33rd Sunday Bidding Prayers

Jesus said, ‘When you see these things happening, know that he is near, at the very gates’: for the whole Church of God, that we might together ‘see the signs of the times’, know the closeness of Jesus Christ among us and faithfully proclaim life-giving truth to our world

Reader:      Lord we pray…


Jesus warns us of ‘the time of distress when the sun will be darkened’: for all peoples and nations afflicted by the darkness of war and terror; for the more than 66 million refugees and displaced people around the world; for unaccompanied child refugees that their cries be heard

Reader:      Lord we pray…

The Psalmist sings, ‘Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope’: for our city of Bristol, a City of Sanctuary, for our Borderlands Charity as we stand together to support and keep safe all our asylum-seeking sisters and brothers and struggle for their right to work, shelter and freedom

Reader:      Lord we pray…

The Book of Daniel says, ‘Michael, the great prince will guard your people’: for peace throughout the Middle East, especially in the Yemen, that the men and women of violence may come to recognise the evil and brutality of war; that the powerful and wealthy of the earth may recognise the injustices that are the seeds of war and violence – that the Day of Peace might come soon

Reader:      Lord we pray…

Daniel calls us ‘to shine brightly in the heavens as bright stars for all eternity’: for our parish community and especially our young people that by our faith and our love the light of Christ might shine through us into the dark places of addiction, poverty and loneliness

Reader:      Lord we pray…

For our nation and all the nations of the European Union at this time of political chaos and crisis, that our elected representatives will act responsibly, with wisdom and for the Common Good

Reader:     Lord we pray…

For all in need of friendship and healing,

for those who have died recently, especially  and all victims of war; 

for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Reader:Lord we pray…

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Church, pray with us for the peace of our world, and the children baptised into Christ this day among us


Let us pray in a moment of silence for all who grieve and all who yearn for peace

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