Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  the Advocate … that the Church of Christ in every land will accept with courage to be the Advocate of the poor,  the powerless and the oppressed; on this Fifth Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Global Warming, ‘Laudato Si’, may the world hear the cries of the poor, the cry of the Earth – and act now!

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  to be with us forever … that those afflicted with war, oppression and famine, especially in the Middle East, and swathes of Africa,  those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction on our own streets – may they all experience the Spirit of God ever with them giving them courage

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit who leads into all truth … for all who search for truth and meaning that their search will lead them to the Truth that is Jesus; for scientists and scholars who seek to understand,  for artists, writers and poets who yearn to express Truth’s beauty, for all seeking to heal the earth of the wounds of Climate Change and to heal humanity of the Covid virus

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that is the love that unites … for families who are separated and divided,  for our parish family that we will grow in greater unity and deeper friendship among our diverse communities even as tis pandemic forces us physically apart

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that draws us to maturity … for the young people of our parish family that they will develop their gifts in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit; for our children still waiting to meet Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time

                   [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that heals … for the sick and housebound, in particular for those suffering from Covid 19 and for those who care for them, and for the sick, elderly and vulnerable of our parish and area, and …
for those who have died recently … in particular of the Coronavirus and all who died in war or famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

As Mary allowed the Spirit to overshadow her and transform her life, may she help us to welcome the same Spirit who renews the face of the Earth…

                                                     HAIL MARY… 

We pray for the promised Spirit to inspire us,  as we accept the challenge of  Mission…

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