Bidding Prayers from the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)


As we celebrate the memory of Archbishop Oscar Romero, we are conscious of the many challenges which face our world, our Church, our local communities.
As we recall these in prayer, let us not be overwhelmed but strengthened to act with love:

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…

 [response:]                 TEACH US DIVINE WISDOM


For the Church: that its pastors, theologians, and pastoral ministers may always reflect God’s call to a preferential option for the poor: May the Body of Christ always be guided by the Foolish Wisdom of God, faithful to the challenging Word of God and responsive to the ever-new call of the Spirit of God; in particular we pray that the Church will be faithful to all the Spirit has spoken to us through the Second Vatican Council.

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the poorest people and communities across the world: that the example of the faith of Blessed Oscar Romero might inspire a lively commitment to solidarity amongst all peoples, to speak out against injustice and violence.

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the Peace of our world: that leaders of government will be inspired by the vision of humanity which drove Oscar Romero; to build peace, seek the healing of history’s wounds and pursue true justice and freedom.

 [reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For our Parish community: that during this Diocesan Year of Mission we may allow the Word of God to pierce our hearts, so that we may respond to situations of injustice, conflict, inequality, poverty and disease in the light of our belief, and so recognise the presence of the divine calling us to action for justice.

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For our young people: may they hear the challenging call of Christ to a deeper love for him, that they may walk the Way of Faith’s adventure and find joy in following the Lord wherever he might lead them; that they will challenge the Church to speak relevantly to the 21stCentury

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For all refugees and those seeking asylum in our land: may families and individuals of our parish and beyond who seek safe sanctuary in our country not be forcibly returned to where they are in danger, and that the inhuman practice of detention will soon come to an end

[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


For the sick and housebound of our parish: may we all be a healing presence to each other: in particular we pray for …. and all the victims of the recent Indonesian earthquake and Tsunami.
[reader:]                     LORD WE PRAY…


Let us ask Mary, Seat of Wisdom and Mother of the Church, to pray with us for the renewal of the Church in this Year of faith…           


We pray now for other needs in a moment of silence…


[Presiding Minister]     Loving Creator, hear your people’s prayer, for we are human and often overwhelmed

by the many difficulties we face in our world, in our Church, in our lives. We call upon the memory of St. Oscar Romero who, in the face of so many challenges, never ceased to act with love.
Help us to become instruments of peace in our world, to confront violence and its causes, the toxic roots of injustice, and the vicious hatred that disfigures the human person made in your image.
This we ask through the transfigured Christ, who is alive and reigns forever. Amen.

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