PRIEST: We are gathered today for the Eucharist during this Prisons Week…to share this glimpse of the great banquet of God’s love with our sisters and brothers serving time in prison, with their families and those entrusted with the care of prisoners. We also share this Eucharist with those unjustly imprisoned in our Immigration Detention Centres for no crime except the desire for freedom and safety. It is also CAFOD Harvest Sunday when we are called to be servants of Justice and gather the poor and marginalised of the world to feast at the Banquet of the Earth in equality and dignity. We and they have been invited and called, simply because God loves us so much. The question remains: how do we respond? Do we come joyfully and with expectancy? Or do we come grudgingly and with little desire to receive? Do we allow the Eucharist really to change our lives? And who else do we invite to share the Banquet, not only of Faith, but also of Justice?
READER: For the times we ignore the invitations of God,
the promptings of His Spirit deep within us;
for the ways we silence the voice of God’s call…
For the ways we avoid the challenge of the Word of God
to change, to grow, to serve and to proclaim…
For our society that imprisons so many of the poor and disturbed,
for our society that detains for no crime and no time limitation
our asylum sisters and brothers…
PRIEST: May the Father who calls us welcome us to his banquet of forgiveness;
May the Redeemer, Jesus, break the bread of mercy for us;
May the Reconciling Spirit breath peace and new hope into our hearts
and bring us to everlasting life…