First Sunday of Lent Year A

Jesus is tempted to turn stone into bread:  that God’s People will always hunger for the Bread of God’s Word and use only the power that comes from the Gospel, which is Love – that this Lent we will answer the call to be disciples and discover the Joy of the Gospel!

[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus is tempted to turn miracle into magic, to prefer the spectacular to the loving:  that we may open our hearts to the gift of Divine Love this Lent,  and build a Church ready to welcome all people as Children of the One God, and each of the World’s great Faiths as carrying something of Divine Truth and Love

[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus is tempted to worship power,  wealth and ambition:  that the world’s leaders will seek to serve, not dominate; seek the good of their communities, not their own petty ambitions – we pray for peace in Syria as the conflict escalates dangerously

[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus is tempted to abuse the Divine Power by making it serve his own ends:  for the work of Borderlands and our community in supporting refugees and all seeking safe asylum, that we will lovingly challenge the powerful of our city and our nation to share their power with the powerless – we pray also for the homeless of our city, and the work of the Wild Goose Café and the One25 Organisation

[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Jesus held fast in the midst of every temptation:  may the journey of this Lent see us grow in faith,  expand in hope, deepen in love; we pray especially that the prophetic voices of Greta Thunburg and the young people who gathered in Bristol on Friday will be heard and challenge every generation to take decisive to heal our lanet from the ravages of Global Warming

[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

That the sick be healed and not tempted to despair:  we pray especially for all suffering from the Coronavirus and those caring for them; and for …
for those who have died recently, especially … and all victims of the war in Syria, particularly the children;
and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:  in particular …
[Reader]         LORD WE PRAY…

Mary,  tempted but always faithful,  like Jesus, pray for us, strengthen us…

                                                              HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other and unknown needs in silence…

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