirit of God; in particular we pray that the Church will be faithful to all the Spirit has spoken to us through the Second Vatican Council.

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the poorest people and communities across the world: that the example of the faith of Blessed Oscar Romero might inspire a lively commitment to solidarity amongst all peoples, to speak out against injustice and violence.

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the Peace of our world: that leaders of government will be inspired by the vision of humanity which drove Oscar Romero; to build peace, seek the healing of history’s wounds and pursue true justice and freedom.

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For our Parish community: that during this Diocesan Year of Mission we may allow the Word of God to pierce our hearts, so that we may respond to situations of injustice, conflict, inequality, poverty and disease in the light of our belief, and so recognise the presence of the divine calling us to action for justice.

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For our young people: may they hear the challenging call of Christ to a deeper love for him, that they may walk the Way of Faith’s adventure and find joy in following the Lord wherever he might lead them; that they will challenge the Church to speak relevantly to the 21stCentury

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For all refugees and those seeking asylum in our land: may families and individuals of our parish and beyond who seek safe sanctuary in our country not be forcibly returned to where they are in danger, and that the inhuman practice of detention will soon come to an end

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the sick and housebound of our parish: may we all be a healing presence to each other: in particular we pray for …. and all the victims of the recent Indonesian earthquake and Tsunami.
[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


Let us ask Mary, Seat of Wisdom and Mother of the Church, to pray with us for the renewal of the Church in this Year of faith…           


We pray now for other needs in a moment of silence…


[Presiding Minister]     Loving Creator, hear your people’s prayer, for we are human and often overwhelmed

by the many difficulties we face in our world, in our Church, in our lives. We call upon the memory of St. Oscar Romero who, in the face of so many challenges, never ceased to act with love.
Help us to become instruments of peace in our world, to confront violence and its causes, the toxic roots of injustice, and the vicious hatred that disfigures the human person made in your image.
This we ask through the transfigured Christ, who is alive and reigns forever. Amen.