‘This is my Beloved Son’ … that every Christian will know their dignity,  chosen to be a daughter or son of God;  that the Church will show to all the world its reverence for every human person,  and safeguard that divine dignity, challenging all the powers that abuse or  oppress…

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…
               [response]     FILL US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘Here is my servant,  bringing true justice to the nations’… may God raise up many prophets of justice,  and servants of peace for a world divided and violent; and for a world struggling in conflict yet yearning for peace, especially throughout the Middle East, Yemen and in Central Africa …

                              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘God anointed him with the Spirit and with power’… that in this Year of Communion, we who are re-born into Christ through Baptism will be open to the breath of the Holy Spirit deepening the love we share as Church, so that our community like Jesus will be empowered to serve the Kingdom of God and the growth of the Church of the Poor in our parish
                              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘Filled with the Spirit,  Jesus went about doing good’… that our Ministry among the Homeless in our Night Shelter project and through the Wild Goose Café, the SVP, and our work with refugees and asylum-seekers through ‘Borderlands’ and our combatting modern slavery will bring healing and hope to the most vulnerable people of our city: we pray especially for all victims of our unjust and abusive Asylum and Benefits systems  and our trafficked and enslaved sisters and brothers…

                              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘God sent His Word to the People … the Good News  of Peace brought by Jesus Christ’ … we ask the Wisdom of God to guide our new government towards policies that will bring real justice to the poor and healing to the planet – may the Common Good not only of our nation but all peoples and nations be uppermost in their decision-making 

                              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘Because God was with him,  Jesus cured all’… that the Spirit will renew the Healing Ministry throughout the Church; we pray in particular for …
may those who have died know that eternal life that baptism brings, especially … and the victims of the Australian Forest Fires, the floods in Jakarta and those killed in the Ukrainian aircraft shot down in Iran
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: 

                              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

Mary,  bearer of the Spirit and mother of the Anointed One,  pray with us…

                              HAIL MARY…

Let us wait upon the Spirit in silence…

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Seekers after wisdom followed the Light of the Star … we pray that the Christian Church will always be a light of truth and mercy to guide all in today’s world who search for the wisdom to live their lives in love

                                          LORD WE PRAY…
      [response:]            GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

The Christ-Child attracted the seekers to His Light … may we place as our highest priority the proclamation of the Good News in the Power of the Spirit and so draw to Christ all who seek to build a better world: we pray especially for all in our parish family who are journeying towards Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist

                                          LORD WE PRAY…

For a world scarred by war, conflict and violence, famine and oppression:  may world leaders not escalate conflicts but be guided by the wisdom of God and the cries of their peoples, especially in Syria, Iraq and Iran; may they not dominate and exploit, but rather serve justice and freedom for all … we pray especially for the peoples of the Holy Land, all the Middle East and Central Africa; we pray also that wisdom might prevail and decisive steps be taken to heal our planet in the threat of catastrophic climate change

                                          LORD WE PRAY…

Like the wise men of old,  may we bring our gifts to serve our parish as we seek to grow as a community of mission and prayer during this New Year: with generosity may we bring the gold of our love, the frankincense of our prayer and the myrrh of our willingness to sacrifice for the King

                                          LORD WE PRAY…

The Wise Men, strangers bringing gifts, represent the nations coming together in Christ …. may our nation change its attitude and policies about immigration and racism, about those who come seeking safe sanctuary among us; we pray also for the 67 million refugees world-wide, particularly all those who have been trafficked in the dangerous waters of the Mediterranean and the English Channel as they seek safety, freedom and peace

                                           LORD WE PRAY…

That all who care for the sick may do so with the wisdom that heals; that our elderly will be respected for their wisdom and experience; we pray for …
that the Light of Eternal love will forever shine upon all who have died recently, especially all victims of the terror and war in the Middle East;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                            LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Morning Star and Seat of Wisdom, pray with us for for Wisdom as we seek to witness to the Light of Christ in today’s world

                                               HAIL MARY… 

We pray for the deepest needs of our hearts in a moment of silence…

ew Year’s Day, Feast of Mary, the Mother of God

Mary is Mother of all Christians … we pray that the year and decade just begun will see the whole Church journey towards visible unity in faith, service and mission, and so be a more effective sign and instrument of God’s Peace and Mercy to the world

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)       BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary is a sign of hope and humanity to the world … we pray on the threshold of our New Year that we will recognise every person as the dwelling of God; may peace and reconciliation defeat war and conflict especially throughout the Middle East and the conflict-torn parts of Africa: may justice and freedom everywhere progress, and all humanity be converted to their brothers and sisters

                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary bore the Word of God to the world … we pray that in this coming Year the Churches of the Inner City will serve together in Mission to bring healing, mercy and help to our people, and find new ways to proclaim our Gospel Faith

                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary, mother of the Creator, is the Mother of all Creation … may her wisdom and generous love guide us to take decisive life-style  and political decisions to limit Climate Warming before it is too late for the future of our planet and our children
                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary opened her heart to the Divine dwelling within her and urges us to welcome as she did God’s amazing love … we pray for one another in our parish family,  that we may embrace the challenge of the God’s overshadowing Spirit to renew our inner life and growth in community

                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary treasured the wonders of God in her heart … as this New Year begins, may all of us learn the art and joy of prayer more deeply and walk the life-giving paths of Silence and Contemplation
                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary is a sign of wholeness and servant of healing – we pray God’s blessing and wisdom upon the healing ministry of our parish and our diocese, upon those who visit and bring the Eucharist to our sick and housebound and all who offer listening and counselling – may this Year bring to all Healing and Wholeness
                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary gathers all her sorrowing children – we pray for those regions of the world afflicted by war and famine – for the grieving mothers of Yemen, Syria and Congo: may the world finally become weary of death and grow in compassion and justice, and seek to build one world shared equally and peacefully with all peoples

                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary cared for both Joseph and Jesus at their dying: so the sick and the dying deserve our special care and respect – may carers, nurses, doctors and researchers treat all people and especially the elderly with dignity and with reverence for Life; may medical research serve to humanise and heal;
and for all who have died recently especially in war and conflict, and all whose anniversaries are at this time

                                                 LORD WE CRY TO YOU…

Mary, Mother of God, help us bring the Peace of Christ into the Year that lies before us

                                                HAIL MARY… 

On the threshold of another year and decade, we pray in silence for our world and our families…


Jesus in the midst of the Holy Family teaches us that the Church is called to be a family of love and faith, safeguarding life and sharing compassion … may the Church always live the challenge of being family in Christ

                                                LORD WE PRAY …
[response:]    Teach us how to love …

The Holy Family of Bethlehem were homeless, persecuted, refugees and exiles … we pray for all families exiled from their homeland,  for refugees fleeing war and violence which destroy life and the respect for life, for those seeking safe asylum in our land, for the millions of unaccompanied child refugees throughout the world; we pray too for all parents forcibly separated from their partners or children: may they be protected and find peace and stability

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

We pray for the work of the CCS Adoption Society, asking God’s blessing as they seek to find good and safe homes for our most vulnerable children: may the Spirit work in the hearts of many families to encourage them to consider adoptive parenthood and fostering

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

In a world of broken relationships and shattered dreams, we dare still to believe in love: so we pray for all single parent families,  for all whose hopes for love have ended in divorce or separation,  for all children hurt by the break-up of parents … may they all experience healing and the hope of new beginnings

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

We pray for all organisations that support marriage and the family, for those who offer counselling and healing for life’s wounds: for Marriage Encounter and Catholic Marriage Care, for Relate and the Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics; we pray too for all whose sexual orientation lead them to other forms of family life – may we be a Church of Mercy and Welcome bringing hope and healing to those who feel excluded by the Church

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

The Holy Family of Nazareth reveals to us God’s school of love:  we pray for all for Christian families that they may discover Christ and risk living his ideal of faithfulness and tenderness in their homes;  we pray for all the families of our parish and throughout the City,  that we may teach each other how to be truly human

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

The sick, the elderly and the dying deserve special care and respect from families and the world of medicine – may nurses, doctors and researchers treat all people with dignity and with reverence for Life; we pray for and especially those injured by war in Idlib and also …
for those who have died recently, especially in the brutal conflict in Syria, for  all victims of the war and violence
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time,  in particular …

                                                LORD WE PRAY …

Mary and Joseph,  pray with us for the peace and stability of the peoples of our troubled world …

                                                  HAIL MARY …

We pray in a moment of silence for all the families of the world…


God shares his dream with humanity through Mary and Joseph:  may the Church of Christ offer the world that same dream of a new birth, a new hope for all humankind and for all creation,  as we live with love and imagination

[response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

Insignificant Bethlehem gives birth to the Messiah:  may no one be counted insignificant or of little value;  may the small and poor nations of the Earth be treated with equal dignity;  may the United Nations keep faith with the dream of a world at peace, helping all peoples to value each other, especially in the land of Jesus’ birth, in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and in all conflict zones


Joseph knew the strength that lies in compassion, tenderness, gentleness and understanding:  may we teach our children new ways of being human, heal the scars of male bullying and aggression,  highlight the power and dignity of gentleness and bring domestic violence to an end


Mary ‘has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit’: as God chooses a woman to give birth to Love in the world,  may all women know they are valued,  reverenced with the dignity of equality;  may all women who have known abuse in their lives be gently healed: we pray especially for all women who are pregnant or nearing child-birth at this time


May the retelling of the timeless story in all its simplicity and depth bring many to hear afresh the Good News of God’s immense love, and be converted to Christ,  to humanity and to love

Jesus is the promise of wholeness and healing:  may all mothers who carry a child in their womb know security and peace;  may the sick find hope and healing especially  those suffering from the Australian fires, and …;
We pray for all recently dead, especially … and those killed in the conflicts in the Middle East
and those whose anniversaries are at this time,  especially …; 


Mary,  faithful bearer of the Coming of God,  together with your husband, Joseph, pray with us that our society will place greater value on parenthood and family life…

                                              HAIL MARY…

We wait upon the Coming of Jesus in a moment of silence…


That the People of God inspired by Pope Francis and our own Bishop Declan will, in the midst of every wilderness of heart or world, give the nations the witness of a joy none can take from us:  the joy of yearning for Jesus, and the joy of loving Him who is the fulfilment of our destiny, the Joy of the Gospel …
                                        LORD WE PRAY…
[response:]        MAY WE WITNESS TO YOUR JOY…

That the deserts of poverty and the wilderness of war, especially throughout the Middle East and in Yemen, will give way to the joy of peace and the happiness of justice;  that the wastelands of famine and the deep wounds of homelessness will be healed into opportunity for all and proper homes for our people; that the the nations will take decisive action on Global Warming to save our planet…

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

In the aftermath of our general Election, we pray for the new Government that it will listen to the cries of the poor, speak with honesty and serve all the people of the nations of the United Kingdom: may all Members of Parliament rise to the challenge of the ‘noble vocation of politics

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

That Advent hope will come to all who will spend this Christmas alone or far from their homes and loved ones, for prisoners separated from their families, for those seeking safe asylum among us and all threatened with Removal, for those separated or divorced and apart from their children …

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

As the sounds of hollow tinsel joy assail us,  and the call of shops and lights summons us,  may God draw us aside to experience the profound joy of moments of silent communion in love with the God who comes only to transform us in love; that we will embrace the opportunity to meet Christ in the Sacrament of Forgiveness this Advent…

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

For the children of our Inner City as their excitement grows:  may they not be disappointed with Christmases scarred by drugs instead marked by joy, too much alcohol and not enough love;  may we learn from the wonder in their eyes how truly to rejoice…

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

That the sick may know the joy of healing and closeness to the God who comes to them, and for God’s special joy to all our housebound and elderly this Christmas …
We pray for all recently dead, especially … the victims of the New Zealand Volcanic eruption and the shootings at the Jewish Supermarket;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time,

                                        LORD WE PRAY…

Mary,  help us to share the joy of Christ your Son with the poor and marginalised and all who experience discrimination and hate crime in our society…

                                        HAIL MARY…

We pray in the silence of joy’s waiting…

Second Sunday of Advent – Year A – Bible Sunday

That the Church may always root its life and decisions in the disturbing and life-giving Word of God,  and proclaim with integrity and joy the Gospel of Jesus, that the world may believe
                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
              [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For all who seek after truth,  for those who cannot believe: that their hearts and minds be opened to God’s Word that brings Life and Mercy;  for a world divided by war and terrorism, racism and famine that all may heed the Gospel of Peace and live; that world leaders will come together in pursuit of peace, freedom and equality for all peoples, to heal the ravages of Climate Warming

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

For a deep love of the Scriptures in our parish communities, and in our own lives – may we  find inspiration in sharing the Word with one another,  direction for our children and vision empowering our mission; may God’s Word of love for the poor inspire our we vote in this week’s General Election

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

For God’s blessing upon the children and young people of our parish family, that filled with the Spirit they may devour the Word, as Bread for their lives and Wisdom for their journey, and so rejoice to proclaim the Word of God’s Mercy and Love and serve the Kingdom with enthusiasm

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

For all who proclaim God’s Word to us: for our Lay Readers, our Catechists and all who lead Children’s Liturgy, for the teachers in our schools and parents in their families: that they may grow in Christ as they share faith and the Word of God with those entrusted to them – we pray for our school especially at this time

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

For the Bible Society, Scripture Union and ‘Bible Alive’ and all organisations seeking to share God’s Word with our world:  may they always offer the riches of the Bible with reverence for other world faiths and their sacred  scriptures

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

For the sick, the lonely. the mentally disturbed and the housebound ….
We pray too for those who have died recently, especially … and the victims of war, conflict and poverty everywhere
and all whose anniversaries are at this time ….

                                          IN CHRIST WE PRAY…

Mary, teach us to ponder the Word in our hearts and to treasure all that God speaks to our world…

                                          HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment’s silence for other needs 


Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People:  may the whole Church answer God’s call to renewal and reform in this Joyful Season of Repentance,  continue to reveal the merciful face of God and prepare the world for the Lord’s Coming
                                                     LORD WE CRY…
                          [response]    COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of waiting and working:  as we  begin this ‘Year of Communion’ may we live in deeper communion with the poor,  the homeless, the asylum seeker, the refugee and, with renewed courage, wait and work for the dawn of justice for them;  wait and work with hope for peace throughout the Middle East and in conflict torn parts of Africa; wait and work with expectancy for fair trading relationships with the Developing Nations

                                                     LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ:  that we may make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness and noise;   that we will recognise the Lord as He comes in the silence of prayer and welcome Him as He comes in each other

                                                     LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of Mission:  may the Spirit of Jesus guide all in our parish who are our journeying towards Baptism and Confirmation; may we all reach out with a generosity of heart to those who seek meaning and hope, faith and vision for their lives
                                                     LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of renewed Vision of a New Heaven and a New Earth: may the Spirit guide us to use our votes in the coming General Election to shape the future of our nation as a place where the stranger is welcomed and the poor raised up
                                                     LORD WE CRY…

Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God:  for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe,  for those who care for them and teach them – their parents, teachers and  catechists; for our young people as they grow in giftedness and hope

                                                     LORD WE CRY…

On this World Aids Day we pray for all who suffer from this disease, all who have been orphaned by this disease and all who research treatment and cure of this disease; we pray also for …. and all the housebound;
We pray too for those who have died recently, especially … and those killed in the terror attack on London Bridge and all victims of the war and poverty;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time:   …

                                                     LORD WE CRY…

Mary of Advent,  teach us to wait and watch,  to hope and love …
                                                    HAIL MARY…

Let us wait in the Advent silence of loving prayer…


We pray for the Church throughout the world … for our unity in love and faithfulness to the Gospel, for our dedication to the Mission of growing the Kingdom upon the Earth, and for our prophets crying out for world-wide solidarity in building Justice in the name of Christ

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                                       (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our world, in beauty and poverty, freedom and slavery, war and peace; we pray in particular for peace in the conflicts the Middle East, in Hong Kong and in Central Africa … may Jesus our King send the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the Earth, may the Kingdom bring to all peoples hope, justice and the reign of God’s love

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

Giving thanks for the young people of the world who have spoken so powerfully about Global Warming, we pray for the healing our creation, for decisive action to halt Climate Change: like St Francis may we reverence all God’s creatures and bring hope of a new world where we will all live in harmony and peace, sharing our common home – the planet

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray for our parish family, for the children baptised today, for all our young people on this National Youth Sunday, especially those preparing for Confirmation: may they catch the adventure of dedicating themselves to the Servant-King who washes our wounded feet: may we be a healing community,  reaching out to the hurting, excluded and the addicted of the Inner City

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray for Christians of every tradition in this area, that Jesus our King will hasten the day when we shall all share the One Bread and the One Cup with joyful and united hearts in service of the Kingdom; we pray too for believers of other Faiths, our Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Bahai friends – may we all serve the Goodness and Mercy of God

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray on this National Youth Sunday for all our children and young people and all involved in their education and for our Diocesan Youth Service: may our young people experience their voices being heard and build our Church… may we become a Church where young people can grow free from harm to maturity in Christ and shape with us a 21st Century Church

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

We pray in thankfulness that we are a fellowship of the weak, where the sick, wounded and broken speak Christ’s Kingdom as no others can; so we bring all who are hurting to the Kingdom of wholeness, especially ….
we pray for all who have died recently, especially ….
and in this month of November for all the faithful departed and the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them; and all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                                        (reader)            JESUS, WE ASK YOU…

Mary, mother of Christ our King and Servant of the Kingdom, pray with us for a more justice, more love…

                                                                       HAIL MARY…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


That the Church will read the ‘signs of the times’, shine with Healing Light upon a broken world, and offer that world the truth that sets free and the Gospel of love that challenges and heals

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
[Response]           Grant us your mercy

In a divided world we pray for the United nations and the European Union that each will serve, in different ways, the human dignity and rights of every person, true justice and an end to poverty throughout the world; for real peace in the Middle East, especially between Israel and Palestine, in Cameroon and the Congo; for an era of reconciliation and hope for all the peoples of the world 

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

That both the Church and the world will heed Pope Francis’s words this week, as he condemns all persecution and rejection of the LBGT+ community world-wide: may we all grow in a deeper love and acceptance of one another

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For our overcrowded and under-resourced prisons, for all prisoners and their families, for all who work in the Prison service, for the witness of the Church in prisons through prison Chaplaincies, and for the victims of all crime

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

On this World Day of the Poor, we pray for the courage to ‘speak Truth to Power’, especially as we prepare for our General Election; may we challenge our society to end the scandal of food poverty in our land

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For all suffering from floods in the Britain, the forest fires in Australia and California, and drought in Southern Africa: may leaders of nations and global business ‘read the signs of the times’ and act decisively to halt Global warming and heal our planet for future generations

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

For an ever-increasing commitment by our parish family to bring healing and hope to the impoverished, disadvantaged and marginalised: that we will ever more deeply commit our ‘Covenant with the Poor’ 

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of physical and mental illness caused by poverty, and for all who care for them; we pray also for all our LGBT+ sisters and brothers wounded in mind or body by persecution or condemnation in their communities; we also for ….
for those who have died recently … and all who grieve them, and also all who have died homeless on our streets
and for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, for all whose anniversaries occur at this time … and especially all whom we hold in our prayer on the Transgender Day of Remembrance 

                                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us that we might live with the priorities of the Gospel…
                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…