We pray for the Church throughout the world … for our unity in love and faithfulness to the Gospel, for our dedication to the Mission of growing the Kingdom upon the Earth, and for our prophets crying out for world-wide solidarity in building Justice in the name of Christ
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
We pray for our world, in beauty and poverty, freedom and slavery, war and peace; we pray in particular for peace in the conflicts the Middle East, in Hong Kong and in Central Africa … may Jesus our King send the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the Earth, may the Kingdom bring to all peoples hope, justice and the reign of God’s love
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
Giving thanks for the young people of the world who have spoken so powerfully about Global Warming, we pray for the healing our creation, for decisive action to halt Climate Change: like St Francis may we reverence all God’s creatures and bring hope of a new world where we will all live in harmony and peace, sharing our common home – the planet
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
We pray for our parish family, for the children baptised today, for all our young people on this National Youth Sunday, especially those preparing for Confirmation: may they catch the adventure of dedicating themselves to the Servant-King who washes our wounded feet: may we be a healing community, reaching out to the hurting, excluded and the addicted of the Inner City
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
We pray for Christians of every tradition in this area, that Jesus our King will hasten the day when we shall all share the One Bread and the One Cup with joyful and united hearts in service of the Kingdom; we pray too for believers of other Faiths, our Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Bahai friends – may we all serve the Goodness and Mercy of God
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
We pray on this National Youth Sunday for all our children and young people and all involved in their education and for our Diocesan Youth Service: may our young people experience their voices being heard and build our Church… may we become a Church where young people can grow free from harm to maturity in Christ and shape with us a 21st Century Church
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
We pray in thankfulness that we are a fellowship of the weak, where the sick, wounded and broken speak Christ’s Kingdom as no others can; so we bring all who are hurting to the Kingdom of wholeness, especially ….
we pray for all who have died recently, especially ….
and in this month of November for all the faithful departed and the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them; and all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …
(reader) JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
Mary, mother of Christ our King and Servant of the Kingdom, pray with us for a more justice, more love…
We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…