SONG TO INVOKE THE SPIRIT Shona Processional Song No 458 vv 1, 3, 5
Genesis 11: 1-9 Diverse Languages ruin the building of the Tower of Babel: so division hinders the building of the Kingdom. The Pentecost event is the healing of Babel.
Sung Response: No 936
[1] Exodus 19: 3-8, 16-20 God enters into sacred Covenant with the liberated Hebrew slaves at Mt Sinai and the people see cloud and fire – the Spirit comes to the disciples in the Upper Room in the form of mighty wind and tongues of flame. The Spirit brings the ancient Covenants to fulfilment as our hearts and community are filled with Divine Presence.
Sung Response: No 720
[2] Isaiah 61: 1-3, 6, 8-9 The Spirit anoints God’s People so that they can be servants of a perpetual ‘Jubilee Year’ – announcing Good News to the Poor and freedom to all held captive in oppression.
Sung Response: No 883 vv 1, 2, 5
[3] Ezechiel 37: 1-14 The Spirit blows through our inner deadness – as individuals and as a church – to bring us alive, to renew us, to ‘re-form‘ us as a People filled with the power of the Spirit.
Sung Response: No 302
[4] Joel 3: 1-5 Through the outpouring of the Spirit, we know the Lord is in the midst of us, and then we can dream, be visionary of a world where everyone is alive to the Spirit!
Sung Response: No 295
GLORIA Glory to God, Glory to God…
The Epistle: Romans 8: 22-27 The Spirit is at once cosmic in dynamism, drawing all creation to the freedom of the Children of God; and profoundly personal and interior – praying too deep for understanding at the core of our being.
Responsorial Psalm sung
Alleluia, acclaiming the Gospel (African)
THE GOSPEL: John 7: 37-39 Jesus is a the source, or wellspring of the Spirit, for from his heart pierced on the Cross flows streams of ‘Living Water’ into the desert of our hearts and our world, healing and giving life in all its fullness.
Richard Do you believe in the Creator Spirit given by the Father?
PEOPLE We believe that God breathed the Spirit over the chaos at the dawning of creation; that the Spirit hovered over the dark waters and brought forth Light and creation’s order and beauty.
… And so we will reverence all creation and care for our earth and fragile environment.
Mary Do you believe in the Spirit of Love flowing from the Heart of Christ?
PEOPLE We believe that God overshadowed Mary so that Jesus’ flesh was conceived in the Holy Spirit; that God anointed Jesus with the Spirit in the Jordan River for a life of Loving Service of the Kingdom – of love in word and action; and that from His broken Heart on the Cross Jesus poured forth the Water of the Spirit upon all humankind.
… And so we will share the Mission of Christ, welcome the Spirit’s Gifts and work with Jesus in the Power of His Spirit for the Kingdom.
Andrew Do you believe in the Spirit that unites us and leads us into all truth?
PEOPLE We believe that from all eternity the Spirit has united the Father and the Son in a Trinity of Love; that the Spirit brought the Church to birth in a ferment of Mission and Praise; that the Spirit challenges the People of God in every age and place to be the One Loving Body of Christ; that the Spirit through the ages guides His People to proclaim the Truth that is Christ with greater courage and deeper insight.
… And so we will seek the new ways of the Spirit for the Church in our time; to unite all God’s People that together we might Proclaim the Gospel with a renewed Power to the world of the Third Millennium.
SONG No 305
MINISTRY OF PRAYER FOR THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT Chant: Sing to the Lord, O my soul, and all that is in me proclaim God’s salvation!
Sing to the Lord, O my soul, and remember all of God’s marvellous deeds!
African Song
Spiritus Jesus Christi, Spiritus Caritatis, confirmet cor tuum (X2)
[May the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Love strengthen your heart.]
Lighting a Candle in your home (to be placed in your window at the end of the Service)
The Lord is my Light, my Light and Salvation
In God I trust, in God I trust!
While the Early Church tumbled out of the Upper Room into the Market Place to witness to Christ, we cannot leave our homes at this time, but we want to commit ourselves to the Mission of the Gospel. So we place our lit candle if possible on a window sill or outside our home (garden?).
Blessing and Dismissal No 770