Third Sunday of the Year B – Christian Unity Sunday

‘Follow me…’ cries Jesus: may all God’s people of every tradition and denomination hear the call of Christ to leave behind the divisions and prejudices of past, and walk together in the Spirit of Christ the pathways of unity, mission and peace

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

‘I will make you fishers of men’, challenges Jesus: for all the pastors and leaders of God’s Church, especially Pope Francis, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Moscow, the President of the World Council of Churches: may they with courage challenge us to build the unity of Christ the more effectively to serve the peace of the world

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

In Damascus God said, ‘Saul, you are to be my witness my witness before all humankind’  … that God’s people will be converted to each other, become one in heart and mind so that we might become the Light of the World drawing all people to the conversion of peace and the strong tenderness of justice: we pray for peace among Jews, Moslems and Christians throughout the Middle East; for peace and freedom in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Central Africa

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

Because of the Prophet Jonah, the people of the City of Nineveh changed: we pray that the inauguration of a new president in the United States may the beginning of healing for that bitterly divided nation; that our parish will answer God’s challenge to bring healing and the Good News to the Inner City with all our fellow Christians in Ashley, Easton and Eastville: that we will work and pray with each other for renewed understanding and fresh opportunities for mission and service together

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

Jonah warned the People of Nineveh of the destruction they were bringing upon themselves … repenting of the horror of the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews and other Genocides, we pray also for our nation, too at ease with our armaments industry, our trading in weapons of death and the condemnation of our children to poverty, poor diet and the lack of opportunity

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

For the sick,  especially the housebound, isolated, addicted and depressed; we also pray for … ;
for those who have died recently: … and all victims of the Covid virus
for all whose anniversaries are at this time: in particular …

               [reader]          LORD JESUS WE PRAY…
               [response]     MAKE US ONE IN YOUR LOVE…

Mary, Mother of the Church, gather us in unity with all Christians…
                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in silence for the peace of the world and the unity of the Church …


That Christians everywhere may answer the call of Christ to ‘Come and See’ how He lives in the Peace of God and with courage to become prophets of peace, challenging all peoples to a loyalty to the whole of humanity beyond every narrow nationalism

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

That all those in political leadership may use their power to serve rather than to dominate, to safeguard each person’s dignity and conscience rather than manipulate and repress those who differ from them: we pray in particular for those peoples suffering because of extremist ideologies and the threat of terrorist attack around the world

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

That the rich world might see how poor it is in humanity and justice; that the poor world may never lose sight of their dignity and their power to change injustice and save our earth; that all will recognise the link between poverty and conflict and that ‘the new word for peace is justice’

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

That like Samuel the Prophet we will listen to the Lord as the Spirit challenges us to continue to fashion our parish in the service of peace and justice, a parish community of caring and compassion, a parish in the service of the freedom of the Kingdom

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

For the young people of our Inner City, those who refuse to be caught up in the culture of drugs, violence and barbaric extremism and those who are trapped in these dark worlds: that they may all know their dignity, and use their energy and vision to build a better world for all

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

For the peace of the sick, in particular all suffering from Covid 19 and those health-care workers suffering from physical and mental exhaustion – for …;

for the eternal peace of all who have died recently,  especially …, those who have died of Coronavirus and all killed by extremist terrorism and government repression around the world;
and for life without end for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …,

               [reader:]                               LORD WE PRAY…
               [response:]                         GIVE US YOUR PEACE!

Mary, Queen of Peace, pray with us for true peace throughout the Middle East and reconciliation in all theatres of conflict, especially in Africa

                                                                 HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for all unknown needs …


‘You are my Son, the Beloved’ … that every Christian will know their dignity,  chosen to be a daughter or son of God;  that the Church will show to all the world its reverence for every human person,  and safeguard that divine dignity challenging all the powers that oppress…

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…
               [response]         FILL US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘Faithfully he brings true justice to the nations’… may God raise up many prophets of justice,  and servants of peace who will love our divided and violent world with God’s heart, mind and courage; and for a world needing to seek ways to build peace, especially throughout the Middle East, in Mali, Cameroon and Central Africa as they struggle with terror, violence and oppression …

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘I have called you to serve the cause of right’… that as today we re-commit ourselves to living our Baptism as a community of unity and mission, may God anoint all our community with gifts of the Spirit to empower our service of the Kingdom of God and the growth of the Church in our parish 

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘I have endowed him with my Spirit to be a light’… that our Parish Food Bank, the Churches Winter Night Shelter Project, the SVP, the Wild Goose Café, Borderlands and our work with refugees and asylum-seekers will bring healing and hope to the most vulnerable people of our city: we pray especially for all victims of our unjust and abusive Benefits and Asylum systems and all suffering financial hardship in this pandemic …

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘Jesus was baptised and the Spirit, liker a dove, descended on Him’ … as we each renew our baptismal commitment today may our lives witness to Christ’s sacrificial love and be a source of the water of life for those who are seeking deeper meaning to their lives; – we pray especially for Nadia George  baptised today and his family

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

‘Because God was with him,  Jesus cured all’… that the Spirit will renew the Healing Ministry throughout the Church; we pray for all suffering from Covid and those caring for them; and for …
may those who have died know that eternal life that baptism brings, especially … and all who have died of the Covid virus;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: 

               [reader]              WE ARE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS…

Mary,  bearer of the Spirit and mother of the Anointed One,  pray with us… 

                                                  HAIL MARY…

Let us wait upon the Spirit in silence…


Seekers after wisdom followed the Light of the Star … we pray that the Christian Church will always be a light of truth and mercy to guide all in today’s world who search for the wisdom to live their lives in love

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

The Christ-Child attracted the seekers to His Light … may we place as our highest priority the proclamation of the Good News in the Power of the Spirit and so draw to Christ all who seek to build a better world: we pray especially for all in our parish family who will be journeying towards Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist in this coming year

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

For a world scarred by war, conflict and violence, famine and oppression:  may world leaders not escalate conflicts but be guided by the wisdom of God and the cries of their peoples; may they not dominate and exploit, but rather serve justice and freedom for all … we pray especially for the peoples of the Holy Land, all the Middle East and Central Africa; we pray also that wisdom might prevail and nations will work together that decisive steps be taken to heal our planet in the threat of catastrophic climate change

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

Like the wise men of old,  may we bring our gifts to serve our parish as we seek to grow as a community of mission and prayer during this New Year: with generosity may we bring the gold of our love, the frankincense of our prayer and the myrrh of our willingness to sacrifice for the King

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

The Wise Men, strangers bringing gifts, represent the nations coming together in Christ …. may our nation change its attitude and policies about immigration and racism, about those who come seeking safe sanctuary among us; we pray also for the 73 million refugees world-wide, particularly all those who have been trafficked in the dangerous waters of the Mediterranean and the English Channel as they seek safety, freedom and peace

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

That all who care for the sick may do so with the wisdom that heals and may experience renewed strength in their weariness as they care for the victims of Covid ; that our elderly will be respected for their wisdom and experience;
that the Light of Eternal love will forever shine upon all who have died recently, especially … and all victims of the poverty, poor health-care, terror and war;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                                                LORD WE PRAY…
             [response:]         GIVE US YOUR WISDOM

Mary, Morning Star and Seat of Wisdom, pray with us for for Wisdom as we seek to witness to the Light of Christ in today’s world


We pray for the deepest needs of our hearts in a moment of silence…

Second Sunday of Christmas

‘Wisdom speaks her voice to God’s people’ … that the leadership of the Church everywhere will listen to the Wisdom of the Spirit in the voices of the people, especially the excluded

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘Wisdom pitched tent among us’ … that the suffering of 67 million refugees will be recognised and the wisdom of love and care be heeded in public policy leading to a change of heart that nations will open their borders to their sisters and brothers

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘Before the world was made, the Father chose us in Christ’ … that every Christian will know they are called and chosen to make Love real, make love flesh in our beautiful but wounded world – may it be our joy to serve the Kingdom of God’s loving and freedom

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘He is a light that darkness cannot overcome’ … that the darkness of war, the darkness of inequality and injustice, the darkness of poverty be overcome by the light of peace, the light of humanity; that the Year 2021 might leaders and nations build together a new post-Covid world of global co-operation that will heal our ‘common home’ the Earth

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘John was a witness to speak for the Light that is Christ’ … that every parish and every Christian community may shine with such love and so witness to the wonder of God’s humanity in Christ

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘Praise our God, He has blessed the children among you’ …  for our children and young people at schools, colleges and universities, that they be protected from the Covid virus and enabled to grow in ‘wisdom and maturity’: may wise decisions be made about education during this time of pandemic

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

‘May you see what hope his call holds for you’ … that those in hospitals, care homes and in the community who are caring for the sick, the elderly and frail, and the victims of Covid 19 will be strengthened with renewed hope and sense of their calling as we pray also for …
‘the rich glories promised the saints’ …  may all who died recently see the wonder of God face to face, especially … and the escalating numbers who have succumbed to the virus;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                             [reader]               Word made Flesh
                           [response]          Be our Wisdom

Mary, Mother of the Word made flesh and Seat of Wisdom, pray for us, guide us…

                                                                Hail Mary…

We pray for needs of all our world at the beginning of this New Year…

NEW YEAR’S DAY – Feast of Mary, the Mother of God

Mary is Mother of all Christians … we pray that the year just begun will see the whole Church journey towards visible unity in faith, service and mission, and so be a more effective sign and instrument of God’s Peace and Mercy to the world

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary is a sign of hope and humanity to the world … we pray on the threshold of our New Year that we will recognise every person as the dwelling of God; may peace and reconciliation defeat war and conflict especially throughout the Middle East and the conflict-torn parts of Africa: may justice and freedom everywhere progress, and all humanity be converted to their sisters and brothers

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary bore the Word of God to the world … we pray that in this coming Year the Churches of the Inner City will serve together in Mission to bring healing, mercy and help to our people, and find new ways to proclaim our Gospel Faith

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary, mother of the Creator, is the Mother of all Creation … may her wisdom and generous love guide us to take decisive life-style  and political decisions to limit Climate Warming before it is too late for the future of our planet and our children

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary opened her heart to the Divine dwelling within her and urges us to welcome as she did God’s amazing love … we pray for one another in our parish family,  that we may embrace the challenge of the God’s overshadowing Spirit to renew our inner life and growth in community

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary treasured the wonders of God in her heart … as this New Year begins, may all of us learn the art and joy of prayer more deeply and walk the life-giving paths of Silence and Contemplation

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary is a sign of wholeness and servant of healing – we pray God’s blessing and strength to all serving the victims of the Covid pandemic and God’s wisdom upon the healing ministry of our parish and our diocese, upon those who visit and bring the Eucharist to our sick and housebound and all who offer listening and counselling – may this Year bring to all Healing and Wholeness

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary gathers all her sorrowing children – we pray for those regions of the world afflicted by war and famine – for the grieving mothers of Yemen, Syria, Cameroon and Central Africa: may the world finally become weary of death and grow in compassion and justice, and seek to build one world shared equally and peacefully with all peoples

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary cared for both Joseph and Jesus at their dying: so the sick and the dying deserve our special care and respect – may carers, nurses, doctors and researchers treat all people and especially the elderly with dignity and with reverence for Life; may medical research serve to humanise and heal:
for all who have died recently especially of Covid, in war and conflict, and all whose anniversaries are at this time

                    [Reader]          LORD WE CRY TO YOU…
                   (response)      BLESS OUR WORLD WITH PEACE

Mary, Mother of God, help us bring the Peace of Christ into the Year that lies before us

                                                HAIL MARY… 

On the threshold of another year and decade, we pray in silence for our world and our families…


That God’s People in every land and culture will be faithful to the call of our Baptism to be joyful witnesses of the Gospel of Love and Mercy and to heal the blindness of a world unable to believe; that we will be a people of peace building a New Civilisation of Love in this Year of Our Lord 2021

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

In this coming year may those unable to believe seek and find God; may those unable to commit themselves discover the joy of loving God with everything; may those who have left faith behind know again that Jesus is Wisdom made Flesh and God makes sense of all things and alone brings our truest happiness

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

That many may hear the call of the Spirit in this coming year to leave all things for the Joy of the Gospel, to risk their very lives if necessary to be Good News to the Poor, Prophets of Justice, Living Bread of Christ in God’s Hands to be broken and given for the Life of the World

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

That the worlds of politics and finance, together with all the earth’s peoples, will wake up to the urgent need to work together in solidarity to find adequate solutions to Climate warming and so secure the future of our planet and its population

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

That as the Church of the Inner City, the mission of Christ will in the Year that lies ahead come before all else; that the Spirit’s Courage will empower us to be a community of prayer, and of welcome and protection for the refugee and those seeking safe sanctuary among us, for the homeless and the vulnerable; that the work of ‘Borderlands’ will go from strength to strength

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

For the families of our Christian Communities throughout this Year of 2021, that we might all embrace the call to prayer and to the mission of Christ and lead our children and young people to serve the Kingdom with a loving heart: we pray especially for our Health care and all key workers during this Covid pandemic

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

Despite the ever-present darkness of war and conflict, may this New Year and New Decade bring Peace to the peoples of the Middle East, Yemen and the Holy Land, to the Central Africa and Cameroon: that all people of faith will embrace each other in friendship helping to end religious intolerance and to build One World, discovering that Peace and Mercy is more effective than war

                          [READER]                  GOD OF PEACE… 
                          [response]                 RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH

Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace, pray with us for the peace of the world 

[READER]                   HAIL MARY…

We pray for God’s Blessing upon the coming Year in a moment of silence…


Jesus in the midst of the Holy Family teaches us that the Church is called to be a family of love and faith, safeguarding life and sharing compassion … may the Church always live the challenge of being family in Christ

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

The Holy Family of Bethlehem were homeless, persecuted, refugees and exiles … we pray for all families exiled from their homeland,  for refugees fleeing war and violence which destroy life and the respect for life, for those seeking safe asylum in our land, for the millions of unaccompanied child refugees throughout the world; we pray too for all parents forcibly separated from their partners or children: may they be protected and find peace and stability

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

We pray for the work of the CCS Adoption Society, asking God’s blessing as they seek to find good and safe homes for our most vulnerable children: may the Spirit work in the hearts of many families to encourage them to consider adoptive parenthood and fostering
                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

In a world of broken relationships and shattered dreams, we dare still to believe in love: so we pray for all families in all their diversity and challenges: for single parent families,  for all whose hopes for love have ended in divorce or separation,  for all children hurt by the break-up of parents … may they all experience healing and the hope of new beginnings

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

We pray for all organisations that support marriage and the family, for those who offer counselling and healing for life’s wounds: for Marriage Encounter and Catholic Marriage Care, for Relate and the Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics,; we pray too for the ministry to our LBGT+ community and for all whose sexual orientation lead them to other forms of family life – may we be a Church of Mercy and Welcome bringing hope and healing to those who feel excluded by the Church

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

The Holy Family of Nazareth reveals to us God’s school of love:  we pray for all for Christian families that they may discover Christ and risk living his ideal of faithfulness and tenderness in their homes;  we pray for all the families of our parish and throughout the City,  that we may teach each other how to be truly human

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

The sick, the elderly and the dying deserve special care and respect from families and the world of medicine – as we give thanks and pray for nurses, doctors and researchers who treat all people with dignity and with reverence for Life during this Covid pandemic; we pray for …
for those who have died recently, especially victims of Covid 19 and of the many conflicts afflicting our world at this time
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time, in particular …

                                                    [READER]              LORD WE PRAY …
                                                    [response]            Teach us how to love …

Mary and Joseph,  pray with us for the peace and stability of the peoples of our troubled world …
                                                                                      HAIL MARY …

We pray in a moment of silence for all the families of the world…


Jesus was born in the dark of the night,  enlightened by the glory of the angels … may Christians everywhere so love in the power of Jesus that they may give the light of hope and mercy to the world of today

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was born as Angels cry out for peace on earth … may peoples of every land resist all cries for war, and instead build a future of Peace:  may the Prince of Peace be with the Palestinian and Jewish peoples of the Land of Jesus’ birth; and may we bring about miracles of peace throughout the Middle East, Yemen, and Cameroon, Burundi and Central Africa; and among all peoples denied justice and freedom

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was born homeless and poor in the stable … we pray for the 73 million refugees around the world; may we build a nation that ensures the dignity of decent housing and wages to every family, where there is room for the stranger, the refugee and those seeking safe asylum; may we build a world no longer divided between rich and poor; may we  build people of hope, healing and new life – we pray especially for all working in refugee camps around the world this Christmas while the Covid Pandemic rages

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was comforted and warmed by the Ox and Donkey … may we learn to be at one with our good earth and all creatures, no longer abusing our environment, but reverencing the divine creation, and healing our Mother Earth from the ravages of Climate Warming

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

Some 2000 years ago, Jesus was welcomed by the poor shepherds … may we find Jesus always in the world of the poor, discovering him as he walks the streets of our Inner City and among those queuing at Food Banks:  may the people among whom we live find in Jesus the Good News of great joy that will give new meaning and purpose to their lives

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

For the sick and housebound, for the elderly, isolated and lonely, for those struggling with Covid and terminal illness:  for our Health and Care workers serving all suffering from Covid during the Christmas season, and also …
for all who have died recently: … all who have died during this Pandemic andwho have perished because of war and violence around the world;
for all whose Christmas is shadowed by the memory of a loved ones anniversary, as we pray for  …

                                  [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                                  [response:]              Fill our world with Peace

Mary and Joseph,  teach us to wonder at the love that is Jesus,  and pray with us for the peace of our world


Let us bring the cries of humanity and our hearts’ needs to the new-born King…


‘Rejoice so highly favoured’ … The Angel announces the Good News to Mary … may the Church always be faithful in announcing Good News to the world, and inviting all to utter their ‘Yes’ to God’s call

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘His reign will have no end’ … we pray for all rulers and governments, that they will serve their people, not dominate them, raise up the poorest of their nations, not exploit them, build the peace not destroy it, in Burundi, Cameroon, Congo and throughout the Middle East, which so needs the Prince of Peace at this time

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ … that we will all open our lives and our community to the renewing, life-giving and empowering Holy Spirit, welcome Jesus into our hearts and so bring the intimacy and joy of God who is the Emmanuel – God with us – to the world around us

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘You have won God’s favour, Listen!’ … we may prepare our hearts more than our homes for the coming of the Saviour, and in the quietness of prayer let the Spirit to overshadow us and bring Christ to birth within us

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘The child will be holy, Son of God’ … For the children of our Inner City as their excitement grows:  may they not be hurt with a Christmas scarred by alcohol or drugs and not enough love;  may we learn true joy from the wonder in their eyes 

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘I am the handmaid of the Lord’ … that we will find joy as we, like Mary, walk the way of the Disciple, surrender ourselves to God’s love, serve the poor, seek God’s vision for our lives and our parish as we are soon to enter a New Year – we pray in particular for our sisters and brothers seeking safe sanctuary among us

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘And the Angel left her’ … we pray for all who will be sick, isolated or alone this Christmas and for …
We pray eternal life for all who have died recently, especially …  and for all who grieve at this Christmas period so scarred by Covid;
and for all whose anniversaries at this time: …

                                          [reader]                   SPEAK YOUR WORD…
                                            [people]                   OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

Mary, help us to say ‘Yes!’ to God and bear Jesus to the world especially during the many challenges this Pandemic brings…

                                                                                   HAIL MARY…

Like Mary, let us listen to the whispers of God for a moment…